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珠 stroke order animation

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珠 step-by-step stroke order diagrams

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Free Printable Handwriting Practice Worksheets

Printable Writing Practice Worksheet of ""
Printable Handwriting Practice Worksheet of the Chinese character 珠
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Printable Stroke Order Practice Worksheet of ""
Printable Stroke Order Practice Worksheet of the Chinese character 珠
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Meaning of

Pinyin zhū
bead / pearl
珠 [zhū] 1. A substance secreted by oysters when sand grains enter their shells, which forms round beads layer by layer. These beads are pearly white or slightly yellow, shiny, and can be used as decorations or in medicine. It is called "pearl" (also referred to as "true pearl," abbreviated as "珠"). Example: - 珠蚌 (pearl oyster) - 珠宝 (jewelry) - 珠花 (pearl flower) - 夜明珠 (night-bright pearl) - 珠玑 (a metaphor for beautiful words or poetry) - 珠联璧合 (pearls strung together, beautiful jades placed together; metaphor for talented people or beautiful things gathering together). 2. Objects that resemble beads. Example: - 汗珠 (sweat beads) - 泪珠 (tear beads) - 露珠 (dew beads). 3. [Noun] Referring specifically to pearls, small shiny, round objects formed by secretions inside oyster shells. 4. [Noun] Pearl and jade. 5. [Adjective] Describing the beauty and glossiness of things. 6. [Noun] Shiny small round objects used as decorations (e.g., beads). 7. [Noun] Drops of liquid in spherical or oval shapes. Example: - 泪珠 (tear drops) - 汗珠 (sweat drops) - 露珠 (dew drops). 引 (Reference): 1. 《说文》:珠, 蚌之阴精. (The essence of oysters.) 2. 《国语·楚语》:珠足以御火灾. (Pearls can ward off fire disasters.) 3. 《尸子》:水方折者有玉,员折者有珠. (Water bends into jade, and sections into pearls.) 4. 《淮南子·说山》:渊生珠而岸不枯. (The abyss produces pearls and the shore does not dry up.) 5. 《周礼·玉府》:珠盘玉敦. (Pearl trays and jade dumplings.) 6. 明· 崔铣《记王忠肃公翱三事》:大珠四枚. (Four large pearls.) Examples: - 所货西洋珠 (trade in Western pearls). - 公受珠 (official receives pearls). - 出珠授之 (produce pearls and grant them). - 珠户 (household collecting pearls; entrance decorated with pearls).
Zhū mù lǎng mǎ Fēng
Mt Chomolungma or Qomolangma (Tibetan) / Mt Everest / Nepalese: Sagarmatha
Zhū fēng
abbr. for 珠穆朗瑪峰|珠穆朗玛峰, Mt Chomolungma or Qomolangma (Tibetan) / Mt Everest / Nepalese: Sagarmatha
zhū lián
bead curtains
hàn zhū
beads of sweat
wū zhū mù qìn
Dōng wū zhū mù qìn qí
East Ujimqin banner or Züün Üzemchin khoshuu in Xilin Gol league 錫林郭勒盟|锡林郭勒盟[Xi1 lin2 guo1 le4 meng2], Inner Mongolia
lèi zhū
a teardrop
Zhēn zhū Gǎng
Pearl Harbor (Hawaii)
zhēn zhū
pearl / CL:顆|颗[ke1]
Zhū jiāng
Pearl River (Guangdong)
Zhū hǎi
Zhuhai prefecture level city in Guangdong province 廣東省|广东省[Guang3 dong1 sheng3] in south China
yǎn zhū
one's eyes / eyeball
pēi zhū
niàn zhū
prayer beads / rosary / rosary beads / CL:串[chuan4]
zhū zi
pearl / bead / CL:粒[li4],顆|颗[ke1]
Zhū jiāng sān jiǎo zhōu
Pearl River Delta (PRD)
yǎn zhū zi
eyeball / fig. the apple of one's eye (i.e. favorite person)
zhū jiāng kǒu
Pearl River Estuary(河口名)
shuǐ zhū
droplet / dewdrop
zhū jiāng liú yù
Pearl River Basin / Pearl River Drainage Area
yuán zhū bǐ
ballpoint pen / CL:支[zhi1],枝[zhi1]
zhū lián bì hé
string of pearl and jade (idiom); ideal combination / perfect pair
zhū cuì
pearls and jade / ornaments made with pearls and jade
chuàn zhū
rosary / a string of beads
zhū bàng
the pearl oyster

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Input Method for
Pinyin zhu1
Four Corner
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