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关 stroke order animation

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关 step-by-step stroke order diagrams

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Printable Handwriting Practice Worksheet of the Chinese character 关
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Printable Stroke Order Practice Worksheet of the Chinese character 关
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Meaning of

Pinyin guān
(surname) / mountain pass / to close / to shut / to turn off / to concern / to involve
关 关、関 guān 【Noun】 1. 闭,合拢:to close, to shut (e.g., 关门 - close the door). 2. 拘禁:to detain (e.g., 关押 - lock up). 3. 古代在险要地方或国界设立的守卫处所:frontier pass. 4. 征收进出口货税的机构:customs office (e.g., 海关 - customs). 5. 重要的转折点,不易度过的时机:key; critical juncture (e.g., 难关 - difficult crossroads). 6. 牵连,联属:to involve (e.g., 关连 - connection). 7. 旧指发给或支领薪饷:to draw; to receive (e.g., 关饷 - salary disbursement). 8. 姓:surname. 关 关 guān 【Verb】 1. 合拢,闭门:to shut; to close (e.g., 关门 - close the door). 2. 引申为幽禁、禁闭:to lock up (e.g., 关押 - imprison). 3. 通“贯”。贯通,贯穿:to pass through (e.g., 关通 - connect). 4. 牵连,涉及:to involve (e.g., 事关 - concern). 5. 闭掉,切断电源使中断:to turn off (e.g., 关电源 - cut the power). 6. 暂停营业或终止营业日:to close down (e.g., 店铺已关 - shops have closed). 7. 支领,领取:to draw; to receive (e.g., 关领 - receive). 8. 关心:to be concerned with (e.g., 关心 - care about). 9. 通“弯”。引弓:to draw (e.g., 关弓 - draw a bow).
yǎo jǐn yá guān
lit. to bite the teeth tightly (idiom); fig. to grit one's teeth and bear the pain / to bite the bullet
guān lì
guān xiāng
a neighourhood outside of a city gate
Jiā yù guān
Jiayuguan prefecture-level city in Gansu
guān shuì bì lěi
tariff wall
fēi guān shuì bì lěi
non-tariff barrier
xǔ shù guān
Xushuguan (a place name in Jiangsu Province)
Hú guān
Huguan county in Changzhi 長治|长治[Chang2 zhi4], Shanxi
guān qiǎ
checkpoint (for taxation, security etc) / barrier / hurdle / red tape / CL:個|个[ge4],道[dao4]
Guān Dǎo
Jiā yù guān shì
Jiayuguan prefecture-level city in Gansu
shì bù guān jǐ
a matter of no concern to oneself (idiom)
Jū yōng guān
Juyongguan, frontier fortress on Great Wall north of Beijing, in Changping district 昌平區|昌平区[Chang1 ping2 qu1]
Hán gǔ Guān
Hangu Pass in modern day Henan Province, strategic pass forming the eastern gate of the Qin State during the Warring States Period (770-221 BC)
guān qiè
to be deeply concerned / to be troubled (by)
xī xī xiāng guān
closely bound up (idiom); intimately related
xiū qī xiāng guān
to share the same interests (idiom) / to be closely related / to be in the same boat
bǎ guān
to guard a pass / to check on sth
guān yā
to imprison / to lock up (in jail)
jī guān
mechanism / gear / machine-operated / office / agency / organ / organization / establishment / institution / body / stratagem / scheme / intrigue / plot / trick / CL:個|个[ge4]
yǒu guān
to have sth to do with / to relate to / related to / to concern / concerning
guān jiàn
crucial point / crux / CL:個|个[ge4] / key / crucial / pivotal
xiāng guān
related / relevant / pertinent / to be interrelated / (statistics) correlation
guān zhù
to pay attention to / to follow sth closely / to follow (on social media) / concern / interest / attention
gōng guān
to storm a strategic pass / fig. to tackle a key problem
guān xīn
to be concerned about / to care about
zì zhì jī guān
governing body of an autonomous territory
guān bì
to close / to shut
guān lián
related / linked / affiliated
guān jié
joint (physiology) / key point / critical phase
