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千 stroke order animation

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Printable Handwriting Practice Worksheet of the Chinese character 千
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Printable Stroke Order Practice Worksheet of the Chinese character 千
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Meaning of

Pinyin qiān
thousand, a swing
千 [qiān] 1. Number; ten hundred (often written as “仟” in monetary notes and receipts). 数目,十个一百(在钞票和单据上常用大写“仟”代)。 2. Metaphor for a great many. 喻极多。 3. See the character “秋”, as in “秋千” (qiuqian - swing). 见“秋”字“秋千”。 4. Surname. 姓。 5. Number; ten hundred (often written as “仟” in monetary notes and receipts): 一千周 (a thousand weeks), 一千克 (one thousand grams, which equals one kilogram), 一千米 (one thousand meters, which equals one kilometer). 数目,十个一百(在钞票和单据上常用大写“仟”代):~周(无线电波频率单位)。~克(即一公斤)。~米(即一公里)。 6. Metaphor for a great many: 千里马 (a thousand-mile horse), 千言万语 (thousands of words), 千钧一发 (a thousand pounds hanging by a thread), 千虑一失 (thousands of considerations and only one oversight), 千锤百炼 (1. metaphor for multiple struggles and tests; 2. metaphor for multiple precise revisions of poetry or prose). 喻极多:~里马。~言万语。~钧一发。~虑一失。~锤百炼(❶喻多次斗争考验;❷喻对诗文做多次精细修改)。 7. See the character “秋”, as in “秋千” (qiuqian - swing). 见“秋”字“秋千”。 8. Surname. 姓。 9. Originally: number; ten hundred makes a thousand. 【本义】:数目。十百为千。 10. Word formation method: pictophonetic; combines “ten” (十) and “human voice” (人声). 【造字法】:形声。从十,人声。 11. Related reference:《说文》: 千,十百也. 【引】1 《说文》:千,十百也。 12. Examples: 千夫 (one thousand adult men); 千门 (one thousand families); 千社 (25 families per society, one thousand societies totaling 25,000 families); 千祀 (a thousand years, a millennium); 千乘 (one thousand military chariots); 千载 (a thousand years). 【例】又如:千夫(一千个成年男子);千门(千家);千社(25家为社,千社为25000家);千祀(千年,千代);总数为一千;千乘(兵车千辆);千载(千年). 13. Metaphor for a great many; numerous (many). 比喻数甚大;许许多多 ([En.] many). 14. Reference: 陆机《文赋》: 清丽千眼. 【引】1 陆机《文赋》:清丽千眼。 注:光色盛貌。” 15. Examples: 千千 (metaphor for a very large number); 千般 (numerous patterns); 千寻 (describing something extremely tall); 千钟 (abundant salary, refers to wealth). 【例】又如:千千(比喻数目很多);千般(多种花样);千寻(形容极高);千钟(丰厚的俸禄。指富贵). 16. Refers to the numerous varieties; 成千上万 (thousands and tens of thousands); 白发三千丈 (white hair three thousand lengths). 千式百样(各种各样);成千上万;白发三千丈. 17. Many people; 千丁 (many people); 千人坑 (referring to a pit where many bodies are piled). 千丁(很多人);千人坑(指堆积大量人尸的土坑). 18. Extreme quantity; 千山 (extremely many mountains); 千百 (extremely numerous); 千帆 (countless sails). 千山(极言山多);千百(极言其多);千帆(众多的帆船). 19. Metaphor for multiple materials combined into a single fragrance; 千和 (a mixture of various raw materials). 千和(多种原料合成的香). 20. Describing many people; 千指 (many fingers); 千品 (various items); 千度 (many occurrences). 千指(形容人多);千品(多种品物);千度(次数多). 21. Refers to many monks; 千衲 (many monks); 千骑 (many horses and riders). 千衲(众僧);千骑(人马很多). 22. Multiple melancholy; 千颦 (many concerns). 千颦(多愁). 23. Refers to footpath between fields; 通“阡”. 田间小路 (【英】:foot path between fields). 24. Reference: 《管子·四时》: 四政曰端险阻修封疆,正千伯. 【引】1 《管子·四时》:四政曰端险阻修封疆,正千伯. 25. Reference: 《汉书·食货志上》: 坏井田,开千伯. 【引】2 《汉书·食货志上》:坏井田,开千伯.
qiān dīng níng wàn zhǔ fù
exhort sb. repeatedly / give advice repeatedly / warn again and again
qiān dīng wàn zhǔ
repeatedly urging / imploring over and over again
qiān dūn jí
qiān dūn
qiān wàn dūn
Ten million tons
qiān hū wàn huàn
invite sb. time and again / called a great many times / call again and again / urge repeatedly
qiān shān wàn hè
innumerable mountains and valleys
