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叹 stroke order animation

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叹 step-by-step stroke order diagrams

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Printable Writing Practice Worksheet of ""
Printable Handwriting Practice Worksheet of the Chinese character 叹
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Printable Stroke Order Practice Worksheet of ""
Printable Stroke Order Practice Worksheet of the Chinese character 叹
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Meaning of

Pinyin tàn
to sigh
叹 tàn 1. 因忧闷悲痛而呼出长气。 (To let out a long sigh due to worry, pain, or sorrow.) 2. 因高兴、兴奋、激动而发出长声。 (To utter a long sound due to happiness, excitement, or agitation.) 3. 吟咏。 (To chant or recite.) 叹 tàn 【本义】: 叹息 (Original meaning: sigh) 【造字法】: 形声。从欠(另一繁体从“口”),“難”省声。欠,打呵欠,与出气有关。 (Character formation method: phonetic and semantic. The character consists of 欠 (a variant of "口") and a shortened form of "難." 欠 relates to yawning and is associated with exhaling.) 1. 同本义 (To sigh) 【引】 1 《说文》:叹,吞叹也。一曰太息也。 (Shuowen: "叹" refers to a sigh, also known as a great sigh.) 2 《墨子·备梯》:禽子再拜而叹。 (Mozi: The animal bows again and sighs.) 3 《礼记·坊记》:戏而不叹。 (Liji: To play without sighing.) 4 《庄子·秋水》:望洋向若而叹。 (Zhuangzi: Looking up at the ocean, one sighs.) 5 晋· 陶渊明《桃花源记》:皆叹惋。 (Jin Dynasty: Tao Yuanming in "The Tale of the Peach Blossom Spring": All expressed their sighs.) 6 明· 刘基《郁离子·千里马篇》:默叹曰。 (Ming Dynasty: Liu Ji in "Yuli Zhi": He quietly sighed.) 7 清· 徐珂《清稗类钞·战事类》:婉贞微叹曰。 (Qing Dynasty: Xu Ke in "Qing Bai Lei Chao": Wan Zhen subtly sighed.) 8 清· 袁枚《黄生借书说》:叹借者之用。 (Qing Dynasty: Yuan Mei in "Remarks on Borrowing Books": Sighing over the borrower’s use.) 【例】 叹气嗐声(唉声叹气);叹恨(叹息抱恨);叹憾(叹息遗憾) (Examples include: sighing with disappointment.) 2. 赞叹,赞美 (To highly praise) 【引】 1 《虞初新志·秋声诗自序》:默叹。 (Yuchuxin Zhi: He sighed quietly.) 2 清· 薛福成《观巴黎油画记》:亟叹其技。 (Qing Dynasty: Xue Fucheng in "Observing Paris Oil Paintings": He praised the skill urgently.) 【例】 叹重(赞叹敬重);叹为观止(赞叹看到的事物好到极点) (Examples include: praising with respect; marveling at something of the highest excellence.) 3. 吟诵 (To chant) 【引】 1 《说文》:叹,吟也。 (Shuowen: "叹" means to sing or chant.) 2 《文选·卢谌·览古诗》:智勇盖当代,弛张使我叹。 (Literature Selection: Wisdom and bravery surpass the age, causing me to sigh.) 3 《礼记·乐记》:一唱而三叹。 (Liji: One song can provoke three sighs.) 【例】 叹诵(吟诵) (Examples include: chanting or reciting.)
zàn tàn
to exclaim in admiration
gǎn tàn
to sigh (with feeling) / to lament
cháng tàn
long sigh / deep sigh
āi shēng tàn qì
sighing voice, wailing breath (idiom) / to heave deep sighs / to sigh in despair
kǎi tàn
to sigh with regret / lament
jīng tàn
to exclaim in admiration / a gasp of surprise
tàn qì
to sigh / to heave a sigh
jiē tàn
alas / sigh
tàn wéi guān zhǐ
(idiom) to gasp in amazement / to acclaim as the peak of perfection
tàn fú
(to gasp) with admiration
kě tàn
lamentable / sad(ly)
āi tàn
to sigh / to lament / to bewail
xīng tàn
lament / bemoan / heave a sign
yǒng tàn
chant / sing / intone
zàn tàn bù yǐ
to be full of praise (idiom)
cháng xū duǎn tàn
long moan and short gasp (idiom); continually moaning and groaning in pain
bēi tàn
to bewail / to sigh mournfully / to lament
yǒng tàn diào
yáo tóu tàn xī
shake one's head and sigh / shaking the head and uttering a sigh
kuì tàn
sigh with deep feeling
āi tàn
tàn xī
to sigh / to gasp (in admiration)
tàn wǎn
sigh in sympathy
tàn xī
sigh of regret
è wàn tàn xī
líng hú chōng tàn
Linghu sighed

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Pinyin tan4
Four Corner
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