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琴 stroke order animation

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琴 step-by-step stroke order diagrams

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Printable Handwriting Practice Worksheet of the Chinese character 琴
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Printable Stroke Order Practice Worksheet of the Chinese character 琴
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Meaning of

Pinyin qín
(mus. instr.)
琴 (qín) 1. Ancient stringed instrument, initially with five strings, later increased to seven strings (also known as "seven-stringed qin"; commonly referred to as "guqin"). 古代弦乐器,最初是五根弦,后加至七根弦(亦称“七弦琴”;通称“古琴”)。 2. A general name for certain musical instruments. 某些乐器的统称。 琴 (qín) 1. Ancient stringed instrument, initially with five strings, later increased to seven strings (also known as "seven-stringed qin"; commonly referred to as "guqin"): Examples include tiao-se (a kind of qin), qin tunes, qin masters, qin intentions, play the qin, qin chess, calligraphy, and painting. 古代弦乐器,最初是五根弦,后加至七根弦(亦称“七弦琴”;通称“古琴”):~瑟。~曲。~师。~意。抚~。~棋书画。 2. A general name for certain musical instruments: Examples include steel piano, moon guitar, huqin (a traditional instrument), mouth organ, vertical piano, and violin. 某些乐器的统称:钢~。月~。胡~。口~。竖~。小提~。~书(曲艺的一种)。弹~。 琴 (qín) 【本义】: Plucked stringed instrument. Commonly known as guqin. 【本义】:拨弦乐器。俗称古琴 【造字法】: Originally written as “珡”. It is pictographic. The small seal character shape represents the shape of the musical instrument, with the top “玨” representing the strings and the bridge, and the bottom representing the body of the qin. 【造字法】:本作“珡”。象形。小篆字形,象乐器形,上面“玨”象弦和弦柱,下面象琴身。 1. Same as the original meaning ([En.] qin, a seven-stringed plucked instrument). 同本义 ([En.] qin, a seven-stringed plucked instrument). 【引】 1. From "Shuowen Jiezi": The qin is a stringed instrument. Created by Shennong, it originally had five strings, which later increased by two strings, taking a pictographic form. The ancient character comes from the sound of the word for se and the metal. 《说文》:琴,弦乐也。神农所作,洞越练朱五弦,周加二弦,象形。古文从瑟金省声。 2. From "Guangya·Shiyue": The qin created by Shennong was three feet, six inches, and six points long, with five strings, known as gong, shang, jiao, zhi, and yu. King Wen added two strings, known as shao gong and shao shang. 《广雅·释乐》:神农氏琴长三尺六寸六分,上有五弦,曰宫商角徵羽,文王增二弦,曰少宫、少商。 3. From Jin Dynasty poet Tao Yuanming's "Gu Qi Lai Xi Ci": Enjoying the qin and books to dispel worries. 晋· 陶渊明《归去来兮辞》:乐琴书以消忧。 【例】 Examples include: qin history (history about the qin); qin book (literature on qin art); qin table (qin stand or table); qin pillar (the pole on the qin used to fix the strings). 又如:琴史(琴和史籍);琴书(琴与书;谈论琴艺的典籍);琴床(琴案;琴几);琴柱(琴上用以系弦的柱) 2. A general name for certain musical instruments ([En.] a general name for certain musical instruments). 某些乐器的通称 ([En.] a general name for certain musical instruments)。 【例】 Examples include: violin, huqin, piano, harmonica. 如:提琴;胡琴;钢琴;口琴
qín xián
string (of a stringed instrument)
qī xián qín
guqin or seven-stringed zither
fǔ qín
to play the zither / classical variant of 彈琴|弹琴[tan2 qin2]
qín qí shū huà
the four arts (zither, Go, calligraphy, painting) / the accomplishments of a well-educated person
gāng qín
piano / CL:架[jia4],臺|台[tai2]
gǔ qín tái
Ancient Lute Platform / Boya Platform
Ài qín Hǎi
Aegean Sea
tán qín
to play or strum a lute or other stringed instrument
qín shēng
dà tí qín
cello / violoncello / CL:把[ba3]
gāng qín jiā
shù qín
kǒu qín
qín pǔ
music score
gāng qín qū
pianolude / piano music
shě fǔ qín kē
tí qín
instrument of the violin family (violin, viola, cello or double bass) / CL:把[ba3]
qín yīn
qín qǔ
Piano music
fēng qín
pipe organ (musical instrument)
shǒu fēng qín
qín sè
qin and se, two string instruments that play in perfect harmony / marital harmony
qín jiàn
a piano key
qín yùn
Qin Yun

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Pinyin qin2
Four Corner
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