Learn to write the Chinese character "骨" by watching the stroke order animation of "骨".
Stroke by Stroke: 骨 Writing Order
Master the Chinese character '骨' stroke by stroke with visual step-by-step instructions.
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骨 [gǔ]
【本义】: 骨头
【造字法】: 会意。从冎(guǎ),小篆象去掉肉的骨形,意思是“剐”。从肉,表示骨与肉相连。“骨”是汉字部首之一,从“骨”的字多与骨头和人体有关。
1. Same as the original meaning ([En.] bone)
2. The hard parts of the skeletal system of vertebrates; anatomical term.
3. Metaphorically refers to the internal support structure of an object.
4. The human torso ([En.] torso).
5. Corpse; refers to a deceased person ([En.] dead).
6. Human qualities and character ([En.] character).
7. Metaphorically refers to the strong style of a literary work ([En.] frame or forcefulness of a piece of writing).
8. Metaphorically signifies resoluteness and uprightness ([En.] resolute and steadfast; upright).
9. Metaphorically describes a lean and vigorous writing style ([En.] vigorous).
10. Also see gū.
1. 《说文》:骨,肉之覈也。
2. 《素问·脉要精微论》:骨者,髓之府。
3. 《管子·四时》:风生木与骨。
4. 《战国策·燕策》:马已死,买其骨五百金。
5. 《韩非子·安危》:以刀刺骨。
6. 清·方苞《左忠毅公逸事》:而额焦烂不可辨,左膝以下筋骨尽脱矣。
如: 骨空(即骨孔); 骨腔; 尺骨; 肋骨; 龙骨(鸟类的胸骨); 听骨; 颌骨
1. 《唐·杜甫《送孔巢父发游江东兼呈李白》:自是君身有仙骨,世人那得知其故?
2. 又如: 傲骨; 媚骨; 骨清(超凡脱俗,具有神仙资质); 骨格(品德; 气度)
1. 风骨(诗文雄健有力的风格)
2. 骨直(躯干挺直。比喻刚正强毅); 骨鲠之臣(刚正直谏之臣)
3. 骨力(行业的瘦劲)
骨 [gū]
1. Indicates sound, shape, and action.
2. Also see gǔ.
如: 骨都都(形容连续不断向外冒); 骨骨农农(咕咕哝哝; 嘀嘀咕咕); 骨辘辘(象声词。滚动声)
*Refer to "骨头", "骨碌", and other entries.*
to shed one's mortal body and exchange one's bones (idiom); born again Daoist / to turn over a new leaf / fig. to change wholly / to create from other material (story, artwork etc)
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