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国 stroke order animation

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Printable Stroke Order Practice Worksheet of the Chinese character 国
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Meaning of

Pinyin guó
country / state / nation
国 1. A political entity with land, people, and sovereignty (in ancient times, it referred to regions granted to lords). 有土地、人民、主权的政体(古代指诸侯所受封的地域)。 2. Specifically refers to China. 特指中国的。 3. A surname. 姓。 1. A political entity with land, people, and sovereignty (in ancient times, it referred to regions granted to lords): 国家 (country); 国土 (territory); 国体 (state nature and integrity); 国号 (national title); 国度 (country); 国策 (national policy); 国情 (national situation); 国法 (national law); 国力 (national strength); 国防 (national defense); 国威 (national prestige); 国宝 (national treasure, can refer to significant figures contributing to the country); 国格 (national character); 国魂 (national spirit); 国是 (national issue, e.g., "discussing national issues together"). 2. Specifically refers to China: 国产 (domestic products); 国货 (national goods); 国粹 (national essence); 国乐 (national music); 国药 (national medicine). 3. A surname. 姓。 国 (guó) 〈名〉 【本义】: 邦国 【造字法】: 会意。从“囗”( wéi),表示疆域。从或 (即“国”)。“或”亦兼表字音。 1. In the Zhou Dynasty, the emperor ruled over “the world,” roughly equivalent to what is now referred to as “the entire country” (state). 周代,天子统治的是“天下”,略等于现在说的“全国”。 2. The capital, the location of the highest political authority of a country. Also known as the national city, national settlement. 国都,一国最高政权机关所在地。又称国城,国邑。 3. Country, state, or nation. 国家。 4. Ancient kings' and lords' fiefdoms. 古代王、侯的封地。 5. Represents the emperor's domain. 帝王的。 6. Tribe. 部落。 7. Place. 地方。 8. Hometown. 家乡。 9. A surname. 姓。 国 (guó) 〈名〉 【本义】: 邦国 【造字法】: 会意。从“囗”( wéi),表示疆域。从或(即“国”)。“或”亦兼表字音。 1. In the Zhou Dynasty, the emperor ruled over “the world” (state). 周代,天子统治的是“天下”。 2. The capital, a location of the central political authority. 国都,一国最高政权机关所在地。 3. Country, state, or nation. 国家。 4. Ancient lords' fiefs. 古代王、侯的封地。 5. Represents the emperor's domain. 帝王的。 6. Tribe. 部落。 7. Place. 地方。 8. Hometown. 家乡。 9. A surname. 姓。
Wú guó
Wu state (in south China, in different historical periods) / Wu state 220-280, founded by Sun Quan 孫權|孙权 the southernmost of the three Kingdoms
guó hào
official name of a nation (includes dynastic names of China: 漢|汉[Han4], 唐[Tang2] etc)
kuà guó gōng sī
transnational corporation / multinational corporation
gè guó
each country / every country / various countries
guó jūn
pàn guó
pàn guó zuì
the crime of treason
huí guó
to return to one's home country
guó jiā
country / nation / state / CL:個|个[ge4]
guó jì
Měi guó
United States / USA / US
wǒ guó
our country / China
Fǎ guó
France / French
Yīng guó
United Kingdom 聯合王國|联合王国[Lian2 he2 wang2 guo2] / United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland / abbr. for England 英格蘭|英格兰[Ying1 ge2 lan2]
ài guó
to love one's country / patriotic
wài guó
foreign (country) / CL:個|个[ge4]
Dé guó
Germany / German
guó mín jīng jì
national economy
guó wài
abroad / external (affairs) / overseas / foreign
guó mín
nationals / citizens / people of a nation
dì guó
empire / imperial
guó fáng
national defense
guó tǔ
country's territory / national land
Zhōng huá Sū wéi āi Gòng hé guó
Chinese Soviet Republic (1931-1937)
sū wéi āi gòng hé guó
Soviet republic
jiǎn pǔ zhài wáng guó
Kingdom of Cambodia
Tài píng Tiān guó
Taiping Heavenly Kingdom (1851-1864)
Ào sī màn Dì guó
the Ottoman Empire
Guó xìng
Guoxing or Kuohsing township in Nantou county 南投縣|南投县[Nan2 tou2 xian4], central Taiwan
qiū é guó
Qiu Eguo
mài guó zéi
mài guó
to sell one's country / treason
mài guó qiú róng
