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Learn to write the Chinese character "" by watching the stroke order animation of "".

积 stroke order animation

Stroke by Stroke: Writing Order

Master the Chinese character '' stroke by stroke with visual step-by-step instructions.

积 step-by-step stroke order diagrams

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Free Printable Handwriting Practice Worksheets

Printable Writing Practice Worksheet of ""
Printable Handwriting Practice Worksheet of the Chinese character 积
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Printable Stroke Order Practice Worksheet of ""
Printable Stroke Order Practice Worksheet of the Chinese character 积
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Meaning of

to amass / to accumulate / to store / old / long-standing
积 (jī) 1. 聚集: To gather or amass. - Example: 积少成多 (To gather small amounts to create a large sum). - Example: 处心积虑 (To plot against someone). - Example: 积储 (To store up). - Example: 积愤 (To harbor resentment). - Example: 积郁 (To accumulate depression). - Example: 积怨 (To accumulate grievances). - Example: 积愿 (To compile wishes). - Example: 积累 (To accumulate). 2. 数学上指乘法运算的得数: In mathematics, it refers to the result of multiplication. - Example: 积数 (The factor). - Example: 乘积 (The product). - Example: 体积 (Volume). - Example: 容积 (Capacity). 积 (jī) 1. 【本义】: 堆积谷物: The original meaning is to pile up grain. 2. 【造字法】: 形声: Phonetic compound, combining "禾" (grain) indicating a relationship with agriculture. 1. 同本义 (Amass; store up). - Reference: 《说文》: "积, 聚也" (Accumulation refers to gathering). - Example: 积谷 (To store up grain). - Example: 积仓 (Granary for storing grain). 2. 累积; 堆叠 (Accumulate). - Reference: 《荀子·劝学》: "积土成山" (Accumulating earth makes a mountain). - Example: 积石 (Piled stones). 3. 蕴积,积蓄 (Hold in store; be latent). - Reference: 《史记·平准书》: Merchants accumulate goods for profit. 4. 滞留 (Stagnate). - Example: 积污 (Accumulated filth). 5. 累计 (Add up). - Reference: 《唐· 柳宗元》: "积于今" (Accumulate to the present). 积 (jī) 1. 指贮积起来的钱物等 (Accumulated). - Example: 积陈 (Stored provisions). 2. 中医指儿童消化不良的病 (Indigestion). - Example: 积痞 (A hard mass detectable in the body cavity). 3. 乘积的简称,即由两个或两个以上的数或量相乘所得出的数或量 (Product). - Example: 求积 (To obtain the product). 4. 通“襀”。衣裙的褶子 (Wrinkles of the clothing). 5. 通“绩”。功劳 (Achievement; merit). 积 (jī) 1. 长久 (Long-standing). - Example: 积日累岁 (Describes a long period of time). 2. 习惯的; 积久渐成的 (Habitual). - Example: 积窃 (Habitual thief).
tún jī
to stock up / to lay in supplies / to hoard (for speculation) / to corner the market in sth
tún jī jū qí
to hoard and profiteer / to speculate
jī gòu
deeply accumulated filth
duī jī
to pile up / to heap / accumulation
duī jī rú shān
to pile up like a mountain (idiom) / a mountain of (paperwork etc) / a large number of sth
duī jī wù
yuán shǐ jī lěi
primitive accumulation / primary accumulation
tún jī
Tun plot
jī cǎo tún liáng
to store up provisions against a war
chén jī yán
sedimentary rock (geology)
jī bì
age-old (malpractice) / long established (corrupt practices) / deeply rooted (superstition)
jī jí xìng
zeal / initiative / enthusiasm / activity
jī yuàn
grievance / accumulated rancor
zǒng miàn jī
total area / gross area
chōng jī shàn
alluvial fan / alluvial apron
chōng jī píng yuán
alluvial plain
chōng jī
to alluviate / alluviation / alluvial
jī zǎn
to save bit by bit / to accumulate
jī jí
active / energetic / vigorous / positive (outlook) / proactive
jī fēn bǎng
table of scores (in exams or sports league)
jī chǔ
store up
jī qiàn
have one's debts piling up
yū jī
to silt up / silt / sediment / ooze / slurry
chén jī
sediment / deposit / sedimentation (geology)
chén jī wù
jī diàn
deposits accumulated over long periods / fig. valuable experience, accumulated wisdom
jī wēn
accumulated temperature / cumulative temperature
gān jī
malnutritional stagnation / infantile malnutrition
miàn jī
area (of a floor, piece of land etc) / surface area / tract of land
chéng jī
product (result of multiplication)
jī lěi
to accumulate / accumulation / cumulative / cumulatively
tǐ jī
volume / bulk / CL:個|个[ge4]
jī fēn
integral (calculus) / accumulated points (in sports, at school etc) / total credits earned by student / bonus points in a benefit scheme
jī xuě
snow / snow cover / snow mantle
gōng jī jīn
official reserves / accumulated fund
dà miàn jī
large area / large tracts of land
jī xù
to save / to put aside / savings
jī jù
to coalesce / to gather together / to amass
jī shuǐ
to collect water / to be covered with water / to pond / accumulated water / ponding
xù jī liàng
amount of growing stock / stand volume
jiàn zhù miàn jī
area of structure / covered area
lěi jī
to accumulate
rì jī yuè lěi
to accumulate over a long period of time
xù jī
to accumulate / to store up
chǔ xīn jī lǜ
to plot actively (idiom) / scheming / calculating
jī zhòng nán fǎn
ingrained habits are hard to overcome (idiom); bad old practices die hard
yù jī
smouldering / pent-up
jī yù
pent-up frustrations / sth that has accumulated in one's mind for a long time

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Pinyin ji1
Four Corner
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