Learn to write the Chinese character "双" by watching the stroke order animation of "双".
Stroke by Stroke: 双 Writing Order
Master the Chinese character '双' stroke by stroke with visual step-by-step instructions.
Follow the Calligraphy Master: Writing '双' Step-by-Step
Learn the proper way to write the Chinese character '双' through a video tutorial with a
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Chinese Character '双'. You can download the printable handwriting worksheets below and
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1. 两个,一对。 (Two, a pair.)
例: 一~鞋。(A pair of shoes.)
~杠。(Double levers.)
~重(chǒng)。(Double weight.)
~方。(Double directions.)
~管齐下。(To work on two fronts.)
~豆塞聪。(Blocked ears, unable to hear anything.)
~瞳剪水。(Describing the clarity of one's eyes.)
智勇~全。(Having both wisdom and courage.)
盖世无~。(Unmatched in the world.)
2. 偶,与“单”相对。(Even, contrasted with "single.")
例: ~数。(Even numbers.)
~号。(Double number.)
3. 加倍的。(Doubled.)
例: ~料。(Double the materials.)
~份。(Double portion.)
4. 姓。(Surname.)
名词 [Noun]
- 【本义】: 一对 (The basic meaning: a pair.)
- 【造字法】: 会意。从雔,从又,持之。雔(chóu): 两只鸟。又: 手。
1. 禽鸟二只 ([En.] two birds.)
引: 《说文》:双,隹二枚也。
引: 《方言六》:飞鸟曰双。
引: 《公羊传·宣公五年》:其诸为其双双而俱至者与。(The lovely birds, with two heads, couples, never part.)
引: 《玉台新咏·古诗为焦仲卿妻作》:中有双飞鸟,自名为鸳鸯。(Within are two birds flying, known as mandarin ducks.)
2. 云南等地少数民族计算田亩的单位 ([En.] acre.)
引: 《唐书》:官为田,四十双为二百亩。
3. 姓 ([En.] surname.)
形容词 [Adjective]
1. 成双的,一对 ([En.] two; both; double; twin; dual.)
引: 《玉台新咏·古诗为焦仲卿妻作》:云有第三郎,窈窕世无双。(In the clouds is a third son; graceful, incomparable in the world.)
引: 清·林觉民《与妻书》:厅旁一室,为吾与汝双栖之所。(Next to the hall is a room, for us to dwell together.)
2. 偶,与“单”相对 ([En.] even.)
引: 《宋史·礼志》:唐朝故事,只日视事,双日不坐。(In the Tang dynasty, there were stories of only working on one day, not on even day.)
量词 [Measure word]
1. 两个,一对 ([En.] pair.)
引: 《仪礼·聘礼》:凡献,执一双。(Regarding gifts, hold a pair.)
引: 古乐府《饮马长城窟行》:客从远方来,遗我双鲤鱼。(A guest from afar brings me a pair of carp.)
动词 [Verb]
1. 追随,跟从 ([En.] follow.)
引: 《文子·符言》:恶少爱众,天下双。(Bad boys love the crowd, the world follows.)
2. 匹敌 ([En.] match.)
引: 《史记·淮阴侯列传》:至如信者,天下无双。(As for those with trust, none in the world can match.)
a form or theatrical double act, popular since Qing times, with one player seated stage front and acting out the poem or song of the second player hidden at the back (also written 雙黄|双黄) / double reed (as used in oboe or bassoon) / an oboe or bassoon
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