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Animated Stroke Order of

Learn to write the Chinese character "" by watching the stroke order animation of "".

帖 stroke order animation

Stroke by Stroke: Writing Order

Master the Chinese character '' stroke by stroke with visual step-by-step instructions.

帖 step-by-step stroke order diagrams

Follow the Calligraphy Master: Writing '' Step-by-Step

Learn the proper way to write the Chinese character '' through a video tutorial with a calligraphy teacher. Follow the Calligraphy Master's Step-by-Step Guide to Write the Chinese Character ''. You can download the printable handwriting worksheets below and practice writing together with pen and paper.

Free Printable Handwriting Practice Worksheets

Printable Writing Practice Worksheet of ""
Printable Handwriting Practice Worksheet of the Chinese character 帖
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Printable Stroke Order Practice Worksheet of ""
Printable Stroke Order Practice Worksheet of the Chinese character 帖
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Meaning of

Pinyin tiě、 tiē、 tiè
fit snugly, invitation card / notice, rubbing from incised inscription
帖 (tiè) 1. A sample for imitation when learning to write. 学习写字时摹仿的样本。 2. A sample for imitation when learning to write: - A tablet. - A character model. - A painting model. 3. Written on silk, it refers to a book or label. 写在帛上的书签 ([En.] label) 4. A list of names; a register. 名册,名簿 ([En.] book) 5. A stone inscription for memorial purposes is called a "碑", and a written document is called a "帖". 铭功纪事的石刻称“碑”,书疏称“帖” ([En.] tablet). 6. Refers also to prints from stone or wood carvings, or models for imitation in calligraphy or painting. 又指石刻、木刻的拓本,书画的摹临范本 ([En.] copy). 7. A couplet or paired verse. 对联;联语 ([En.] antithetical couplet). 8. Additional meanings include: - A note. - A piece of paper to invite guests. - A slip with a person's birth information. - A measure word for certain prepared herbal medicines. --- 帖 (tiě) 1. Government documents; official papers. 官府文书,公文 ([En.] document) 2. Securities; bills; vouchers. 证券;单据;凭证 ([En.] security) 3. A brief invitation card or note. 写有简短文字的柬帖 ([En.] invitation). 4. Written or printed announcements or notices. 书面的或印刷的通告或公告 ([En.] notice). 5. An examination title from the civil service examinations historically. 科举时代明经科的考试名目 ([En.] examinations). 6. A target for archery. 箭靶 ([En.] target). 7. A container for sewing supplies used historically by women. 旧时妇女置放缝纫用品的器物 ([En.] box). 8. A label. --- 帖 (tiē) 1. Appropriate; suitable. 妥适。 2. Compliant; docile. 顺从,驯服。 3. A surname. 姓。 --- 帖 (tiē) - Adjective 1. Obedient; compliant with constraints, controls, or authoritative commands. 帖服。对约束、控制或权威命令顺从的 ([En.] obedient) 2. Stable; secure. 安定 ([En.] stable) 3. Quiet. 安静 ([En.] quiet) --- 帖 (tiē) - Verb 1. To glue; to stick on (same as "贴"). 粘。同“贴” ([En.] glue; stick on) 2. To be in close contact with. 紧挨着 ([En.] snuggle close) 3. To build by laying bricks or stones. 砌垒 ([En.] build by laying bricks or stone) 4. To supplement; to add. 添补,增添 ([En.] add) 5. To mortgage. 典押 ([En.] mortgage) 6. Additional meanings refer to: - Further expressions of the character in various contexts.
tuǒ tiē
properly / satisfactorily / firmly / very fitting / appropriate / proper / to be in good order / also written 妥貼|妥贴[tuo3 tie1]
tiě zi
card / invitation / message / (forum) post
jiē tiě
fā tiě
to post (an item on a forum)
qǐng tiě
invitation card / written invitation
míng tiě
name card / business card
fǎ tiè
choice specimen of calligraphy / model of calligraphy for practice
zì tiè
copybook (for calligraphy)
bēi tiè
a rubbing from a stone inscription
fú fu tiē tiē
submissive / docile / obedient
fú tiē
docile / obedient / appropriate / fitting / at ease / comfortable
yī tiē
A post
huí tiē
to reply to an invitation / (Internet) to post a comment on a forum topic
jiǎn tiě
a letter
lín tiè
to practice calligraphy from a model
bǐng tiě
jiǎn tiě
note / short letter
gēng tiě
Geng Tie
yù tiē
(of words) apt
fǔ shǒu tiē ěr
bowed head and ears glued (idiom); docile and obedient / at sb's beck and call

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Input Method for
Pinyin tie3
Four Corner
Stroke Number Category
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