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Animated Stroke Order of

Learn to write the Chinese character "" by watching the stroke order animation of "".

卒 stroke order animation

Stroke by Stroke: Writing Order

Master the Chinese character '' stroke by stroke with visual step-by-step instructions.

卒 step-by-step stroke order diagrams

Follow the Calligraphy Master: Writing '' Step-by-Step

Learn the proper way to write the Chinese character '' through a video tutorial with a calligraphy teacher. Follow the Calligraphy Master's Step-by-Step Guide to Write the Chinese Character ''. You can download the printable handwriting worksheets below and practice writing together with pen and paper.

Free Printable Handwriting Practice Worksheets

Printable Writing Practice Worksheet of ""
Printable Handwriting Practice Worksheet of the Chinese character 卒
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Printable Stroke Order Practice Worksheet of ""
Printable Stroke Order Practice Worksheet of the Chinese character 卒
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Meaning of

Pinyin zú、 cù
abruptly / hurriedly, die / soldier
卒 [zú] 名词 1. 兵: infantry; foot soldier. 2. 旧称差役: ancient term for a servant or low-ranking laborer. 3. 死亡: death. 4. 完毕,终了: completion; end. 5. 终于: at last; finally. 同本义 1. servant dress: (historically a garment worn by servants). 引 - 《说文》:卒,隶人给事者为卒。卒,衣有题识者。 2. servant: slave or low-ranking worker. 引 - 《史记》:悉发卒数万人穿漕渠,三岁而通。 例 - 卒奴 (servant/slave). 步兵 1. infantry; foot soldier. 引 - 在车曰士,步曰卒。——《吕氏春秋·简选》注. 2. soldier; private. 引 - 宋· 司马光《资治通鉴·唐纪》: 每得降卒必亲引问之. 春秋时地方一级居民单位 1. zu, hundred soldiers. 引 - 《孙子·谋攻》:全卒为上。 古代天子统率诸侯的组织 1. zu, thirty states. 引 - 《礼记》:三十国以为卒,卒有正。 春秋时的指挥者 1. company commander. 引 - 《逸周书》:卒必力…卒不力,无以承训。 末尾,结局 1. end. 引 - 《论语》:有始有卒者,其惟圣人乎! 棋子 1. pawn. 动词 1. 终止;尽,完毕: finish. 引 - 《韩非子·解老》: 人始于生而卒于死。 例 - 卒其事; 卒时 (to finish at the designated time). 古代指死亡 1. die. 引 - 《公羊传·隐公三年》:大夫曰卒。 停止 1. stop. 引 - 《仪礼》:三饭卒食,赞洗爵酌。 副词 1. 终究;终于: at last. 引 - 《史记·廉颇蔺相如列传》:卒廷见相如。 另见 - cù: - 同“猝”. 卒 [cù] 副词 1. 同“猝”。仓促,急速: hastily. 引 - 《汉书·食货志》:行西逾陇卒。 2. 突然: suddenly. 引 - 《汉书·辛庆忌传》:则亡以应卒。
shēn xiān shì zú
to fight at the head of one's troops / (fig.) to take the lead
bīng zú
soldiers / troops
wú míng xiǎo zú
insignificant soldier (idiom) / a nobody / nonentity
xiǎo zú
foot soldier / minor figure / a nobody / (chess) pawn
fàn fū zǒu zú
lit. peddlers and carriers / common people / lower class
驿 yì zú
zú zǐ
pawn / soldier / private
shù zú
garrison soldier
zǒu zú
pawn (i.e. foot soldier) / servant / lackey (of malefactor)
bào zú
die of sudden illness / die suddenly
lì zú
yù zú
jailer (old)
cāng cù
variant of 倉促|仓促[cang1 cu4]
diū zú bǎo jū
sacrifice minor things to save major ones

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Input Method for
Pinyin zu2
Four Corner
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