Learn to write the Chinese character "石" by watching the stroke order animation of "石".
Stroke by Stroke: 石 Writing Order
Master the Chinese character '石' stroke by stroke with visual step-by-step instructions.
Follow the Calligraphy Master: Writing '石' Step-by-Step
Learn the proper way to write the Chinese character '石' through a video tutorial with a
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Chinese Character '石'. You can download the printable handwriting worksheets below and
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石 [shí]
【本义】: 山石 (Main meaning: mountain stone)
1. 硬块的矿物质,构成地壳的成分。 (A hard block of mineral that constitutes the crust.)
2. 指石刻作品。 (Refers to stone inscriptions.)
3. 指古代用来治病的针。 (Refers to needles used for healing in ancient times.)
4. 古中国乐器之一,八音之一。 (One of the ancient Chinese musical instruments, one of the eight tones.)
5. 姓氏。 (A surname.)
1. 石破天惊(喻文章议论新奇惊人). (Shattering like stone, meaning remarkable writing or discussion.)
2. 金石 (Referencing stone inscriptions.)
3. 药石 (Medicinal stones, or medical terms referring to advice given.)
4. 石磬 (Chime stone, an ancient musical instrument.)
5. 古针 (Stone needle, an ancient medical tool.)
6. “结石”的省称 (Abbreviation for calculus.)
7. 姓 (Surname.)
石 [shí]
1. 硬;坚固 (Hard; solid.)
2. 通“硕”。大 (Referring to something great or large.)
1. 石心 (Referring to a resolute mind.)
2. 石交 (Referring to a solid friendship.)
3. 石骨 (Referring to hard rock.)
4. 石镫 (Referring to solid armor.)
【容量单位】: 中国市制容量单位, 十斗为一石。 (Chinese unit of volume, ten dou equals one shi.)
石 [dàn]
1. 容量单位,十斗为一石。 (Unit of volume, ten dou equals one shi.)
2. 重量单位,一百二十市斤为一石。 (Unit of weight, one hundred and twenty shi jin equals one shi.)
3. 用以计量土地面积的单位,数量因地而异。例如,以十亩为一石、或以一亩为一石。 (A unit for measuring land area, varies by region such as ten mu per shi or one mu per shi.)
4. 另见 shí。 (See also shí.)
1. 十斗为一石。 (Ten dou equals one shi.)
2. 三十斤为钧,四钧为石。 (Thirty jin equals one jun, four jun equals one shi.)
3. 重不过石。 (Weight does not exceed one shi.)
4. 例: 他家有两石田。 (Example: His family has two shi of farmland.)
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