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Animated Stroke Order of

Learn to write the Chinese character "" by watching the stroke order animation of "".

厂 stroke order animation

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厂 step-by-step stroke order diagrams

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Free Printable Handwriting Practice Worksheets

Printable Writing Practice Worksheet of ""
Printable Handwriting Practice Worksheet of the Chinese character 厂
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Printable Stroke Order Practice Worksheet of ""
Printable Stroke Order Practice Worksheet of the Chinese character 厂
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Meaning of

Pinyin chǎng、 ān
cliff / slope / factory / yard / depot / workhouse / works / (industrial) plant
厂 chǎng 1. 工厂。 [En.] Factory; manufacturing facility. 2. 有空地可以存货或进行加工的地方。 [En.] A place with empty space for storing goods or processing materials. 3. 棚舍。 [En.] Shed; wall-less house. 4. 中国明代为加强专制统治而设的特务机关。 [En.] A secret service organization established during the Ming Dynasty to strengthen autocratic rule. 5. 另见 ān。 [En.] See also ān. 详细释义: 1. 没有墙壁的简易房屋。 [En.] Wall-less house. 【例】又如:厂屋(棚舍;无隔墙的房屋). [En.] For example: a shed (a house with no partition walls). 2. 马屋;牲口棚子。 [En.] Stable. 【引】1 《齐民要术》:架北墙为厂。 [En.] "Build a north wall as a shed." (from Qi Min Yao Shu). 3. 工厂。 [En.] Factory. 【引】1 《明史·食货志》:正德十四年,广州置铁厂。 [En.] "In the 14th year of the Zhengde era, an iron factory was established in Guangzhou." (from Ming Shi, Section on Food and Goods). 【例】又如:纱厂;钢厂;面粉厂;纺织厂;造纸厂;木器厂。 [En.] For example: cotton mill; steel plant; flour mill; textile factory; paper mill; woodwork factory. 4. 明代的一种特务机构。 [En.] A covert organization during the Ming Dynasty. 【例】如:厂臣(明东厂、西厂的主官);厂狱(指明代东厂、西厂囚禁犯人的牢狱)。 [En.] Such as: a manager of the Ming dynasty's Eastern or Western factory; a prison for those detained by the Eastern or Western factories of the Ming dynasty. 5. 另见 ān。 [En.] See also ān. 其他释义: 1. 山边岩石突出覆盖处,人可居住的地方。 [En.] A place on the mountain where rocks protrude and people can reside. 2. 同“䉷”。 [En.] Same as "䉷". 3. 同“庵”,多用于人名。 [En.] Same as "庵", often used in personal names. 厂 ān 1. 同“庵”。 [En.] Same as "庵" (hut). Often used in personal names. 2. 另见 chǎng。 [En.] See also chǎng.
pí jiǔ chǎng
chǎng zhǐ
factory site / location
chǎng zhǎng
factory director
chǎng shāng
manufacturer / producer
chǎng jiā
factory / factory owners
chǎng fáng
a building used as a factory / factory (building) / CL:座[zuo4],棟|栋[dong4]
jī xiè chǎng
machinery works
gāng chǎng
a steelworks
chǎng lǐ
fǎng zhī chǎng
textile factory / cotton mill
qì cái chǎng
Equipment factory
lín féi chǎng
phosphate fertilizer plant
dì tǎn chǎng
Carpet factory
tiáo wèi pǐn chǎng
Spice Factory
dì bǎn chǎng
Floor factory
diàn chǎng
electric power plant
chuán chǎng
shipyard / shipbuilder's yard
zhì zào chǎng
manufacturing plant / factory
zào chuán chǎng
dockyard / shipyard
zhì piàn chǎng
film studio
yào chǎng
pharmaceutical factory
yìn shuā chǎng
printing house / print shop
gōng chǎng
factory / CL:家[jia1],座[zuo4]
yě liàn chǎng
smeltery / smelting plant
mù cái chǎng
timber mill
guāng huá mù cái chǎng
Guanghua Timber Factory
chái yóu jī chǎng
diesel engine plant / diesel engine factory
máo tǎn chǎng
Blanket factory
dàn féi chǎng
nitrogenous fertilizer plant
liàn yóu chǎng
oil refinery
bō li chǎng
zhuān chǎng
brickyard / brickfield
zhuān wǎ chǎng
bricks and tiles plant
niǎn mǐ chǎng
Rice mill
shā chǎng
cotton mill / textile factory
zào zhǐ chǎng
paper mill
mián fǎng zhī chǎng
cotton mill
diàn lǎn chǎng
cable works
sāo sī chǎng
filature / reeling mill
guàn tou chǎng
packinghouse / canning factory
pú táo jiǔ chǎng
winery / wine plant
zhá gāng chǎng
a steel rolling mill
yà huā chǎng
niàng jiǔ chǎng
brewery / brewhouse / winery / distillery
gāng tiě chǎng
iron and steel works / steelworks
jiǎ féi chǎng
Potash Plant
lǚ chǎng
aluminium manufacturer
zhù zào chǎng
jobbing foundry / foundry work
zhù bì chǎng
jù mù chǎng
saw mill / timber mill
sì liào chǎng
feed factory / feed mill / feed plant

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Input Method for
Pinyin chang3
Four Corner
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