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Learn to write the Chinese character "" by watching the stroke order animation of "".

爬 stroke order animation

Stroke by Stroke: Writing Order

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爬 step-by-step stroke order diagrams

Follow the Calligraphy Master: Writing '' Step-by-Step

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Free Printable Handwriting Practice Worksheets

Printable Writing Practice Worksheet of ""
Printable Handwriting Practice Worksheet of the Chinese character 爬
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Printable Stroke Order Practice Worksheet of ""
Printable Stroke Order Practice Worksheet of the Chinese character 爬
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Meaning of

crawl / climb
爬 [pá] 〈动〉 1. 手和脚一齐着地走路,虫类行走:to walk with hands and feet on the ground, as insects do. 例: ~行 (crawl); ~虫 (reptiles); ~泳 (to swim by crawling). 2. 攀登:to climb. 例: ~高 (to climb high); ~升 (to ascend); ~山 (to climb a mountain); 往上~ (a sarcastic allusion to the pursuit of fame). 3. 搔:to scratch. 例: ~痒 (to scratch an itch); ~搔 (to scratch lightly). 【本义】: 搔,爬梳 (the original meaning: scratch, to comb). 【造字法】: 形声。 从爪,巴声 (morphological structure: a phono-semantic compound, composed of the radical "爪" meaning claw, and the sound component "巴"). 1. 同本义 ([En.] scratch). 2. 爬行,匍匐:躯体贴地缓慢向前行 ([En.] crawl; creep). 3. 攀登 ([En.] climb; clamber; scramble). 4. 俯伏 ([En.] lie prostrate). 5. 整治 ([En.] renovate). 6. 疏导; 发掘 ([En.] dredge). 引例: 1. 《广韵》:爬,搔也 (Guangyun: to scratch). 2. 韩愈等《雨中寄孟刑部几道联句》:怯烦类决痈,惬兴剧爬疥。 3. 白居易《自咏老身示诸家属》:支分闲事了,爬背向阳眠。 例: - 爬挲 (to scratch, to stroke); - 爬栉 (to comb, to tidy up); - 爬耳搔腮 (to act in a flustered manner); - 爬拉 (to frequently pull food into the mouth). 引例: 1. 韩愈《月蚀诗效玉川子作》。 例: - 来回爬动 (to crawl back and forth); - 缓慢地爬动 (to crawl slowly); - 屎尿失控,来不及上厕所 (unable to hold in, unable to reach the toilet in time; close to dying); - 趴在地上,无法走动 (to lie on the ground, unable to move). 引例: 1. 他们为了出风头,向上爬,却把我们踩在脚底下 (To show off, they climb up, but step on us!). 例: - 爬树 (to climb a tree); - 爬上高枝 (to associate with powerful figures); - 爬得越高,跌得越惨 (the higher you climb, the harder you fall). 例: - 爬蛋 (dialect. to give birth); - 爬窝 (dialect. to lie down and not get up); - 趴下 (to lie down). 例: - 爬栉 (to clean and organize); - 爬剔 (to pick and choose). 引例: - 发掘搜罗 (to dredge and collect); - 盗墓贼 (grave robbers).
pá pō dù
mō pá gǔn dǎ
to go through challenging experiences / to become seasoned (in one's profession etc)
pān pá
to climb
pá xíng
to crawl / to creep
lián gǔn dài pá
rolling and crawling / trying frantically to escape (idiom)
pá shān
to climb a mountain / to mountaineer / hiking / mountaineering
shàng pá
swash / run-up uprush / mount / climb up
pá xíng dòng wù
pá chóng
reptile (old or common word for 爬行動物|爬行动物)
pá shēng
to rise / to ascend / to climb (airplane etc) / to go up (sales figures etc) / to gain promotion
pá shù
climb tree
pá shān hǔ
Boston ivy or Japanese creeper (Parthenocissus tricuspidata)
pá gāo
climb / altitude / gain / mount / ascent
xiǎo pá chóng
Little crawler
pá qiáng hǔ
grape ivy / Boston ivy / parthenocissus tricuspidata
pá gé zi
(oral) to write (esp. for a living) / to spell out laboriously on squared paper
pá lí
pá shān yuè lǐng
scramble up the hills / climb mountain heights and negotiate mountain ranges / over hills and crests
竿 pá gān
pole-climbing (as gymnastics or circus act) / climbing pole

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Input Method for
Pinyin pa2
Four Corner
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