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Animated Stroke Order of

Learn to write the Chinese character "" by watching the stroke order animation of "".

排 stroke order animation

Stroke by Stroke: Writing Order

Master the Chinese character '' stroke by stroke with visual step-by-step instructions.

排 step-by-step stroke order diagrams

Follow the Calligraphy Master: Writing '' Step-by-Step

Learn the proper way to write the Chinese character '' through a video tutorial with a calligraphy teacher. Follow the Calligraphy Master's Step-by-Step Guide to Write the Chinese Character ''. You can download the printable handwriting worksheets below and practice writing together with pen and paper.

Free Printable Handwriting Practice Worksheets

Printable Writing Practice Worksheet of ""
Printable Handwriting Practice Worksheet of the Chinese character 排
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Printable Stroke Order Practice Worksheet of ""
Printable Stroke Order Practice Worksheet of the Chinese character 排
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Meaning of

Pinyin pái、 pǎi
a platoon / line up, row of logs or boards
排 [pái] 动 (verb) 1. 除去,推开 (to remove, to push away) - 例: ~出、~斥、~水、~外、~挤、~山倒海、~忧解难 (push out, expel, remove water, push out, squeeze out, push away mountains and overturn seas, relieve worries and difficulties) 2. 摆成行列 (to arrange in rows) - 例: ~列、~队、~字、~印、~笔、~场 (arrange rows, form teams, arrange characters, print, arrange pens, set up a field) 3. 排成的行列 (the arranged rows) - 例: ~头、前~ (the head of the line, the front row) 4. 军队的编制单位,“班”的上一级 (a military unit, a level above the "squad") 5. 练习演戏 (to rehearse) - 例: ~戏 (rehearsal) 6. 竹或木平摆着编扎成的水上交通工具 (a waterborne vehicle made of bamboo or wood) - 例: 木~、竹~、~运 (wooden raft, bamboo raft, raft transport) 名 (noun) 1. 盾牌 (shield) - 例: 排矟 (a soldier with a shield in one hand and a spear in the other) 2. 用竹、木扎成的水上交通工具 (a water vehicle made from bamboo or wood) - 例: 竹排 (bamboo raft), 木排 (wooden raft) 3. 英语音译。一种西式食品 (a transliteration of the English word; a type of Western food) - 例: 苹果排 (apple pie) 4. 军队的编制单位,连的下属单位,由若干个班组成 (a military unit, subordinate to a company, composed of several squads) - 例: 排长 (platoon leader) 5. 排球或排球队的简称 (abbreviation for volleyball team) - 例: 男排 (men's volleyball), 女排 (women's volleyball) 6. 古代的演员。也作“俳” (an ancient actor, also written as "俳") - 例: (as per historical context) 7. 排成的行列 (rank; row; line) - 例: 前排 (front row), 后排 (back row) 形 (adjective) 1. 依次,一个接一个 (one after another) 量 (measure word) 1. 用于成列的事物 (for things arranged in rows) - 例: 双排扣子 (double row of buttons), 一排房子 (a row of houses) 排 [pǎi] 动 (verb) 1. 〔方〕用楦子填紧或撑大新鞋的中空部分使合于某种形状 (to swell or fill the hollow part of new shoes to make them fit a certain shape) - 例: 把这双鞋排一排 (swell these shoes), 排囊 (a leather bag used for inflation) 2. 另见 pái (see also pái)
pái míng
to rank (1st, 2nd etc) / ranking
pái luǎn
to ovulate
ān pái
to arrange / to plan / to set up / arrangements / plans
尿 pái niào
to urinate
pái chì yì jǐ
exclude those who hold different views from sb. / get rid of those who disagree with sb.
pái chú yì jǐ
exclude outsiders / discriminate against those who hold different views / get rid of dissident
bìng pái
side by side / abreast
pái xù
to sort / to arrange in order
cǎi pái
dress rehearsal
pái liè
to arrange in order / (math.) permutation
pái yōu jiě nàn
to resolve a difficult situation and leave worries behind (idiom)
pái jǐ
to crowd out / to push aside / to supplant
pái chú
to eliminate / to remove / to exclude / to rule out
pái shuǐ
to drain
pái chì
to reject / to exclude / to eliminate / to remove / to repel
pái duì
to line up
pái zhǎng
platoon leader / sergeant
yī pái
pái chū
to discharge
pái fàng
emission / discharge / exhaust (gas etc)
pái shuǐ liàng
pái guàn
irrigation and drainage / drain and irrigate
chéng pái
row up
pái liàn
to rehearse / rehearsal
biān pái
to arrange / to lay out
pái chéng
form / align
pái xiè
to drain (factory waste etc) / to excrete (urine, sweat etc)
nǚ pái
women's volleyball / abbr. for 女子排球
pái háng bǎng
the charts (of best-sellers) / table of ranking
pái wū
to drain sewage
pái xiè wù
excrement / waste
pái xiè liàng
pái lào
to drain flooded fields
pái shuǐ qú
pái bǎn
nán pái
men's volleyball / abbr. for 男子排球
pái tā xìng
shù pái
vertical column
pái xiāo
see 簫|箫[xiao1]
pái qiǎn
to divert oneself from (loneliness, grief etc) / to dispel (negative thoughts etc)
lǚ pái
Aluminum row
zhù pái jī
typograph / composing machines / typesetting machine / hot-metal composing machine

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Input Method for
Pinyin pai2
Four Corner
Stroke Number Category
HSK Level Category
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