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Animated Stroke Order of

Learn to write the Chinese character "" by watching the stroke order animation of "".

跨 stroke order animation

Stroke by Stroke: Writing Order

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跨 step-by-step stroke order diagrams

Follow the Calligraphy Master: Writing '' Step-by-Step

Learn the proper way to write the Chinese character '' through a video tutorial with a calligraphy teacher. Follow the Calligraphy Master's Step-by-Step Guide to Write the Chinese Character ''. You can download the printable handwriting worksheets below and practice writing together with pen and paper.

Free Printable Handwriting Practice Worksheets

Printable Writing Practice Worksheet of ""
Printable Handwriting Practice Worksheet of the Chinese character 跨
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Printable Stroke Order Practice Worksheet of ""
Printable Stroke Order Practice Worksheet of the Chinese character 跨
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Meaning of

Pinyin kuà
step across / step astride
跨 [kuà] 动 【本义】: 迈步,越过 1. 抬腿向前或向旁移动越过,迈过:跨进。跨入。跨度。 [En.] To lift a leg and move forward or sideways to cross over; to step over: step in; enter; cross bounds. 2. 骑,两脚分在器物的两边坐着或立着:跨马。小孩跨着门槛。 [En.] To ride; to sit or stand with legs on either side of an object: bestride a horse; a child straddling a threshold. 3. 超过时间或地区之间的界限:跨越。跨年度。跨国公司。 [En.] To exceed the boundaries of time or region: go beyond; cross years; multinational corporation. 4. 附在旁边:跨院。 [En.] To be adjacent: side yard. 5. 古同“胯”。 [En.] An ancient term meaning the same as "hip". 名 1. 指两腿之间。通“胯” [En.] hip [En.] Refers to the space between the legs; synonymous with "huà" (胯). 引 1. 《说文》:跨,渡也。 段注:“谓大其两股间,以有所越也。” [En.] "Kuà" means to traverse; to have a wide gap between the legs to cross over. 2. 《国语·晋语》:不跨其国。 [En.] "Do not go beyond his nation." 3. 《左传·昭公十三年》:康王跨之。 [En.] "King Kang stepped over it." 例 又如: 跨进大门; 跨过小沟; 跨蹑(跨踏;跨步); 跨火(跨过火堆,为一种民俗); 跨踪(跨越) [En.] For example: step into the door; step over a small ditch; stride; step over fire (a folk custom); cross tracks. 引 张衡《西京赋》:乃览秦制,跨周法。 [En.] "I observed the Qin system, which transcends the Zhou laws." 例 又如: 跨灶(比喻儿子胜过父亲); 跨年(从旧年底到新年初的时间) [En.] For example: "kā zào" (metaphorically meaning the son surpasses the father); crossing the year (the time from the end of the old year to the beginning of the new year).
kuà guó gōng sī
transnational corporation / multinational corporation
kuà lán
hurdles / hurdle race (athletics)
héng kuà
to span / to stretch across / to travel across
kuà dù
span / horizontal distance between vertical supports
kuà yuè
to step across / step over
kuà jù
(Tw) span (architecture) / time span
kuà guó
transnational / multinational
kuà guò
to surmount / to cross over
kuà rù
step / enter on
kuà shì jì
trans-century / cross-century
kuà shàng
to mount (a horse, bike, flight of stairs, rickshaw etc)
kuà jìn
enter / step into
kuà yuè shì
breakthrough / going beyond / leap-forward / unusual new development
kuà bù
to take a (striding) step
kuà jìng
kuà xué kē
zhǔ kuà
main span
kuà hǎi
cross the sea
kuà píng tái
kuà jìng
span (architecture)

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Input Method for
Pinyin kua4
Four Corner
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