Learn to write the Chinese character "税" by watching the stroke order animation of "税".
Stroke by Stroke: 税 Writing Order
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税 [shuì]
1. A monetary or physical commodity collected by the state from enterprises, collectives, or individuals.
2. A surname.
名 (noun)
【本义】:田赋, 征收的农产品
Original Meaning: Crop tax collected.
Character Formation: Phono-semantic compound.
1. Same as the original meaning (tallage).
同本义 ([En.] tallage)
2. Broadly refers to all types of taxes.
泛指一切赋税 ([En.] tax)
3. Fine and thin cloth used for mourning attire.
细疏布制的丧服 ([En.] fine and thin cloth)
4. Interest.
利息 ([En.] interest)
动 (verb)
1. To levy or settle taxes.
征收或交纳赋税 ([En.] levy a tax; pay taxes; collect taxes)
2. To hire.
租赁 ([En.] hire)
3. To release or free from burden.
释放,解脱 ([En.] unharness)
4. Used for gifts to the deceased; later it broadly refers to giving gifts.
通“禭” ([En.] present)
5. To trade.
买卖 ([En.] trade)
6. To rest.
息,休止 ([En.] rest)
引 (quote)
1. 《说文》: 税, 租也。
2. "Collecting money is called tax, collecting grain is called tax, and land tax is called rent." —《急就篇》注
3. "Initially taxing per acre." —《谷梁传·宣公十五年》
4. "Tax ten for one." —《大戴礼记·主言》
5. "There are taxes and levies. Note: 'Tax' refers to land rent." —《汉书·食货志》
6. "Discuss the benefits of the nine taxes." —《周礼·掌交》
7. "There are taxes and levies; taxes to feed people, levies to sustain the army." —《汉书·刑法志》
例 (example)
- Tax policies (税政)
- Tax collection (税收)
- Tax merchants (税珰)
- Tax on grain (税粮)
- Tax items (税项)
- Tax levies (税赋)
- Tax records (税课)
- Tax and leasing (税租)
- Tax income (税银)
引 (quote)
1. "There are light and heavy taxes for the outgoers." —《韩非子·外储说右下》
2. "Farmers bear the brunt of heavy taxes." —《韩非子·显学》
3. "Goods continue to arrive at the market; the bridge tolls tax merchant ships." —唐·王建《汴路即事》
4. "This mountain, with cliffs and shade, does not tax the officials, nor is subject to palace duties." —明·顾炎武《复庵记》
例 (example)
- Taxpayers (税民)
- Tax revenue (税入)
- Tax households (税户)
- Tax records (税名)
- Tax collectors (税吏)
- Tax receipts (税帖)
引 (quote)
1. "Offering housing for rent..." —唐·白行简《李娃传》
2. "Rental homes (税居), rental grain (税米), rental housing (税屋)."
引 (quote)
1. "The guests from Zheng are those who have contributed; let them be freed." —《左传·成公九年》
2. "Asking for release when drawing the bow." —《墨子·三辩》
引 (quote)
1. "Those unqualified dare not present gifts." —《礼记·檀弓上》
2. "Before visiting the mother of Pingyuan Jun, he brought a hundred taels as a gift." —《史记·郦生·陆贾传》
例 (example)
- Gift givers (税人)
- Gift towns (税邑)
例 (example)
- Tax contract (税契)
- Parking (税车)
- Rest (税息)
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