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球 stroke order animation

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Printable Handwriting Practice Worksheet of the Chinese character 球
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Printable Stroke Order Practice Worksheet of the Chinese character 球
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Meaning of

Pinyin qiú
ball / sphere
球 [qiú] [noun] 1. 圆形的立体物。 (En.) A spherical solid. 2. 指球形的体育用品,球类运动。 (En.) Refers to spherical sports equipment; ball games. 3. 星体,特指“地球”。 (En.) Celestial body, specifically "Earth." 4. 美玉。 (En.) Fine jade. 5. 同本义 ([En.] fine jade) (En.) The same as the original meaning (fine jade). 6. 同“毬”。鞠,古代的一种游戏用具。今泛指某些圆球形的体育用品 ([En.] ball). (En.) The same as "毬." Jū (an ancient gaming tool), now generally referring to certain spherical sports items (ball). 7. 以半圆的直径为轴,使半圆旋转一周而成的立体 ([En.] sphere). (En.) A solid formed by rotating a semicircle around its diameter (sphere). 8. 泛指球形或接近球形的物体 ([En.] anything shaped like a ball). (En.) General reference to spherical or nearly spherical objects (anything shaped like a ball). 9. 指星球 ([En.] globe; sphere). (En.) Refers to celestial bodies (globe; sphere). 10. 通“捄”。法 ([En.] act). (En.) Commonly refers to "捄," meaning to act. 引: 1. 《说文》:球,玉磬也。按,古以为磬,亦为笏,亦为刀室饰。 (En.) "Xuē Wén": 球 refers to fine jade chimes. In ancient times, it was believed that chimes were also regarded as ceremonial tablets and room decorations. 2. 《书·禹贡》:球琳琅珰。郑注:“美玉也。” (En.) "Shū · Yǔ Gòng": 球琳琅珰. Zheng notes: "This refers to fine jade." 3. 《书·顾命》:天球。郑注:“雍州所贡之玉色如天者。” (En.) "Shū · Gù Mìng": Heavenly sphere. Zheng notes: "This refers to jade from Yongzhou that is as blue as the sky." 例: 如: 球琳(球与琳,都是美玉名); 球玉(美玉); 球琲(玉串); 球府(玉府。古代皇室藏宝之府库); 球琳器(比喻贤才); 球璧(泛指珍宝); 球玉(玉磬); 球音(玉磬的声音); 球琳(玉磬) (En.) For example: 球琳 (both 球 and 琳 refer to fine jade); 球玉 (fine jade); 球琲 (jade pendant); 球府 (the palace for storing royal jade treasures); 球琳器 (metaphor for a talented person); 球璧 (general reference to treasures); 球玉 (jade chimes); 球音 (the sound of jade chimes); 球琳 (jade chimes). 例: 如: 篮球; 足球; 乒乓球。亦指球类运动 (En.) For example: basketball; soccer; table tennis. It also refers to ball games. 例: 如: 球体 (En.) For example: spherical body. 例: 如: 眼球; 气球; 棉球; 球球(兽角弯曲貌) (En.) For example: eyeball; balloon; cotton ball; 球球 (referring to curved animal horns). 例: 如: 月球; 地球; 球籍(指生存地球上的资格) (En.) For example: the moon; the Earth; 球籍 (referring to the qualification of residing on Earth). 例: 1. 通“捄”。法 ([En.] act). (En.) 1. Commonly refers to "捄," meaning to act. 引: 1. 《诗·商颂·长发》:受大球小球,为下国缀旒。 (En.) From "Shī · Shāng Sòng · Cháng Fā": Receiving large and small spheres, as a feather in the lower kingdom's crown.
qiú yuán
sports club member / footballer, golfer etc
yuán qiú
ball / sphere / globe
dì qiú
the earth / CL:個|个[ge4]
lěi qiú
huán qiú
the whole world / the earth
hú quān qiú
loop drive
xiāo qiú
(sport) to chop / to cut
kòu qiú
to smash a ball / to spike
dǎng qiú
Block / cover shot
kòng qiú
trap / ball control
bīng qiú
