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Learn to write the Chinese character "" by watching the stroke order animation of "".

妖 stroke order animation

Stroke by Stroke: Writing Order

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妖 step-by-step stroke order diagrams

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Free Printable Handwriting Practice Worksheets

Printable Writing Practice Worksheet of ""
Printable Handwriting Practice Worksheet of the Chinese character 妖
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Printable Stroke Order Practice Worksheet of ""
Printable Stroke Order Practice Worksheet of the Chinese character 妖
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Meaning of

Pinyin yāo
goblin / witch / devil / bewitching / enchanting / monster / phantom
妖 (yāo) [形] 1. 迷信的人指异于常态而害人的东西。 Superstitious people refer to something abnormal that harms others, e.g., 妖魔鬼怪 (demonic creatures). 2. 装束或神态不正派。 Dress or demeanor that is improper. 3. 媚,艳丽。 Seductive, gorgeous. 4. 邪恶而迷惑人的。 Evil and deceptive. [名] 1. 古称一切反常怪异的事物或现象。 Ancient term for all abnormal and bizarre things or phenomena. 2. 迷信传说中称害人的怪物。 A monster that harms people as per superstitious legends, e.g., 猫妖 (cat goblin). 3. 借指美女。 A figurative reference to beauty. 【引】 1. 妖,妍也。 "妖" refers to beauty. (from "三苍") 2. 妖夫曳衔。 Reference from "楚辞·天问." 3. 妖冶闲都。 "妖冶" means beautiful. (from "汉书") 4. 妖姬静女。 Reference from "清·侯方域." 【例】 如: 妖妍 (gorgeous); 妖姿 (gorgeous posture); 妖异 (weirdly beautiful); 妖丽 (gorgeous); 妖蛊 (bewitching); 妖姬 (beauty); 妖玩 (beauty). 【例】 如: 妖蜃 (legendary sea monster); 妖幻 (bizarre illusion); 妖邪 (weird and sinister). 【例】 又如: 妖红 (women seducing men); 妖妙 (seductively beautiful); 妖惑 (bewitchingly charming); 妖韶 (captivating beauty); 妖娇 (delicately beautiful); 妖服 (seductively dressed). 【例】 如: 妖氛 (ominous clouds); 妖星 (a star predicting disaster; e.g., a comet); 妖祥 (bad omen and good omen); 妖服 (unlucky clothing). 【例】 如: 妖童 (evil child). 【例】 如: 妖妖调调 (flirtatious and coquettish demeanor); 妖里妖气 (bewitching atmosphere). 【引】 1. 人无衅焉,妖不自作。 "If there is no provocation, the goblin will not act." (from "左传") 2. 心和而出,且为声为名,为妖为孽。 "When the heart is harmonious, it gives rise to sounds and names, becoming goblins and evil." (from "庄子") 【例】 又如: 妖变 (referring to abnormal and bizarre phenomena).
yāo jing
evil spirit / alluring woman
yāo guài
monster / devil
yāo fǎ
hex / witchcraft / gramarye
yāo dào
yāo mó
yāo rén
magician / sorcerer
yāo mó guǐ guài
demons and ghosts / ghouls and bogies
yāo shù
yāo mó huà
yāo qì
sinister appearance / monster-like appearance
yāo niè
yāo hóu
Demon monkey
yāo yàn
pretty and flirtatious
yāo ráo
enchanting / alluring (of a girl)
rén yāo
transvestite / transsexual / ladyboy
yāo yán
yāo mèi
nǚ yāo
yāo wù
yāo fēng
evil wind
yāo yán huò zhòng
to mislead the public with rumors (idiom) / to delude the people with lies
yāo yě
pretty and flirtatious

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Input Method for
Pinyin yao1
Four Corner
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