Learn to write the Chinese character "圖" by watching the stroke order animation of "圖".
Stroke by Stroke: 圖 Writing Order
Master the Chinese character '圖' stroke by stroke with visual step-by-step instructions.
Follow the Calligraphy Master: Writing '圖' Step-by-Step
Learn the proper way to write the Chinese character '圖' through a video tutorial with a
calligraphy teacher. Follow the Calligraphy Master's Step-by-Step Guide to Write the
Chinese Character '圖'. You can download the printable handwriting worksheets below and
practice writing together with pen and paper.
1. 版图;地图。
- Domain; map.
2. 描绘出或印出的形象。
- Depicted or printed image.
3. 绘画;描绘。
- Painting; depiction.
4. 摹拟;模仿。南朝宋鮑照。
- Imitation; mimicry. (Referencing Bao Zhao from Southern Song)
5. 思虑;谋划。
- Thought; planning.
6. 设法对付。
- Finding a way to cope.
7. 谋取。
- Seeking or pursuing.
8. 希图;贪图。
- Aspiration; greed.
9. 意图。晋陆机。
- Intention. (Referencing Lu Ji from Jin Dynasty)
10. 预料;料想到。多用于否定。
- Anticipation; presumption. Often used in negation.
11. 附会经义,以符命占验为主要内容的书,即“河图”的简称。
- A text that aligns with classic teachings, focusing on auspicious signs, abbreviated as "He Tu."
12. 塔,即“浮图”的别称。
- Tower; another term for "stupa."
13. 明清时地方区划名。清顾炎武。
- Name for administrative divisions during Ming and Qing times. (Referencing Gu Yanwu)
14. 通“度(dù)”。法度。
- Related to "measure (dù)." Laws and regulations.
Definitions by usage context:
- 【动】
1. 同本义 ([En.] plan and contrive; consider again and again)
2. 图谋;谋取 ([En.] scheme; seek; pursue; design)
3. 筹划;设法对付 ([En.] plan and prepare; project)
4. 绘画 ([En.] draw)
5. 摹拟 ([En.] imitate)
6. 预料,料想到。多用于否定 ([En.] expect)
- 【名】
1. 所画的图画 ([En.] picture; drawing; chart)
2. 地图 ([En.] map)
3. 版图。有所有权与管辖权的领土,行使主权的领土 ([En.] domain)
4. 意图;意愿 ([En.] intentions)
5. 塔,即“浮图”的简称 ([En.] tower)
6. 明清时地方区划名 ([En.] tu)
7. 书籍 ([En.] book)
This character encompasses a wide range of meanings, from geographical concepts to artistic representation, and can refer to intentions and administrative divisions.
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