ice hockey / puck
quán qiú
entire / total / global / the (whole) world / worldwide
cā biān qiú
lit. to hit a ball or shuttlecock on the sideline / fig. to skirt the line legally or morally
xīng qiú
celestial body (e.g. planet, satellite etc) / heavenly body
yuè qiú
the moon
qū gùn qiú
field hockey
bàng qiú
baseball / CL:個|个[ge4],隻|只[zhi1]
tuǒ qiú
ellipsoid (math)
gǎn lǎn qiú
football played with oval-shaped ball (rugby, American football, Australian rules etc)
gǎn lǎn qiú sài
football game / rugby game
yǔ máo qiú
shuttlecock / badminton / CL:個|个[ge4]
gǔn xuě qiú
méi qiú
charcoal briquette
qiú zhuàng
huán qiú
around the world / worldwide
bō li qiú
qiú duì
sports team (basketball, soccer, football etc)
jìn qiú
to score a goal / goal (sport)
qiú mí
fan (ball sports) / CL:個|个[ge4]
zú qiú
soccer ball / a football / CL:個|个[ge4] / soccer / football
qiú chǎng
stadium / sports ground / court / pitch / field / golf course / CL:個|个[ge4],處|处[chu4]
lán qiú
basketball / CL:個|个[ge4],隻|只[zhi1]
quán qiú huà
qiú xíng
spherical / ball-shaped
wǎng qiú
tennis / tennis ball / CL:個|个[ge4]
yǎn qiú
eyeball / (fig.) attention
quán qiú xìng
global / worldwide
chuán qiú
pass (in soccer) / to feed (ball)
Liú qiú
Ryūkyū / refers to the Ryūkyū Islands 琉球群島|琉球群岛[Liu2 qiu2 Qun2 dao3] stretching from Japan to Taiwan / Liuchiu township in Pingtung County 屏東縣|屏东县[Ping2 dong1 Xian4], Taiwan
Liú qiú wáng guó
Ryūkyū kingdom 1429-1879 (on modern Okinawa)
Liú qiú Qún dǎo
Ryukyu Islands / Okinawa 沖繩|冲绳[Chong1 sheng2] and other islands of modern Japan
pīng qiú
Ping pong
pīng pāng qiú zhuō
a table tennis table
lán qiú chǎng
basketball court
lán bǎn qiú
rebound (basketball)
lán qiú duì
maples five / basketball team
lán qiú sài
basketball game
fèn qiú
turd / fecal pellets / bung ball
róng qiú
xiù qiú
a ball made of strips of silk / big-leaf hydrangea
fá qiú
penalty shot / penalty kick (in sports)
线 fá qiú xiàn
penalty line / free throw line
yǔ máo qiú sài
badminton match
yǔ máo qiú duì
badminton team
yǔ qiú
shèn xiǎo qiú
glomerulus (medicine)
pīng pāng qiú duì
table tennis team
pīng pāng qiú sài
table tennis match / ping pong match / table tennis competition
pīng pāng qiú tái
table-tennis table
pīng pāng qiú
table tennis / ping-pong / table tennis ball / CL:個|个[ge4]
bǐng zhǒng qiú dàn bái
immunoglobulin / gamma globulin
qiú jīng
corm / carmus / bulbodium / solid bulb
pú tao qiú jūn
liàn qiú jūn
streptococcus (genus of bacteria)
qiú jūn
coccus (spherical bacteria pathogen)
téng qiú
sepak takraw (sport)
xiǎo qiú zǎo
hóng kǒu zú qiú chǎng
Hongkou Football Stadium
qiú dàn bái
tī qiú
kick the ball
dǔ qiú
(ball) sports betting
shū qiú
lose / lose the game
qiān qiú
shot put (athletics event)
chǎn qiú
sliding tackle (soccer)
qiú mò zhù tiě
nodular cast iron / spheroidal graphite cast iron
qiú fá
ball valve / spherical valve
qiú xié
athletic shoes
bǎo líng qiú
ten-pin bowling (loanword) / bowling ball

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Pinyin qiu2
Four Corner
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