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Animated Stroke Order of

Learn to write the Chinese character "" by watching the stroke order animation of "".

嘉 stroke order animation

Stroke by Stroke: Writing Order

Master the Chinese character '' stroke by stroke with visual step-by-step instructions.

嘉 step-by-step stroke order diagrams

Follow the Calligraphy Master: Writing '' Step-by-Step

Learn the proper way to write the Chinese character '' through a video tutorial with a calligraphy teacher. Follow the Calligraphy Master's Step-by-Step Guide to Write the Chinese Character ''. You can download the printable handwriting worksheets below and practice writing together with pen and paper.

Free Printable Handwriting Practice Worksheets

Printable Writing Practice Worksheet of ""
Printable Handwriting Practice Worksheet of the Chinese character 嘉
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Printable Stroke Order Practice Worksheet of ""
Printable Stroke Order Practice Worksheet of the Chinese character 嘉
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Meaning of

Pinyin jiā
嘉 [jiā] 1. 善、美 (good; beautiful) - 例:嘉言 (beautiful words), 嘉宾 (honored guest), 嘉言懿行 (laudable words and virtuous conduct) 2. 夸奖、赞许 (to praise; to commend) - 例:嘉奖 (to award; commendation), 嘉许 (to praise), 嘉勉 (to encourage) 3. 吉庆、幸福 (good fortune; happiness) - 例:嘉祥 (auspicious omen), 嘉偶 (fortunate couple) 4. 欢乐 (joy; happiness) - 例:嘉会 (joyous gathering) 5. 姓 (a surname) --- 嘉 [jiā] 形 - 本义: 善、美 (beauty; goodness) - 造字法: 形声 (a phonetic-ideographic character; composed of 壴 [zhù], plus a phonetic component) 1. 同本义 (the same as the original meaning) [En. beautiful; fine; good] 引 - 1 《说文》:嘉,美也。(In Shuowen, 嘉 means beauty.) - 2 《尔雅》:嘉,善也。(In Erya, 嘉 means good.) - 3 《易·随》:孚于嘉。(In Yi Jing, it refers to trust in beauty.) - 4 《书·无逸》:嘉靖殷邦。(In Shangshu, it refers to the auspiciousness in a prosperous nation.) - 5 《周礼·大宗伯》:以嘉视亲万民。(In Zhouli, it refers to respecting all people.) - 例:嘉羞 (delicious food), 嘉况 (generous rewards), 嘉言 (good and beautiful words), 嘉祉 (good fortune) 2. 幸福;吉祥 (happy; lucky) - 例:嘉祥 (auspicious sign), 嘉娱 (joyful happiness), 嘉气 (auspicious air), 嘉福 (happy blessings), 嘉祯 (auspicious omen) 3. 乐;欢娱 (happy) - 例:嘉庆 (auspicious events to celebrate), 嘉虞 (joy), 嘉慰 (comfort), 嘉容 (joyful expression) --- 嘉 [jiā] 动 1. 赞美、称道、颂扬事物的美好 (to laud; to praise) - 例:嘉纳 (to commend and accept), 嘉贶 (to reward), 嘉与 (to award generously) 引 - 1 《国语·晋语》:嘉吾子之赐。(In Guoyu, it refers to appreciating the gift of my son.) - 2 《汉书·李广苏建传》:武帝嘉其义。(In Han Shu, Emperor Wu praised his righteousness.) - 3 唐· 韩愈《师说》:嘉其能行古道。(In Han Yu's Teacher Discourse, it praises his ability to follow ancient ways.) --- 嘉 [jiā] 名 1. 古代五礼之一;包括冠、婚、贺庆、飨、宴等的礼仪 (one of the ancient five ceremonies; including rites for crowning, weddings, celebrations, banquets, etc.) - 例:嘉礼 (ceremonies; ancient rites) 引 - 1 吉、凶、军、宾、嘉 (the five types of ceremonies: auspicious, inauspicious, military, guest, and celebratory) 2. 之一 (one of; referring to rites for food, weddings, crowning, banquets, and celebrations)
jiā bīn
esteemed guest / honored guest / guest (on a show)
Jiā yú xiàn
Jiayu county in Xianning 咸寧|咸宁[Xian2 ning2], Hubei
Jiā qìng
Jiaqing Emperor (1760-1820), seventh Qing emperor, personal name 顒琰|颙琰[Yong2 yan3], reigned 1796-1820
Jiā dìng
Jiading district of northwest Shanghai / final reign name 1208-1224 of South Song emperor Ningzong 寧宗|宁宗[Ning2 zong1]
jiā lǐ
Kerry Properties Limited(嘉里建设有限公司)
Jiā yù guān
Jiayuguan prefecture-level city in Gansu
Jiā yù guān shì
Jiayuguan prefecture-level city in Gansu

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Input Method for
Pinyin jia1
Four Corner
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