Learn to write the Chinese character "怜" by watching the stroke order animation of "怜".
Stroke by Stroke: 怜 Writing Order
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【Original meaning】: Pity, compassion
1. 可怜;同情:
- Pity; compassion: 可怜 (to be pitiful); 同病相怜 (to have mutual sympathy in shared suffering).
2. 爱:
- Love: 爱才 (to cherish talent); 怜念 (to think fondly of); 怜爱 (to be fond of); 爱怜 (to cherish); 怜香惜玉 (to cherish the fragrant and exquisite, specifically referring to love for women); 顾影自怜 (to feel pity for oneself).
3. 通“吝”。吝惜:
- Also known as “stint”: 吝惜 (to be stingy with).
4. 遗憾:
- Regret; sorrow over: 遗憾 (to lament).
1. 《说文》:憐,哀也。从心。粦声。字亦作怜。
- "Shuowen Jiezi": "怜" means to feel sorrow. It derives from the heart and corresponds to the sound 念.
2. 《尔雅》:矜憐抚掩之也。
- "Erya": To show compassion and to comfort.
3. 《史记·魏公子列传》:独不怜公子姊邪?
- "Records of the Grand Historian": Do you not pity the young lord's sister?
4. 韩愈《应科目时与人书》:若俯首贴耳,摇尾而乞怜者,非我之志也。
- Han Yu: To bow and plead for pity is not my intention.
5. 《史记·淮阴侯列传》:且喜且怜之。
- "Records of the Grand Historian": To be both pleased and pitying.
6. 《史记·郦生陆贾列传》:天子怜百姓新劳苦,故且休之。
- "Records of the Grand Historian": The emperor pities the people's recent hardships and thus grants them rest.
7. 清· 袁枚《祭妹文》:所怜者。
- Qing Dynasty: The one to be pitied.
- 例如: 可怜 (to be pitiful); 怜见 (to show compassion); 怜拯 (to rescue out of pity); 怜鉴 (to pity and observe); 怜闵 (to sympathize).
1. 《尔雅》:憐,爱也。
- "Erya": "怜" means love.
2. 《史记·陈涉世家》:楚人怜之。
- "Records of the Grand Historian": The people of Chu pity him.
3. 《战国策·赵策》:丈夫亦爱怜其少子乎?
- "Strategies of the Warring States": Does a man also not love and cherish his youngest son?
- 例如: 爱怜 (to cherish deeply); 怜才 (to cherish talent); 怜忪 (to cherish the sleepy state); 怜香 (to love the fragrance of flowers); 怜遇 (to favor and bestow kindness).
1. 《荀子》:不慕往,不闵来,无邑怜之心。
- "Xunzi": He does not long for the past nor regret the present, and has no heart to pity those in his town.
- 例如: 怜下 (to feel pity for subordinates); 怜嗟 (to feel pity and to sigh); 怜察 (to understand and feel pity for one's situation).
1. 清· 袁枚《祭妹文》:所怜者,吾自戊寅年读汝哭侄诗后,…至今无男。
- Qing Dynasty: The one to be pitied, since the year of the Earth Tiger, after reading your poem about your nephew's death, … until now has no sons.
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