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Learn to write the Chinese character "" by watching the stroke order animation of "".

嘗 stroke order animation

Stroke by Stroke: Writing Order

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嘗 step-by-step stroke order diagrams

Follow the Calligraphy Master: Writing '' Step-by-Step

Learn the proper way to write the Chinese character '' through a video tutorial with a calligraphy teacher. Follow the Calligraphy Master's Step-by-Step Guide to Write the Chinese Character ''. You can download the printable handwriting worksheets below and practice writing together with pen and paper.

Free Printable Handwriting Practice Worksheets

Printable Writing Practice Worksheet of ""
Printable Handwriting Practice Worksheet of the Chinese character 嘗
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Printable Stroke Order Practice Worksheet of ""
Printable Stroke Order Practice Worksheet of the Chinese character 嘗
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Meaning of

Pinyin cháng
indicator of past tense / to taste / flavor / already / ever / once / test / already / formerly, to taste
嘗 1. 辨別滋味。通“嚐”。 - To distinguish flavors. (Dialects with similar meaning: "嚐") 2. 試探﹑試驗。 - To test or experiment. 3. 經歷。 - To experience. 4. 曾經。 - Once or formerly. 5. 古代秋天的祭祀之一。 - One of the ancient autumn rituals. 6. 姓。如秦代有嘗頞。 - A surname, such as 嘗頞 from the Qin dynasty. 1. 辨別滋味。通“嚐”。《禮記·曲禮下》:“君有疾,飲藥,臣先嘗之。” - To distinguish flavors. (Dialect with similar meaning: "嚐") "Li Ji: Qu Li Xia": 'If the lord is ill and drinks medicine, the minister first tastes it.' 2. 試探﹑試驗。《左傳•襄公十八年》:“諸侯方睦於晉,臣請嘗之。”杜預•注:“嘗,試其難易也。” - To test or experiment. "Zuo Zhuan: Xiang Gong Year 18": 'The feudal lords are in harmony with Jin; I request to test it.' Du Yu's note: '嘗 refers to testing its difficulty or ease.' 3. 經歷。如:“艱苦備嘗”﹑“飽嘗戰禍”。 - To experience, e.g., "艱苦備嘗" (have endured hardships) and "飽嘗戰禍" (have deeply experienced the ravages of war). 4. 曾經。《論語•述而》:“子食於有喪者之側,未嘗飽也。” - Once. "Lunyu: Shu Er": 'When the Master ate beside a mourner, he had never been fully satisfied.' 5. 古代秋天的祭祀之一。《詩經•小雅•天保》:“禴祠烝嘗,于公先王。”毛亨•傳:“秋曰嘗。” - One of the ancient autumn rituals. "Shijing: Xiao Ya: Tian Bao": 'In the sacrificial ritual, there was the autumn offering, to the kings before.' 6. 姓。如秦代有嘗頞。 - A surname, e.g., 嘗頞 during the Qin dynasty. 动词 辨别滋味。通「嚐」。《礼记.曲礼下》:「君有疾,饮药,臣先尝之。」 - Verb: To distinguish flavors. (Dialects with similar meaning: "嚐") "Li Ji: Qu Li Xia": 'If the lord is ill and drinks medicine, the minister first tastes it.' 动词 试探、试验。《左传.襄公十八年》:「诸侯方睦于晋,臣请尝之。」晋.杜预.注:「尝,试其难易也。」 - Verb: To test or experiment. "Zuo Zhuan: Xiang Gong Year 18": 'The feudal lords are in harmony with Jin; I request to test it.' Du Yu's note: '嘗 refers to testing its difficulty or ease.'

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