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Learn to write the Chinese character "" by watching the stroke order animation of "".

褻 stroke order animation

Stroke by Stroke: Writing Order

Master the Chinese character '' stroke by stroke with visual step-by-step instructions.

褻 step-by-step stroke order diagrams

Follow the Calligraphy Master: Writing '' Step-by-Step

Learn the proper way to write the Chinese character '' through a video tutorial with a calligraphy teacher. Follow the Calligraphy Master's Step-by-Step Guide to Write the Chinese Character ''. You can download the printable handwriting worksheets below and practice writing together with pen and paper.

Free Printable Handwriting Practice Worksheets

Printable Writing Practice Worksheet of ""
Printable Handwriting Practice Worksheet of the Chinese character 褻
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Printable Stroke Order Practice Worksheet of ""
Printable Stroke Order Practice Worksheet of the Chinese character 褻
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Meaning of

Pinyin xiè
褻 xiè 1. Underclothes; casual wear. (如:內衣;便服) - 內衣;便服。《說文•衣部》:“褻,私服。” - Casual clothes worn at home. 2. Remnants of torn clothing. (如:衣破之餘) - 衣破之餘。《篇海類編•衣服類•衣部》:“褻,衣破之餘曰褻。” 3. Disrespectful; mocking. (如:輕慢;侮弄) - 輕慢;侮弄。《廣雅•釋言》:“褻,狎也。” 4. Close; favored. (如:親近;寵倖) - 親近;寵倖。《禮記•檀弓下》:“(李)調也,君之褻臣也,為一飲一食,忘君之疾,是以飲之。” 5. Dirty; filthy. (如:污穢;骯髒) - 污穢;骯髒。如:穢褻;褻器。《禮記•内則》:“不有敬事,不敢袒褐,不涉不撅,褻衣衾,不見裏。” 6. Not solemn. (如:不莊重) - 不莊重。《北史•封懿傳》:“子繡外貌儒雅,而使氣難犯。兄女壻司空婁定遠為瀛州刺史,子繡為勃海太守,定遠過之,對妻及諸女謙集言戲,微有褻慢。” 7. Familiar. (如:熟悉) - 熟悉。《論語•鄉黨》:“見冕者與瞽者,雖褻,必以貌。” 褻 (common noun) xiè (形聲。从衣,執聲。本義:貼身的內衣) - The original meaning is intimate clothing (in English: underclothes). It also refers to casual wear worn at home. 褻 (verb) xiè - Be disrespectful; treat with irreverence; slight. 褻 (adjective) xiè 1. Close; favored. (如:親近;得寵的) - 如:特別喜愛和不當信任屬下。 2. Dirty. - 如:骯髒。 引文: 1. 《說文》:褻,私服也。 2. 班固《漢書》:思有短褐之褻。 3. 《禮記·檀弓下》:季康子之母死,陳褻衣。 例子: - 如: 褻衣(私服,家居的便服); 褻絆(內衣); 褻服(家居所穿的便服); 褻裘(平時家居所穿的皮衣)。 褻 (verb) xiè - Disrespectful; to treat someone lightly. 引文: 1. 《廣雅》:褻,狎也。 2. 《禮記·曲禮上》:祭服敝則焚之。 注:「不欲人褻之。」 3. 宋·周敦頤《周元公集·愛蓮說》:褻玩焉。 例子: - 如: 褻體(不體面); 褻尊(降低身分); 猥褻(淫亂;下流行爲); 褻狎(輕慢玩弄); 褻人(輕慢無禮的人)。 褻 (adjective) xiè 1. Close; favored. - 引文: 唐·孫樵《武皇遺劍錄》:廷臣辨之於朝,褻臣爭之於旁。 - 例子: 如: 褻人(寵幸的人); 褻臣(親近寵幸的臣子); 褻近(親近寵幸); 褻玩(親近而玩弄); 褻御(親近侍從的人)。 2. Dirty. - 引文: 《禮記》:褻衣衾,不見裏。 - 例子: 如: 褻器(指大小便所用的器具;化妝、梳洗、沐浴用的器具); 褻語(污穢的語言)。

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Pinyin xie4
Four Corner
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