Learn to write the Chinese character "友" by watching the stroke order animation of "友".
Stroke by Stroke: 友 Writing Order
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友 [yǒu]
【本义】: 朋友
1. 彼此有交情的人。 [En.] A person with mutual affection.
例: 朋~。[En.] Friend.
~谊。[En.] Friendship.
~情。[En.] Affection between friends.
2. 有亲近和睦关系的。 [En.] Having a close and harmonious relationship.
例: ~邦。[En.] Friendly states.
~邻。[En.] Friendly neighbors.
3. 相好,互相亲爱。 [En.] Being fond of each other, mutual love.
例: ~爱。[En.] Affectionate friendship.
~善。[En.] Good-hearted friendship.
1. 《说文》:友,同志为友。 [En.] In "Shuowen," it states that comrades are friends.
2. 《易·兑》:君子以朋友讲习。 [En.] The gentleman discusses with friends.
3. 《周礼·大司徒》:联朋友。 [En.] Join friends.
4. 《论语》:与朋友交。 [En.] Interact with friends.
5. 《世说新语·方正》:太丘与友。 [En.] Ta Qiu with friends.
6. 唐·王昌龄《芙蓉楼送辛渐》:洛阳亲友如相问,一片冰心在玉壶。[En.] If friends in Luoyang ask about me, my heart is as pure as ice in a jade pot.
7. 明·袁宏道《满井游记》:偕数友出。[En.] Go out with several friends.
8. 清·周容《芋老人传》:是芋视乃友。[En.] This is regarded as a friend by Yu.
9. 清·刘开《问说》:朋友之交,至于劝善规过足矣。[En.] In a friendship, it is enough to advise goodness and regulate faults.
又如: 挚友 (亲密的朋友) [En.] Close friend; 友生 (朋友) [En.] Friend.
2. 职官名。王官之近臣 ([En.] Professional officer)
1. 《晋书》:王置师、友、文学各一人…友者因文王、仲尼四友之名号。[En.] In the "Book of Jin," it mentions the appointment of a teacher, friend, and scholar by the king. The title "friend" derives from the names of King Wen and four friends of Confucius.
又如: 友学 (职官名。“友”与“文学”的合称。为辅佐、侍从之官) [En.] Friend-scholar (a title referring to a role of assistance and companionship).
3. 借指兄弟 ([En.] Brother)
如: 友于之谊 (兄弟间的情谊) [En.] The bond between brothers; 友于 (惟孝友于兄弟; 兄弟友爱; 借指兄弟) [En.] The affection among brothers; 友弟 (友悌。兄弟相友爱。师长对门生自称的谦辞) [En.] The loving relationship among brothers; a humble term used by teachers to refer to their students.
4. 同伴,经常在一块儿玩的人 ([En.] Companion)
如: 酒友; 赌友 [En.] Drinking buddy; gambling friend.
5. 同一所教会、学校、班级、职业的成员 ([En.] Member of guild, class, school, profession)
如: 教友; 校友; 工友等 [En.] Fellow members of a church; alumni; fellow workers, etc.
友 [yǒu]
1. 互相合作 ([En.] Cooperate)
1. 《释名》:友,有也,相保有也。[En.] In "Shiming," it states that friends have and protect each other.
2. 结交,与...为友 ([En.] Be friend)
1. 《三国志·先主传》:瓒深与先主相友。[En.] In "Records of the Three Kingdoms," it states that Zang Shen was deeply friends with the First Sovereign.
2. 顾炎武《日知录》:古之高士,不臣天子,不友诸侯… [En.] In "Dayzhilu," Gu Yanwu stated that ancient scholars did not serve emperors nor befriend lords...
又如: 友其人; 友结 (结交); 友直 (与正直的人交朋友); 友仁 (与仁者交朋友) [En.] Befriend such a person; to befriend; befriend the upright; befriend the benevolent.
3. 给予帮助或支持 ([En.] Help)
1. 《孟子·滕文公上》:出人相友。[En.] In "Mengzi," it mentions that people help each other.
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