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覲 stroke order animation

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覲 step-by-step stroke order diagrams

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Printable Writing Practice Worksheet of ""
Printable Handwriting Practice Worksheet of the Chinese character 覲
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Printable Stroke Order Practice Worksheet of the Chinese character 覲
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Meaning of

Pinyin jìn
覲 jìn [verb] 1. The lords would visit the Emperor in the autumn. 諸侯秋季朝見天子。 2. A general term for presenting oneself to the emperor. 泛稱朝見帝王。 3. To pay respects and observe elders or respected persons. 拜望、省候尊者或長輩。 4. To meet with; to pay a visit. 會見;拜見。 5. To manifest; to display. 顯現;顯示。 6. To offer sacrifices. 祭祀。 7. An adverb meaning “merely” or “only.” 通“僅”。副詞。只,僅僅。 8. A reference to beautiful jade. 通“瑾”。美玉。 Further explanation: - The original meaning is that of ancient lords visiting the emperor in autumn. 【本义】:古代諸侯秋天朝見帝王 - The character is formed as a phonetic compound, which includes the component for "to see" and the sound related to "堇" (qín). 【造字法】:形聲。从見,堇( qín)聲。 - The term is used in historical texts to denote the act of subordinate officials presenting themselves to their superiors or the emperor. 1. 下級人員進見君主或上級長官。如:「朝覲」、「覲見」。 - It can also mean to visit or pay respects. 2. 拜會、訪謁。 References: 1. "The Book of Documents" states that lords would come to pay their respects to the emperor in autumn. 《說文》:諸侯秋朝曰覲。 2. "The Erya" indicates that "覲" means to see. 《爾雅》:覲,見也。 3. "Rites of Zhou" mentions that autumn meetings are called "覲." 《周禮·大宗伯》:秋見曰覲。 4. "The Book of Rites" states that when the emperor stands and the lords face north in his presence, it is called "覲." 《禮記·曲禮》:天子當依而立,諸侯北面而見天子曰覲。 5. "Shijing" mentions the Han lord’s autumn greeting to the emperor as "覲." 《詩·大雅·韓奕》:韓侯秋見天子曰覲。 6. "Rites of Zhou" describes autumn gatherings as comparisons of state merits. 《周禮》:秋覲以比邦國之功。 More examples: - 覲見三宮 (refers to paying respects to the Empress Dowager, the Empress, and the Emperor) - 覲餉 (visiting with a ceremonial feast) - 覲歲 (annual audience) - 覲嶽 (visit and worship the mountains) - 覲禮 (the ceremony of ancient lords presenting themselves to the emperor in autumn).

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