Learn to write the Chinese character "贮" by watching the stroke order animation of "贮".
Stroke by Stroke: 贮 Writing Order
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贮 (貯)
【本义】: 积存,收藏
【造字法】: 形声。从贝,宁(zhù)声。从贝与财物有关。
1. 同本义 (侧重于保存,含有积累储存的过程)
[En.] store; hold
1. 《说文》:貯,积也。按,与宁同。因宁为朝宁义所专,复制此字。
[En.] "Zhu" means to accumulate. It is similar to "ning". The character was derived from "ning", which is used in a specific context.
2. 货物贮藏于市中。——《周礼·廛人》注
[En.] Goods are stored in the market. — Note from "Rites of Zhou: The Merchants"
3. 《吕氏春秋·乐成》:我有衣冠,而子产贮之。
[En.] "I have clothing and crowns, and Zichan stores them."
4. 晁错《论贵粟疏》:而商贾大者积贮倍息,小者坐列贩卖。
[En.] "The big traders store grains for double profit, while the small ones wait and sell."
5. 《世说新语·任诞》:厨中有贮酒数百斛。
[En.] "There are hundreds of bushels of stored wine in the kitchen."
6. 宋·沈括《梦溪笔谈·活板》:木格贮之。
[En.] "Store it in wooden grids."
7. 清·梁启超《谭嗣同传》:备贮弹药。
[En.] "Prepare and store ammunition."
8. 清·龚自珍《病梅馆记》:馆以贮之。
[En.] "The hall is used for storage."
又如: 以广贮江宁、杭州、苏州之病梅。
[En.] For example: To widely store the sick plum trees of Jiangning, Hangzhou, and Suzhou.
又如: 贮廊(厅后的房屋);贮草过冬;贮木场
[En.] For instance: Store rooms (houses behind the hall); store hay for winter; lumber yard.
2. 等待。通“伫”
[En.] wait
1. 《汉书》:饰新宫以延贮兮,泯不归乎故乡。
[En.] "Decorate the new palace to wait, will I never return to my hometown?"
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