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慈 stroke order animation

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慈 step-by-step stroke order diagrams

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Printable Writing Practice Worksheet of ""
Printable Handwriting Practice Worksheet of the Chinese character 慈
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Printable Stroke Order Practice Worksheet of ""
Printable Stroke Order Practice Worksheet of the Chinese character 慈
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Meaning of

compassionate / gentle / merciful / kind / humane
慈 [ cí ] 1. 仁爱,和善。 (Love, kindness.) 2. 特指“慈母”,多用于对人称自己的母亲。 (Specifically refers to "loving mother," often used to refer to one's own mother.) 3. 对父母的孝敬奉养。 (Filial piety and care for one's parents.) 1. 仁爱,和善:~爱。~善。~悲。~祥。仁~。~和。~眉善目。 (Love and kindness: loving affection; kindness; compassionate sorrow; gentle harmony; benevolent.) 2. 特指“慈母”,多用于对人称自己的母亲:家~。~闱。~颜。~命。 (Specifically refers to "loving mother," often used to refer to one's own mother: family mother; mother’s chamber; mother’s visage; mother’s command.) 3. 对父母的孝敬奉养:孝子~孙。 (Filial piety and care for one's parents: dutiful children and grandchildren.) 动 本义: 慈爱 造字法: 形声。从心,兹声。 1. 同本义 ([En.] love; show affection or kindness to; kindly love) 2. 对父母孝敬奉养 ([En.] give presents to one’s parents) 3. 佛教用语。佛、菩萨爱护众生,给予欢乐称为慈 ([En.] give happiness) 和气,善良 ([En.] kind; loving) 名 慈母的省称 ([En.] mother) 引: 1. 《说文》:慈,爱也。 ([En.] "Shuowen": "Cí" means love.) 2. 《庄子·盗跖》:尧不慈,舜不孝。 ([En.] "Zhuangzi": Yao was not compassionate, Shun was not filial.) 3. 《韩非子·内储说上》:夫慈者不忍,而惠者好与也。 (Those who are kind cannot bear to harm others, and those who are generous love to give.) 4. 《周礼·大司徒》:一曰慈幼。注:“爱幼少也。” (One aspect is to nurture the young; commentary: "love for the young and small.") 5. 《左传·昭公二十八年》:慈和遍服曰顺。注:“上爱下曰慈。” (Compassionate harmony is called obedience; commentary: "Loving the lower classes is called mercy.") 6. 《礼记·内则》:其次为慈母。注:“慈母知其嗜欲者也。” (Next is the loving mother; commentary: "The loving mother knows her children's preferences.") 7. 《管子·形势解》:慈者,父母之高行也。 (Kindness is the noble behavior of parents.) 8. 《贾子道术》:亲爱利子谓之慈,恻隐怜人谓之慈。 (Affection and advantage towards children is called kindness, compassion towards others is also called kindness.) 9. 《颜氏家训》:父母威严而有慈,则子女畏慎而生孝矣。 (When parents are strict yet compassionate, children will be cautious and filial.) 例: 又如:慈幼(慈爱幼儿);慈亲(慈爱双亲);慈泪(父母哀痛子女所流的眼泪) (Examples: compassionate towards children; loving parents; tears shed by parents in sorrow for their children.) 佛教用语。佛、菩萨爱护众生,给予欢乐称为慈 ([En.] give happiness). 如:慈光(菩萨大慈大悲的光辉);慈悲;慈航(佛、菩萨以慈悲之心度人,如航船之济众,使脱离生死苦海) (Examples: Radiance of compassion; compassion; the compassionate voyage.) 和气,善良 ([En.] kind; loving). 如:慈父(慈祥的父亲);慈容(慈祥和蔼的容颜);慈颜(慈祥和蔼的容颜);慈明(犹慈光);慈景(犹慈颜) (Examples: caring father; kind and benevolent visage; kind face; brightness akin to compassion.) 名 慈母的省称 ([En.] mother). 如:慈旨(慈母的教诲);慈教(慈母的教诲) (Examples: teachings of a loving mother; nurture from a loving mother.)
Cí Xǐ
Empress Dowager Cixi or Ts'u Hsi (reigned 1861-1908)
cí bēi
dà cí dà bēi
infinitely merciful
Cí lì
Cili county in Zhangjiajie 張家界|张家界[Zhang1 jia1 jie4], Hunan
cí hé
kindly / amiable
xīn cí shǒu ruǎn
Cí xī
Cixi county level city in Ningbo 寧波|宁波[Ning2 bo1], Zhejiang
cí xīn
dà fā cí bēi
have pity on / for mercy's sake / show mercy
cí méi shàn mù
kind brows, pleasant eyes (idiom); amiable looking / benign-faced
cí fù
father / loving father
cí ēn yī
Kin Yi
jì cí
Keats / John Keats
xīn cí miàn ruǎn
soft-hearted / kind heart and soft countenance
fā cí bēi
have a heart

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Input Method for
Pinyin ci2
Four Corner
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