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Learn to write the Chinese character "" by watching the stroke order animation of "".

兰 stroke order animation

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兰 step-by-step stroke order diagrams

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Printable Writing Practice Worksheet of ""
Printable Handwriting Practice Worksheet of the Chinese character 兰
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Printable Stroke Order Practice Worksheet of ""
Printable Stroke Order Practice Worksheet of the Chinese character 兰
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Meaning of

Pinyin lán
兰 蘭 lán 名词 1. Refers to "兰草" (eupatorium) and "兰花" (orchid). 指“兰草”和“兰花”。 2. In ancient texts, it refers to "木兰" (magnolia). 古书上指“木兰”。 3. Anciently the same as "栏" (railing), referring to a livestock enclosure. 古同“栏”,家畜圈(juàn)。 4. Anciently the same as "斓", meaning variegated or colorful. 古同“斓”,斑斓。 5. A surname. 姓。 6. Refers to eupatorium, a perennial herb occurring in wet places in the mountains, with purple-red flowers, having a slight fragrance. The ancient reference to 兰 generally refers to this, not to the orchid family. 泽兰属植物的泛称,属菊科,是多年生草本植物,生于山中湿地,花紫红色,其茎、叶、花都有微香。古人所谓的兰,大抵指此而言,不是指兰科的兰。 7. Refers to orchids, a type of perennial evergreen herb and ornamental plant. 兰花。兰科。多年生常绿草本。观赏植物。 8. Refers to a general classification of the genus Cybidium. 兰属植物的泛称。 9. Refers to "春兰", also known as "兰花", "山兰", "草兰", "朵朵香". It is a perennial evergreen herb plant, with fleshy tuberous roots and linear leathery leaves, producing numerous flower stalks in early spring, each with one flower, which is pale yellow-green and fragrant. 即“春兰”。亦称“兰花”、“山兰”、“草兰”、“朵朵香”。一种多年生常绿草本植物,根簇生、肉质、圆柱形,叶线形、革质,早春由叶丛间抽生多数花茎,每茎顶开一花,花淡黄绿色、清香,供观赏。 10. In ancient references, it pointed to magnolia. 古指木兰。 11. A framework for arms (weapons rack). 兵器架。 12. Borrowed for "栏" (railing). 假借为“栏”。栏杆。 13. Borrowed for "籣" (a case for a bow and arrows, shaped like a wooden barrel). 假借为“籣”。盛弩矢之袋,形如木桶。 14. A surname. 姓 ?
Lán píng
Lanping Bai and Pumi autonomous county in Nujiang Lisu autonomous prefecture 怒江傈僳族自治州[Nu4 jiang1 Li4 su4 zu2 zi4 zhi4 zhou1] in northwest Yunnan
Lán píng Bái zú Pǔ mǐ zú Zì zhì xiàn
Lanping Bai and Pumi autonomous county in Nujiang Lisu autonomous prefecture 怒江傈僳族自治州[Nu4 jiang1 Li4 su4 zu2 zi4 zhi4 zhou1] in northwest Yunnan
āi lán
Ào lán duō
lán mǔ
rum (beverage) (loanword)
Bó lán dēng bǎo
Brandenburg (e.g. gate, concertos)
bó lán dēng bǎo mén
Brandenburg Gate
Zhā lán tún
Zhalantun county level city, Mongolian Zalan-ail xot, in Hulunbuir 呼倫貝爾|呼伦贝尔[Hu1 lun2 bei4 er3], Inner Mongolia
Zhā lán tún shì
Zhalantun county level city, Mongolian Zalan-ail xot, in Hulunbuir 呼倫貝爾|呼伦贝尔[Hu1 lun2 bei4 er3], Inner Mongolia
fú lán cí
Bō lán
Fēn lán
Yīng gé lán
西 Xīn xī lán
New Zealand
Lán zhōu
Lanzhou prefecture-level city and capital of Gansu province 甘肅|甘肃[Gan1 su4]
Sū gé lán
Mǐ lán
Milano / Milan (Italy)
西 Fǎ lán xī
hé lán rén
Hollander / Netherlander / Dutch
Sī lǐ lán kǎ
Sri Lanka / (formerly) Ceylon
lán hú
Orchid Lake
dāo měi lán
Dao Meilan
Dé hēi lán
Tehran, capital of Iran
lán zhī
Fǎ lán kè
the Franks (Germanic people who arrived in Europe from 600 AD and took over France)
xiāng lán
Haraella retrocalla / Chinese cymbidium
Běi Ài ěr lán
Northern Ireland
Lóu lán
ancient oasis town of Kroraina or Loulan on the Silk road near Lop Nor 羅布泊|罗布泊, modern Xinjiang
Kūn shì lán zhōu
Queensland (Australia)
Kūn shì lán
Queensland, northeast Australian state
Yī sī lán
Yī sī lán bǎo
Islamabad, capital of Pakistan
Hé lán
Holland / the Netherlands
Gāo lán
Gaolan county in Lanzhou 蘭州|兰州[Lan2 zhou1], Gansu
zǐ luó lán
violet (botany)
Niǔ fēn lán
Newfoundland Island, Canada
Wū lán bā tuō
Ulaanbaatar or Ulan Bator, capital of Mongolia
zhī lán
lit. iris and orchid / fig. exalted sentiments / (expr. of praise for noble character, beautiful surrounding, future prospects etc)
fēn lán wān
Gulf of Finland
fēn lán rén
Finnish / finns
Kǎ sà bù lán kǎ
Casablanca (Morocco's economic capital)
Hè lán xiàn
Helan county in Yinchuan 銀川|银川[Yin2 chuan1], Ningxia
Xī lán
Ceylon (former name of Sri Lanka)

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Input Method for
Pinyin lan2
Four Corner
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