线 qiān lǐ yīn yuán yī xiàn qiān
a fate match across a thousand miles is drawn by a thread
姿 qiān zī bǎi tài
in different poses and with different expressions / in thousands of postures (idiom)
qiān jiāo bǎi mèi
be exquisitely dainty and ravishingly beautiful / a thousand charms / beautiful and charming
qiān chuāng bǎi kǒng
see 百孔千瘡|百孔千疮[bai3 kong3 qian1 chuang1]
qiān kǎ
kilocalorie (Kcal)
qiān pǐ
Thousand horses
qiān mǐ
qiān lǐ
a thousand miles / a thousand li (i.e. 500 kilometers) / a long distance
qiān gōng qǐng
Thousand hectares
qiān nián
qiān bù
Thousand steps
chéng qiān shàng wàn
lit. by the thousands and tens of thousands (idiom); untold numbers / innumerable / thousands upon thousands
qiān chǐ
Thousand feet
sān qiān
Three thousand
qiān gǔ
for all eternity / throughout all ages
shù qiān
thousands / thousands of
qiān zhāng
a kind of dried pieces of bean curd
qiān hù
Thousand households
yī qiān
thousand / kilo
wǔ qiān
Five thousand
qiān fāng bǎi jì
lit. thousand ways, a hundred plans (idiom); by every possible means
jǐ qiān nián
thousands of years
gǎn kǎi wàn qiān
be filled with a thousand regrets / All sorts of feelings well up in one's mind. / be filled with regrets
qiān jiā wàn hù
every family (idiom)
héng sǎo qiān jūn
total annihilation
jù rén qiān lǐ
Thousands of miles away
jù rén yú qiān lǐ zhī wài
unapproachable / keep sb. a thousand li away / keep at arm's length / keep a good distance from sb. / put sb. beyond the pale
sì liǎng bō qiān jīn
lit. four ounces can move a thousand catties (idiom) / fig. to achieve much with little effort
yī zhì qiān jīn
lit. stake a thousand pieces of gold on one throw (idiom); to throw away money recklessly / extravagant
píng fāng qiān mǐ
square kilometer
qiān yuán
qiān zhào
qiān kè
qiān dāo wàn guǎ
to make mincemeat of sb / to hack sb to pieces (used while cursing)
yí xiè qiān lǐ
bold and flowing / flow down vigorously
qiān chuí bǎi liàn
after hard work and numerous revisions (idiom) / the vicissitudes of life
qiān líng bǎi lì
qiān fú
qiān wǎ
kilowatt (unit of electric power)
qiān bǎi nián
Thousands of Years(原创小说名)
qiān zhēn wàn què
absolutely true (idiom) / manifold / true from many points of view
qiān qiū wàn zài
qiān mǔ
Thousand acres
亿 yì qiān wǎ shí
Billion kWh
亿 yì qiān wǎ
Billion kilowatts
qiān miǎo
qiān piān yī lǜ
thousand articles, same rule (idiom); stereotyped and repetitive / once you've seen one, you've seen them all
sān qiān lì
3000 grains
qiān tóu wàn xù
plethora of things to tackle / multitude of loose ends / very complicated / chaotic
sī xù wàn qiān
fill one's mind with a myriad of thoughts and ideas / A myriad of thoughts crowd into one's mind. / A thousand thoughts came to (one's) mind. / One's mind is in a whirl .
qiān sī wàn lǚ
linked in countless ways
qiān wàn
ten million / countless / many / one must by all means
wàn qiān wǎ
million kilowatts(kw)
yī luò qiān zhàng
lit. to drop a thousand zhang in one fall (idiom) / fig. (of business, popularity etc) to suffer a sudden, devastating decline / to take a dive
qiān bān
Thousands of
qiān sōu
Thousand ships
qiān ēn wàn xiè
a thousand thanks / profuse gratitude / many thanks
qiān lǐ tiáo tiáo
from distant parts
qiān hè
qiān xīn wàn kǔ
to suffer untold hardships (idiom); trials and tribulations / with difficulty / after some effort
qiān zǎi nán féng
extremely rare (idiom) / once in a blue moon
qiān jūn yī fà
a thousand pounds hangs by a thread (idiom) / imminent peril / a matter of life or death
qiān chuí
Thousand Hammers
qiān qǐng
Thousand hectares
qiān kē

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