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Learn to write the Chinese character "" by watching the stroke order animation of "".

磕 stroke order animation

Stroke by Stroke: Writing Order

Master the Chinese character '' stroke by stroke with visual step-by-step instructions.

磕 step-by-step stroke order diagrams

Follow the Calligraphy Master: Writing '' Step-by-Step

Learn the proper way to write the Chinese character '' through a video tutorial with a calligraphy teacher. Follow the Calligraphy Master's Step-by-Step Guide to Write the Chinese Character ''. You can download the printable handwriting worksheets below and practice writing together with pen and paper.

Free Printable Handwriting Practice Worksheets

Printable Writing Practice Worksheet of ""
Printable Handwriting Practice Worksheet of the Chinese character 磕
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Printable Stroke Order Practice Worksheet of ""
Printable Stroke Order Practice Worksheet of the Chinese character 磕
Download the worksheet in PNG format

Meaning of

to tap / knock
磕 [kē] 1. **碰在硬东西上** - To knock against something hard. - Example: 头~破了。 (My head got hurt from hitting something.) - ~~碰碰 (Metaphor for minor conflicts between people.) - ~头碰脑。 (To knock heads.) - ~头 (Also written as “叩头”.) 2. **把东西向较硬处碰使附着物掉下来** - To knock or hit something against a harder surface to dislodge attached objects. - Example: ~打。 (To hit.) - ~烟袋锅儿。 (To knock off the tobacco pipe.) 3. **石声或鼓声** (Original meaning: the sound of stones or drums) - **石头撞击声** (Sound of stones crashing). - **物相碰声** (Sound of objects colliding). - **砍砸斩杀声** (The noise of chopping or hitting). 动 [kē] 1. **碰击,碰撞** - To knock against something hard. - Example: 云缠风束乱敲磕。 (The clouds entangled and the wind struck chaotically.) 2. **通“嗑”** - To crack something between the teeth. - Example: 黛玉磕着瓜子儿,只管抿着嘴儿笑。 (Daiyu cracked sunflower seeds with her teeth, smiling gently.) 3. **叩头,旧时的跪拜礼** - To kowtow. - Example: 爹!就这样跪着磕吧,别换衣服啦。 (Dad! Just kneel and kowtow like this, don't change your clothes.) 4. **倾侧倒下** - To fall or lean over. - Example: 磕伏 (To lay down; to lie prostrate.) 5. **通“瞌”** - To nap. - Example: 磕睡 (Napping.) 6. **套;戴;扣上** - To put on. - Example: 帽子往头上一磕; (Put the hat on the head.) 形 [kē] - **凸出** - Protruding. - Example: 磕额 (Protruding forehead.) 副 [kē] - **突然** - Suddenly. - Example: 磕搭. - Also written as “磕答” or “磕塔” (meaning all of a sudden). Overall, the character 磕 primarily conveys meanings related to collision, knocking, and impacts, as well as figurative uses for subtle conflicts and physical actions.
kè tóu rú dǎo suàn
lit. to kowtow like grinding garlic (idiom) / fig. to pound the ground with one's head
kē tóu
to kowtow (traditional greeting, esp. to a superior, involving kneeling and pressing one's forehead to the ground)
kē pèng
to knock against / to bump into / to have a disagreement / to clash
kē kē pèng pèng
stumble / reel
kē ke bàn bàn
bumpy (of a road) / limping (of a person)
kē kē bā bā
stammering / stuttering / not speaking fluently
kē dǎ
knock sth. out of a vessel, container, etc. / knock out

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Input Method for
Pinyin ke1
Four Corner
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