Learn to write the Chinese character "謝" by watching the stroke order animation of "謝".
Stroke by Stroke: 謝 Writing Order
Master the Chinese character '謝' stroke by stroke with visual step-by-step instructions.
Follow the Calligraphy Master: Writing '謝' Step-by-Step
Learn the proper way to write the Chinese character '謝' through a video tutorial with a
calligraphy teacher. Follow the Calligraphy Master's Step-by-Step Guide to Write the
Chinese Character '謝'. You can download the printable handwriting worksheets below and
practice writing together with pen and paper.
1. To express gratitude for the help or gifts of others. (對別人的幫助或贈與表示感激)
Examples: 感謝 (thank), 謝意 (gratitude), 面謝 (face acknowledgment), 致謝 (offer thanks).
2. To acknowledge wrongdoing; to apologize. (認錯,道歉)
Examples: 謝過 (apologize), 謝罪 (repent).
3. To decline or refuse. (推辭)
Examples: 謝絕 (decline), 閉門謝客 (shut the door to guests).
4. To wither or decline. (凋落,衰退)
Examples: 謝頂 (withering), 謝世 (passing away), 凋謝 (fade), 新陳代謝 (metabolism).
5. To tell or inquire. (告訴,詢問)
Example: 使人稱謝 ("Your Majesty respects the general").
6. To modestly decline; to be inferior. (遜,不如)
Example: 錦江何謝曲江池? (How can Jinjiang compare to Chuqing Pond?)
7. Similar to "榭", refers to a building on a platform. (同「 榭 」,建在臺上的房屋)
8. A surname. (姓)
1. To apologize for wrongdoing. (本义:向人認錯道歉)
Examples from texts: 自謝曰 (self-apologize), 長跪而謝 (kneel and apologize).
2. To decline or refuse politely. (用言辭委婉地推辭拒絕)
Examples from texts: 請許我謝 (please allow me to refuse).
3. To resign from office. (辭去官職)
Examples: 謝官 (resign from office), 謝老 (retire).
4. To take leave; to say farewell. (告辭;告別)
Examples: 謝別 (say goodbye).
5. To inform or warn. (告訴,告誡)
Examples: 謝漢使 (warn Han messenger).
6. To send greetings. (以言辭相問候)
Examples: 謝君 (send respects to the lord).
7. To express thanks. (感謝)
Examples: 感謝 (thank), 謝荷 (gratitude).
8. To pass away. (逝去)
Examples: 謝世 (death).
9. To express thanks with gifts. (酬謝)
Examples: 謝土 (thank the earth god).
10. To decline or wane. (衰敗,衰落)
Examples: 像是花必然謝 (flowers will wither).
11. To modestly decline. (遜讓;不如)
Examples: 謝拙 (humble oneself).
12. To avoid. (避免,避開)
Examples: 謝短 (avoid weaknesses).
1. An ancient town name. (古邑名)
Example: Xie town, located in present-day Henan, Tanghe.
2. A surname. (姓)
Examples: 謝女 (refers to the poetess謝道韞), 謝家 (the family of 謝安).
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