hǎi guān
customs (i.e. border crossing inspection) / CL:個|个[ge4]
wú guān
unrelated / having nothing to do (with sth else)
Guān zhōng
Guanzhong plain in Shaanxi, valley of the Wei River 渭河
guān xì rén
Shān hǎi guān
Shanhai pass, the Eastern pass of the Great Wall / Shanhaiguan district of Qinhuangdao city 秦皇島市|秦皇岛市[Qin2 huang2 dao3 shi4], Hebei
Tóng guān
Tongguan County in Weinan 渭南[Wei4 nan2], Shaanxi
guān tóu
juncture / moment
shēng sǐ yōu guān
matter of life and death
yōu guān
of great concern
guò guān zhǎn jiàng
to surmount all difficulties (on the way to success) (idiom) / abbr. for 過五關斬六將|过五关斩六将[guo4 wu3 guan1 zhan3 liu4 jiang4]
guò wǔ guān zhǎn liù jiàng
lit. to cross five passes and slay six generals (idiom) / fig. to surmount all difficulties (on the way to success)
wú guān hóng zhǐ
be of no great importance / a matter of no consequence
ài mèi guān xì
shady relationship / affair / adulterous relationship
Zhōng guān cūn
Zhongguancun neighborhood of Beijing, containing Peking University, famous for electronics shops and bookstores
méi guān xi
it doesn't matter
guān shè
to relate (to) / to concern / to involve / connection / relationship
guān wèi zhēn
Guan Weizhen
mò bù guān xīn
not the least bit concerned / completely indifferent
Tóng guān Xiàn
Tongguan County in Weinan 渭南[Wei4 nan2], Shaanxi
guān jié yán
guān xi
relation / relationship / to concern / to affect / to have to do with / guanxi / CL:個|个[ge4]
guān zhào
to take care / to keep an eye on / to look after / to tell / to remind
guān ài
to show concern and care for
yá guān
jaw / mandibular joint
Guān Yǐng shān
Michelle Kwan (1980-), former American figure skater, Olympic medalist
wú guān tòng yǎng
not to affect sb / irrelevant / of no importance / insignificant
bù guān tòng yǎng
unimportant / of no consequence
guān yú
pertaining to / concerning / with regard to / about / a matter of
guān shuì
customs duty / tariff
rén jì guān xì
interpersonal relationship
shēng chǎn guān xì
relations between levels of production / socio-economic relations
jǐn yào guān tóu
urgent and important moment (idiom); critical juncture
jī guān suàn jìn tài cōng míng
The agency is too smart
zhǒu guān jié
elbow joint / articulation cubiti
jiān guān jié
shoulder joint / articulatio humeri
guān hū
to relate to / concerning / about
xī guān jié
knee / knee-joint / articulatio genus
zhì guān zhòng yào
extremely important / vital / crucial / essential
qún dài guān xi
favoritism shown to sb because of the influence of the person's wife or other female relative / (by extension) favoritism towards relatives, friends or associates
diào guān zhèn
Tiaoguan Town
yǒu yì guān
Friendship Pass / Youyi Guan
huái guān jié
ankle / ankle joint
bì guān suǒ guó
to close the passes and seal off the country / to close a country to exclude foreign contact
yàn mén guān
Yanmen Pass
guān jiàn zì
guān jiàn xìng
guān jiàn cí
guān jiàn diǎn
key point / critical point
guān jiàn qī
critical period
bì guān
to close the passes / to seal off the country / seclusion (monastic practice, e.g. of Chan Buddhists)
bì guān zì shǒu
close the country to international intercourse
chuǎng guān
to crash through a barrier
chuǎng guān dōng
brave the journey to Northeast
guān zhá
apply the brake / switch off
guān ài
mountain pass
guān lù
Guan Lu
kuān guān jié
pelvis / hip joint
Sháo guān
Shaoguan prefecture level city in Guangdong
Sháo guān shì
Shaoguan prefecture level city in Guangdong province
guǐ mén guān
the gates of hell

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