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Animated Stroke Order of

Learn to write the Chinese character "" by watching the stroke order animation of "".

乱 stroke order animation

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乱 step-by-step stroke order diagrams

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Free Printable Handwriting Practice Worksheets

Printable Writing Practice Worksheet of ""
Printable Handwriting Practice Worksheet of the Chinese character 乱
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Printable Stroke Order Practice Worksheet of ""
Printable Stroke Order Practice Worksheet of the Chinese character 乱
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Meaning of

Pinyin luàn
in confusion / disorderly
乱 (luàn) 动词 (Verb): 1. 没有秩序:put silk in order 2. 治理:administer 3. 扰乱;打乱;使乱:disturb; trouble 4. 淫乱,玩弄:be sexually promiscuous with; dally with 5. 败坏;破坏:ruin; corrupt; undermine 6. 违反:violate 7. 混淆:confuse 8. 为丧事奔忙:be busy rushing about 9. 烦乱:be annoyed (vexed) 10. 横渡:ferry across 11. 昏乱;迷乱:lose consciousness 形容词 (Adjective): 1. 混乱;无秩序:disorderly; in confusion; confused 2. 混杂,杂:mixed 副词 (Adverb): 1. 随意,随便;任意:arbitrarily 2. 很,非常:very 名词 (Noun): 1. 叛乱;动乱;不安定:an armed rebellion; unrest 2. 淫乱的事,男女胡乱的性交:promiscuity 3. 危害;祸乱:calamity 4. 乐章的尾声叫做乱:coda of movement; in prose, words summarizing the content at the end are also called "乱"
pàn luàn zhě
insurrectionist / rebel
luàn jiào
to inconsiderately shout
luàn hōng hōng
noisy and in disarray / in an uproar
tiān huā luàn zhuì
lit. a deluge of heavenly flowers (idiom) / fig. extravagant embellishments / hype
máng luàn
rushed and muddled
kān luàn
suppress a rebellion / put down a rebellion
huò luàn
delude / confuse / puzzle
xīn huāng yì luàn
confused / rattled / flustered
bīng huāng mǎ luàn
jiǎo luàn
to disrupt / to throw into disorder
gǎo luàn
to mess up / to mismanage / to bungle / to confuse / to muddle
luàn gǎo
to make a mess / to mess with / to be wild / to sleep around / to jump into bed
líng luàn
messy / disarrayed / disheveled / chaos
liáo luàn
variant of 繚亂|缭乱[liao2 luan4]
sàn luàn
in disorder / messy
kuài dāo zhǎn luàn má
lit. quick sword cuts through tangled hemp (idiom); decisive action in a complex situation / cutting the Gordian knot
bào luàn
riot / rebellion / revolt
zá luàn
in a mess / in a jumble / chaotic
xiáo luàn
to confuse / to befuddle
yín luàn
tiān luàn
(coll.) to cause trouble for sb / to inconvenience
luàn kǎn làn fá
excessive deforestation
luàn lún
incest / immorality / depravity / fornication
xīn fán yì luàn
lit. heart distracted, thoughts in turmoil (idiom); distraught with anxiety
fán luàn
anxious / agitated
huò luàn
calamity and chaos / devastating disorder / great turmoil
pàn luàn
armed rebellion
wěn luàn
disorder / chaos
zhàn luàn
chaos of war
luàn dǎ
hú luàn
careless / reckless / casually / absent-mindedly / at will / at random / any old how
dà luàn
turmoil / in havoc
huāng luàn
frenetic / hurried
bō luàn fǎn zhèng
bring order out of chaos / set to rights things which have been thrown into disorder
dòng luàn
turmoil / upheaval / unrest
luàn kǎn
rǎo luàn
to disturb / to perturb / to harass
nèi luàn
internal disorder / civil strife / civil unrest
sāo luàn
disturbance / riot / to create a disturbance
shǒu máng jiǎo luàn
to act with confusion / to be in a flurry / to be flustered
dǎ luàn
disorganize / disrupt / upset / mess up / dislocate / disarrange / derange / throw into confusion
hú sī luàn xiǎng
to indulge in flights of fancy (idiom) / to let one's imagination run wild
dǎo luàn
to disturb / to look for trouble / to stir up a row / to bother sb intentionally
Ān Shǐ zhī Luàn
An-Shi Rebellion (755-763) of 安祿山|安禄山[An1 Lu4 shan1] and 史思明[Shi3 Si1 ming2], a catastrophic setback for Tang dynasty
luàn zāo zāo
chaotic / topsy turvy / a complete mess
fēn luàn
numerous and disorderly
luàn fēn fēn
disorderly / confused / chaotic
liáo luàn
dazzled / confused
yǎn huā liáo luàn
to be dazzled
hú yán luàn yǔ
babbling nonsense (idiom); crazy and unfounded ravings / double Dutch
zāng luàn
dirty and disordered / in a mess
zāng luàn chà
(coll.) squalid / squalor
hùn luàn
confusion / chaos / disorder
luàn qī bā zāo
everything in disorder (idiom); in a hideous mess / at sixes and sevens
bīng huāng mǎ luàn
soldiers munity and troops rebel (idiom); turmoil and chaos of war
luàn pēng pēng
disheveled / tangled
péng luàn
matted (of straw or hair) / unkempt / overgrown / scraggly / thatch
huó bèng luàn tiào
to leap and frisk about (idiom); lively / healthy and active
luàn pǎo
to run around all over the place
huān bèng luàn tiào
glowing with health and vivacity (idiom)
wéi fǎ luàn jì
to break the law and violate discipline (idiom)
cuò luàn
in disorder / deranged (mentally)
líng luàn
in disorder / a complete mess
huò luàn

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Input Method for
Pinyin luan4
Four Corner
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