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禽 stroke order animation

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禽 step-by-step stroke order diagrams

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Free Printable Handwriting Practice Worksheets

Printable Writing Practice Worksheet of ""
Printable Handwriting Practice Worksheet of the Chinese character 禽
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Printable Stroke Order Practice Worksheet of ""
Printable Stroke Order Practice Worksheet of the Chinese character 禽
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Meaning of

Pinyin qín
birds / fowl
禽 [qín] Definition: 1. A general term for birds and beasts; e.g., 五禽戏 (Wuqinxi, "Five Animal Play"). 鸟、兽的总称;例如:五禽戏。 2. Specifically refers to birds; e.g., 家禽 (jiāqín, "domestic birds"). 飞禽走兽 (fēiqín zǒushòu, "flying birds and running beasts"). 特指鸟类;例如:家禽、飞禽走兽。 3. In ancient texts, it can mean "to capture" (通“擒”); e.g., 不禽二毛 (bù qín èr máo, "not to capture without reason"). 古通“擒”;例如:不禽二毛。 4. Can also be a surname. 姓氏。 --- Meaning as a verb: 1. To hunt and capture birds and beasts; e.g., 捕获鸟兽 (bǔhuò niǎoshòu, "to capture birds and beasts"). 捕获鸟兽;例如:捕获鸟兽。 2. To capture; it can be a synonym for the word “擒” (qín); e.g., 捕捉 (bǔzhuō, "to seize"). 通“擒”;例如:捕捉。 3. To defeat; e.g.,战胜 (zhànshèng, "to defeat"). 战胜;例如:战胜。 --- Examples: 1. 走兽总名: 同本义(beasts) 2. 鸟类的总称: 二足而羽谓之禽 (birds are called "禽" because they have wings and two legs). 3. 鸟兽总称: 鸟兽之总名 (a general term for birds and beasts). 4. 捕获鸟兽: 之日狩,允禽 (on the hunting day, it was permitted to capture). 5. 通“擒”: 外仆髡屯禽之以献 (the external servant shaved his head and captured to offer). 6. 战胜: 晋不能禽也 (the Jin could not defeat them). The character "禽" encompasses a wide range of meanings and uses, primarily related to birds and beasts, as well as capturing and defeating in various contexts.
qín shòu
birds and animals / creature / beast (brutal person)
fēi qín zǒu shòu
birds and animals / the beasts of the field and the birds of the air
zhēn qín yì shòu
rare fowls and strange animals / rare birds and beasts / rare and valuable animals / rare animals and birds
měng qín
bird of prey
zhēn qín
rare bird
chù qín
beasts and birds
qín chù
poultry and livestock
jiā qín
poultry / domestic fowl
qín liú gǎn
bird flu / avian influenza
shuǐ qín
fēi qín
qín lèi
bird species / birds
qín niǎo
birds / fowl
yǎng qín
qín dàn
bird eggs
shè qín
wader / wading bird
míng qín
yī guān qín shòu
lit. dressed up animal (idiom) / fig. immoral and despicable person
qín ròu
poultry meat
yě qín

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Input Method for
Pinyin qin2
Four Corner
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