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Animated Stroke Order of

Learn to write the Chinese character "" by watching the stroke order animation of "".

顾 stroke order animation

Stroke by Stroke: Writing Order

Master the Chinese character '' stroke by stroke with visual step-by-step instructions.

顾 step-by-step stroke order diagrams

Follow the Calligraphy Master: Writing '' Step-by-Step

Learn the proper way to write the Chinese character '' through a video tutorial with a calligraphy teacher. Follow the Calligraphy Master's Step-by-Step Guide to Write the Chinese Character ''. You can download the printable handwriting worksheets below and practice writing together with pen and paper.

Free Printable Handwriting Practice Worksheets

Printable Writing Practice Worksheet of ""
Printable Handwriting Practice Worksheet of the Chinese character 顾
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Printable Stroke Order Practice Worksheet of ""
Printable Stroke Order Practice Worksheet of the Chinese character 顾
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Meaning of

look after / take into consideration / to attend to
顾 gù 1. 回头看,泛指看:turn round and look at; look back 2. 照管,注意:take care of; pay attention to 3. 商店或服务行业称来买货物或要求服务的:patronage 4. 拜访:call on 5. 文言连词,但、但看:however; but 6. 文言连词,反而、却:on the contrary 7. 同“雇”,酬:hire; employ 8. 姓:surname 顾 gù 1. 回头看,泛指看:~眄。~名思义。回~。 turn round and look at; look back 2. 照管,注意:~及。~忌。~虑。~念。~恤。~全。~问。~惜。兼~。 take care of; pay attention to 3. 商店或服务行业称来买货物或要求服务的:~客。惠~。主~。 patronage; customer 4. 拜访:三~茅庐。 visit 5. 文言连词,但、但看:“兵不在多,~用之何如耳”。 however; but 6. 文言连词,反而、却:“足反居上,首~居下。” on the contrary 7. 同“雇”,酬。 hire; employ 8. 姓。 surname 顾 gù 1. 观看,瞧:look 2. 访问,拜访:call on 3. 照顾,关怀:take care of 4. 眷念,顾及:think fondly of 5. 反省:self-question 6. 顾虑;考虑:scruple; hesitate 7. 通“雇”。出钱请人做事:hire; employ 顾 gù 名:商店称来买货的人:patronage 顾 gù 副: 1. 表示轻微的转折,相当于“而”、“不过”:only 2. 反而,却:on the contrary
gù jí
to take into consideration / to attend to
zhǐ gù
solely preoccupied (with one thing) / engrossed / focusing (on sth) / to look after only one aspect
huí gù
to look back / to review
fèn bù gù shēn
to dash on bravely with no thought of personal safety (idiom); undaunted by dangers / regardless of perils
bù xiè yī gù
to disdain as beneath contempt (idiom)
sān gù máo lú
lit. three humble visits to a thatched cottage / cf famous episode in the fictional Romance of Three Kingdoms 三國演義|三国演义 in which Liu Bei 劉備|刘备 recruits Zhuge Liang 諸葛亮|诸葛亮 (the Hidden Dragon 臥龍|卧龙) to his cause by visiting him three times
gù cǐ shī bǐ
lit. to attend to one thing and lose sight of another (idiom) / fig. to be unable to manage two or more things at once / cannot pay attention to one thing without neglecting the other
bù gù yī qiè
reckless / regardless of everything
háo wú gù jì
without scruple / stop at nothing / of no scruples
wú suǒ gù jì
hòu gù zhī yōu
fears of trouble in the rear (idiom); family worries (obstructing freedom of action) / worries about the future consequences / often in negative expressions, meaning "no worries about anything"
gù yǐng zì lián
lit. looking at one's shadow and feeling sorry for oneself (idiom) / fig. alone and dejected
jiān gù
to attend simultaneously to two or more things / to balance (career and family, family and education etc)
tǒng chóu jiān gù
an overall plan taking into account all factors
zì gù bù xiá
be busy enough with one's own affairs
wǎng gù
to neglect / to misuse / to mistreat / to abuse
gù yuán
Gu Yuan
zhào gu
to take care of / to show consideration / to attend to / to look after
huán gù
to look around / to survey
zuǒ gù yòu pàn
glancing to left and right (idiom); to look all around
姿 gù pàn shēng zī
look around charmingly
juàn gù
to care for / to show concern for / to think longingly (of one's country)
zhān qián gù hòu
to look forward and back / to consider prudently / overcautious
wáng gù zuǒ yòu ér yán tā
the king looked left and right and then talked of other things / to digress from the topic of discussion (idiom)
wǎng gù
in defiance of / disregard / ignore
gù lǜ
misgivings / apprehensions
gù lǜ chóng chóng
full of worries
bù gù
in spite of / regardless of
gù bu shàng
cannot attend to or manage
gù bu de
unable to change sth / unable to deal with
sì gù
to look around
guāng gù
to visit (as a customer)
yì wú fǎn gù
honor does not allow one to glance back (idiom); duty-bound not to turn back / no surrender / to pursue justice with no second thoughts
gù niàn
to care for / to worry about

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Pinyin gu4
Four Corner
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