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Animated Stroke Order of

Learn to write the Chinese character "" by watching the stroke order animation of "".

股 stroke order animation

Stroke by Stroke: Writing Order

Master the Chinese character '' stroke by stroke with visual step-by-step instructions.

股 step-by-step stroke order diagrams

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Free Printable Handwriting Practice Worksheets

Printable Writing Practice Worksheet of ""
Printable Handwriting Practice Worksheet of the Chinese character 股
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Printable Stroke Order Practice Worksheet of ""
Printable Stroke Order Practice Worksheet of the Chinese character 股
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Meaning of

share / portion / section / part / thigh / (a measure word, e.g. use with electric current) / whiff
股 [gǔ] 1. 大腿,自胯至膝盖的部分。 (Thigh, the part from the hip to the knee.) 2. 事物的分支或一部分。 (Branch or part of something.) ① 资金的一份,如“~份”,“~东”,“~票”。 (A share of funds, e.g., "a share," "a dividend," "a stock.") ② 机关团体中的一个部门。 (A department within an organization or institution.) ③ 其他,如“钗~”,“八~文”。 (Others, such as "a part of a hairpin," "text of the 'Eight Parts'.") 3. 中国古代称不等腰三角形构成直角的较长的边。 (In ancient China, used to refer to the longer leg of a right triangle.) 4. 量词。 (Measure word.) ① 指成条的,如“七~大水”。 (For something in strips, e.g., "seven floods.") ② 指气味,如“一~香味”。 (For scent, e.g., "a whiff of fragrance.") ③ 指力气,如“拧成一~劲”。 (For strength, e.g., "a burst of strength.") ④ 批、部分,如“一小~敌军”。 (Batch or portion, e.g., "a small group of enemy troops.") 5. 资本或财物的一份。 (A share of capital or assets.) 6. 物体的分支或组成部分。 (A component or branch of an object.) 7. 指路上的具体部分。 (Referring to a specific part of a path or road.) 8. 一阵气味或一阵随风飘至的气味或味道。 (A whiff, or a scent carried by the wind.) 9. 喷出或吹出的气体或液体。 (A puff of gas or liquid emitted or blown out.) 10. 一队武装人员。 (A band of armed personnel.) 11. 一伙罪犯。 (A gang of criminals.) 12. 一阵突然而剧烈的爆发。 (A sudden and intense outbreak.) 13. 流体从源或容器的流出。 (Flow of fluid from a source or container.) 14. 用于指道路等。 (Used to refer to paths, roads, etc.)
pì gu
buttocks / bottom / butt / back part
mù gǔ
Stock raising
gōu gǔ dìng lǐ
Pythagorean theorem
dǎ pì gu
to spank sb's bottom
cā pì gu
(lit.) to wipe one’s ass / (coll.) to clear up sb else's mess
pì gǔ dàn zi
yān pì gu
cigarette butt
kuò gǔ
expand share capital
níng chéng yī gǔ shéng
to twist together to form a rope / (fig.) to unite / to work together
chí gǔ
to hold shares
kòng gǔ
to own a controlling number of shares in a company
pǔ tōng gǔ
common stock
gǔ quán
equity shares / stock right
gǔ lì
to shake like an aspen / to shiver with fear (idiom)
gài niàn gǔ
concept stock
měi gǔ
per share
fù gǔ gōu
groin (anatomy)
liú tōng gǔ
circulation stock / outstanding shares / tradable share / circulating shares
chǎo gǔ
(coll.) to speculate in stocks
gǔ jià
stock price / share price
gǔ fèn zhì
stockholding system / shareholding system / joint-stock system
gǔ fèn gōng sī
joint-stock company
gōng zhòng gǔ
Public shares
gǔ xuǎn
tinea cruris, fungal skin infection of the groin / dermatomycosis, esp. sexually transmitted / jock itch
gǔ piào
share certificate / stock (finance)
亿 yì gǔ
Billion shares
zhòng cāng gǔ
Heavy stocks
jī chà gǔ
Underperforming stocks
jì yōu gǔ
gilt-edged stock / blue chip stock
gǔ gōng
trusted aide
yī gǔ
stream / blast / puff
gǔ shì
stock market
gǔ běn
capital stock / investment
gè gǔ
share (in a listed company)
wàn gǔ
Ten thousand shares
gǔ shù
number of piles / number of strands
gǔ zhǐ
stock market index / share price index / abbr. for 股票指數|股票指数[gu3 piao4 zhi3 shu4]
gǔ gōng zhī chén
the most trustworthy ministers
gǔ fèn
a share (in a company) / stock
gǔ dōng
shareholder / stockholder

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Pinyin gu3
Four Corner
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