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旗 stroke order animation

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旗 step-by-step stroke order diagrams

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Printable Handwriting Practice Worksheet of the Chinese character 旗
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Printable Stroke Order Practice Worksheet of the Chinese character 旗
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Meaning of

banner / flag
旗 [qí] 名词 1. 用布、纸、绸子或其他材料做成的标识,多是长方形或方形。 (EN: A sign made of cloth, paper, silk, or other materials, usually rectangular or square.) 2. 中国清代满族的军队编制和户口编制(共分八旗,后又建立蒙古八旗,汉军八旗),特指属于满族的。 (EN: The military and household organization of the Manchu people in the Qing Dynasty (divided into eight banners, later establishing Mongolian and Han military banners), specifically referring to those belonging to the Manchu.) 3. 中国内蒙古自治区的行政区划,相当于县。 (EN: An administrative division in Inner Mongolia, equivalent to a county.) 4. 假借为“箕”。箕宿。二十八星宿之一。 (EN: An alternate meaning as “ji,” the name of a constellation, one of the twenty-eight lunar mansions.) 动词 号令 (EN: To issue an order.) 引证 1. “舜欲旗古今而不成。” (EN: Shun wanted to issue orders for the past and present but did not succeed.) 2. “望其旗靡。” (EN: To see the flag fluttering.) 3. “以为旗章。” (EN: To be used as a flag emblem.) 4. “旗所以立兵也,所以利兵也,所以偃兵也。” (EN: Flags are used to establish and benefit soldiers, as well as to disband them.) 例子 - 旗纛 (The large flags used by ancient armies and ceremonial troops) - 旗牌 (Military officers responsible for delivering orders) - 旗鼓 (The stance or style of combat skills, like staffs and spears) - 旗手 (The flag bearer) - 旗麾 (Commanding with a flag)
yáo qí nà hǎn
to wave flags and shout battle cries (idiom); to egg sb on / to give support to
qí hào
military banner / flag signal / (fig.) banner (i.e. false pretenses)
Kā lǎ qìn qí
Harqin banner or Kharchin khoshuu in Chifeng 赤峰[Chi4 feng1], Inner Mongolia
shēng qí
to raise a flag / to hoist a flag
qí zhì
ensign / flag
qí fān
Flag banner
qí zhì xiān míng
to show one's colors / to have a clear-cut stand (idiom)
jīng qí
gonfanon / banner
Bā qí
Eight Banners, military organization of Manchu later Jin dynasty 後金|后金[Hou4 Jin1] from c. 1600, subsequently of the Qing dynasty
Mò lì Dá wǎ Dá wò ěr zú Zì zhì qí
Morin Dawa Daur Autonomous Banner in Hulunbuir 呼倫貝爾|呼伦贝尔[Hu1 lun2 bei4 er3], Inner Mongolia
jīng qí zhāo zhǎn
Banners and pennons are flauntingfluttering / waving] in the wind.
guó qí
flag (of a country) / CL:面[mian4]
dà qí
qí xià
under the banner of
qí zi
flag / banner / CL:面[mian4]
qí páo
Chinese-style dress / cheongsam
qí gān
jǐn qí
silk banner (as an award or a gift)
qí jiàn
qí rén
Manchu / bannerman (refers to the eight Manchu banners 八旗[Ba1 qi2])
jūn qí
colors / ensign / army flag
dà zhāng qí gǔ
with great fanfare
cǎi qí
colored flag
qí kāi dé shèng
lit. to win a victory on raising the flag (idiom); fig. to start on sth and have immediate success / success in a single move
qí gǔ xiāng dāng
lit. two armies have equivalent banners and drums (idiom); fig. evenly matched / roughly comparable (opponents)
yǎn qí xī gǔ
lit. lay down the flag and still the drums (idiom); fig. to cease / to give in
Dōng wū zhū mù qìn qí
East Ujimqin banner or Züün Üzemchin khoshuu in Xilin Gol league 錫林郭勒盟|锡林郭勒盟[Xi1 lin2 guo1 le4 meng2], Inner Mongolia
Kē ěr qìn yòu yì qián qí
Horqin right front banner, Mongolian Khorchin Baruun Garyn Ömnöd khoshuu, in Hinggan league 興安盟|兴安盟[Xing1 an1 meng2], east Inner Mongolia
Dá ěr hǎn Mào míng ān lián hé qí
Darhan Muming'an united banner in Baotou 包頭|包头[Bao1 tou2], Inner Mongolia
È lún chūn Zì zhì qí
Oroqin Autonomous Banner in Hulunbuir 呼倫貝爾|呼伦贝尔[Hu1 lun2 bei4 er3], Inner Mongolia
Xiāng huáng qí
Bordered Yellow banner or Hövööt Shar khoshuu in Xilin Gol league 錫林郭勒盟|锡林郭勒盟[Xi1 lin2 guo1 le4 meng2], Inner Mongolia

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Pinyin qi2
Four Corner
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