seek after glory by selling out one's own country / betray one's country in order to get a high position / betray one's country to obtain a promotion / seek power and wealth by betraying one's country / turn traitor for personal gain
wèi guó
to defend one's country
xiōng yá lì gòng hé guó
The Republic of Hungary
Zhōng huá Mín guó
Republic of China
xié yuē guó
Allies / entente (i.e. Western powers allied to China in WW1)
Mèng jiā lā guó
Bangladesh (formerly East Pakistan)
guó jiā jí
(administrative) national-level
fā dá guó jiā
developed nation
guó bīn
state visitor / visiting head of state
diào yú tái guó bīn guǎn
Diaoyutai State Guesthouse
fēi lǜ bīn gòng hé guó
Philippines / RP
寿 shòu xīng guó
Shou Xingguo
fā zhǎn zhōng guó jiā
developing country
dǎo guó
island nation (sometimes refers specifically to Japan)
guó shī
teachers of the state
Luó mǎ Dì guó
Roman Empire (27 BC-476 AD)
Guó qìng jié
PRC National Day (October 1st)
Guó qìng
National Day
guó qìng rì
national day
guó kù
public purse / state treasury / national exchequer
fù yōng guó
client state
jiàn guó
to found a country / nation-building / the foundation of PRC by Mao Zedong in 1949
kāi guó
to found a state / to open a closed country
guī guó
to go home (to one's native country) / to return from abroad
guó wù wěi yuán
member of State Council (in China)
guó jiā jì huà
state planning
guó zhài quàn
Treasury bonds
Lián bāng Dé guó
German Federation / Bundesrepublik Deutschland / Germany
guó huī
national emblem / coat of arms
jìn zhōng bào guó
serve one's country loyally / be devoted to one's country / be loyal and patriotic
yōu guó yōu mín
be concerned about one's country and one's people / care for the fate of his nation
guó qíng
the characteristics and circumstances particular to a country / current state of a country
zuì huì guó
most-favored nation (trade status)
Zhàn guó
the Warring States period (475-221 BC)
huáng qīn guó qī
the emperor relatives (idiom); person with powerful connections
guó qī
State Qi
lǎo wō rén mín mín zhǔ gòng hé guó
Lao People's Democratic Republic
wèi guó juān qū
die for one's country / die for the sake of the country / lay down one's life for one's country
Jié kè Gòng hé guó
Czech Republic
yuán zhù guó
aid giving nation / donor country
guó wù qīng
Secretary of State
gòng hé guó
Guó Gòng
Chinese Nationalist Party 國民黨|国民党[Guo2 min2 dang3] and Chinese Communist Party 共產黨|共产党[Gong4 chan3 dang3]
guó gòng hé zuò
First United Front between Guomindang and Communist party, 1923-1927
xīng guó
to invigorate the country
guó nèi
domestic / internal (to a country) / civil
guó nèi wài
domestic and international / at home and abroad
dí guó
enemy country
jiù guó
to save the nation
guó lǚ
International Travel Service Co.,Ltd.(公司名) / China International Travel Service Limited(公司名)
guó qí
flag (of a country) / CL:面[mian4]
jìn guó
Kingdom Jin
guó yǒu
nationalized / public / government owned / state-owned
mǒu guó
Certain country
guó shāng
a national martyr
xùn guó
to die for one's country
fǎ guó wú tóng
plane tree (Platanus x acerifolia)
guó jì xiàng qí
chess / CL:副[fu4]
Chǔ guó
the state of Chu, one of the most important of the small states contending for power in China between 770 and 223 BC, located around present-day Hubei
guó huái
locust tree (Sophora japonica)
ài guó huá qiáo
patriotic overseas Chinese
É guó
qín jiǎn jiàn guó
to build up the country through thrift and hard work (idiom)
guó zhài
national debt / government debt
Tài guó
Thailand / Thai
yāng yāng dà guó
a great (and proud) country / great and impressive country
guó gē
national anthem
huò guó yāng mín
to damage the country and cause suffering to the people (idiom)

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Pinyin guo2
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