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Animated Stroke Order of

Learn to write the Chinese character "" by watching the stroke order animation of "".

升 stroke order animation

Stroke by Stroke: Writing Order

Master the Chinese character '' stroke by stroke with visual step-by-step instructions.

升 step-by-step stroke order diagrams

Follow the Calligraphy Master: Writing '' Step-by-Step

Learn the proper way to write the Chinese character '' through a video tutorial with a calligraphy teacher. Follow the Calligraphy Master's Step-by-Step Guide to Write the Chinese Character ''. You can download the printable handwriting worksheets below and practice writing together with pen and paper.

Free Printable Handwriting Practice Worksheets

Printable Writing Practice Worksheet of ""
Printable Handwriting Practice Worksheet of the Chinese character 升
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Printable Stroke Order Practice Worksheet of ""
Printable Stroke Order Practice Worksheet of the Chinese character 升
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Meaning of

Pinyin shēng
to raise / to hoist / to promote / pint, ascend / peaceful, promoted
升 [shēng] **Meaning:** 1. 容量单位: A unit of capacity. ([En.] liter, litre) 2. 量粮食的器具: A tool for measuring grain. 3. 向上,高起,提高: To rise, to ascend, to promote. - 升力 (also known as 举力): lifting strength. - 升格: to upgrade. - 升华: - (1) The direct conversion of a solid into a gas. - (2) To improve and refine things. - 升迁: promotion. - 升值: appreciation. - 升堂入室: Metaphor for deepening one's knowledge gradually and methodically. - 晋升: promotion. - 提升: to elevate. **Additional Meanings:** 4. 量酒的单位: A unit for measuring wine. 5. 量器: (shēng) - a unit of dry measure for grain. 6. 古代布八十缕为升: In ancient times, eighty strands of cloth made one sheng. 7. 姓: A surname. **As a Verb:** 升 [shēng] **Meaning:** 1. 上升,升起: To rise, to ascend. ([En.] uprise) 2. 登,上: To climb or ascend. ([En.] ascend) 3. 提升: To promote. ([En.] promote) 4. 谷物登场,成熟: Grains reaching maturity. ([En.] ripe) 5. 进奉,进献: To pay tribute. ([En.] pay tribute) **Geographical/Other References:** 1. 古州名: The name of an ancient prefecture located in present-day Nanjing. ([En.] Sheng prefecture) 2. 姓: A surname. (e.g., 在宋代有昇元中)
tí shēng
to promote / to upgrade
shēng jí
to escalate (in intensity) / to go up by one grade / to be promoted / to upgrade (computing)
shēng gāo
to raise / to ascend
zhí shēng jī
helicopter / CL:架[jia4]
shēng qǐ
to raise / to hoist / to rise
pān shēng
to clamber up / (of prices etc) to rise
shēng xué lǜ
enrolment rate
huí shēng
to rise again after a fall / to pick up / rally (stock market etc)
shēng jiàng
rising and lowering
shēng rèn
to be promoted to
shēng qí
to raise a flag / to hoist a flag
háo shēng
Bì Shēng
Bi Sheng (990-1051), inventor of movable type
shēng zhì
rise to
shēng kōng
to rise to the sky / to lift off / to levitate / liftoff
shēng téng
to rise / to ascend / to leap up
shēng qiān
promote / promotion
shēng wēn
to become hot / temperature rise / (fig.) to intensify / to hot up / to escalate / to get a boost
shēng zhàng
begin to discuss military business in the tent
tái shēng
upthrow / lifting / upraise
zhuó shēng
to promote (sb) / to upgrade / to ascend
xù rì dōng shēng
rising sun / the red sun rises from the east
shēng zhí
to rise in value / to appreciate
pá shēng
to rise / to ascend / to climb (airplane etc) / to go up (sales figures etc) / to gain promotion
shàng shēng
to rise / to go up / to ascend
shēng jiàng duò
yuè shēng
to leap to (a higher position etc) / to jump / (of a plane) to ascend
dì shēng
to ascend progressively
biāo shēng
to rise rapidly / to soar

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Input Method for
Pinyin sheng1
Four Corner
Stroke Number Category
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