Learn to write the Chinese character "复" by watching the stroke order animation of "复".
Stroke by Stroke: 复 Writing Order
Master the Chinese character '复' stroke by stroke with visual step-by-step instructions.
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again / recover / reply to a letter / to repeat / to duplicate, repeat, double, overlap
复 fù
1. 回去,返:to return, to go back.
- 反复:to repeat, to go back and forth.
- 往返:to go and return.
2. 回答,回报:to reply, to respond.
- 复命:to reply to a summons.
- 复信:to respond to a letter.
- 复仇:to take revenge.
3. 还原,使如前:to restore, to revert to the original state.
- 复旧:to restore to old condition.
- 复婚:to remarry.
- 复职:to reinstate.
- 光复:to recover territory.
- 复辟:to restore a former regime.
4. 副词,又,再:adverb, again, once more.
- 死灰复燃:the ashes rekindle.
- 一去不复返:once gone, never to return.
5. 重复,重叠:to repeat, to overlap.
- 复习:to review.
- 复诊:to have a follow-up visit.
- 复审:to re-examine.
- 复现:to reappear.
- 复议:to revisit a discussion.
6. 许多的,不是单一的:numerous, not singular.
- 重复:repeated.
- 繁复:complex, intricate.
- 复杂:complicated.
- 复姓:compound surname.
复 fù
【本义】: 返回,回来 (to return, to come back)
【造字法】: 形声 (pictophonetic). The form in small seal script includes the ideogram "攵" (indicating foot or walking), and the phonetic element "畐" (which has the meaning of fullness). Over time, it was further modified by adding the ideogram "彳" (walking), eventually simplifying to "复".
1. 回去,返 ([En.] return to)
- 例:往来也 (a mutual return).
2. 引申为恢复 ([En.] restore)
- 例:兴复汉室 (reviving the Han dynasty).
3. 回归,还原 ([En.] return)
- 例:城复为齐 (cities reverted back to Qi).
4. 回答 ([En.] reply)
- 例:不敢出一言以复 (dared not reply a word).
5. 报复 ([En.] retaliate)
- 例:复怨 (to take revenge).
6. 履行,实践 ([En.] carry out)
- 例:复言 (to fulfill a promise).
7. 古称人死后招其魂归来 ([En.] revive)
- 例:复魂 (to revive a soul).
8. 免除 ([En.] remit)
- 例:复租 (remit taxes).
9. 覆盖,引申为庇护 ([En.] cover; protect; shelter)
- 例:复土 (to cover with soil).
复 複 fù
1. 有里的衣服,即夹衣 ([En.] lined garment, dress, etc.)
- 例:复裈 (dual-layer trousers).
2. 远古人居住的洞穴 ([En.] cave).
- 例:复穴 (ancient dwelling).
3. 中医指七方之一的复方 ([En.] compound).
- 例:复药 (medicinal compound).
复 複 fù
1. 重复;繁复 ([En.] compound; complex)
- 例:复用 (to use repeatedly).
2. 夹层 ([En.] double)
- 例:复道 (suspended pathway between buildings).
3. 重叠 ([En.] overlapping)
- 例:复岭 (overlapping peaks).
同「復」 (the same as "复").
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