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Animated Stroke Order of

Learn to write the Chinese character "" by watching the stroke order animation of "".

亂 stroke order animation

Stroke by Stroke: Writing Order

Master the Chinese character '' stroke by stroke with visual step-by-step instructions.

亂 step-by-step stroke order diagrams

Follow the Calligraphy Master: Writing '' Step-by-Step

Learn the proper way to write the Chinese character '' through a video tutorial with a calligraphy teacher. Follow the Calligraphy Master's Step-by-Step Guide to Write the Chinese Character ''. You can download the printable handwriting worksheets below and practice writing together with pen and paper.

Free Printable Handwriting Practice Worksheets

Printable Writing Practice Worksheet of ""
Printable Handwriting Practice Worksheet of the Chinese character 亂
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Printable Stroke Order Practice Worksheet of ""
Printable Stroke Order Practice Worksheet of the Chinese character 亂
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Meaning of

Pinyin luàn
in confusion / disorderly
亂 (luàn) 1. 没有秩序: lack of order; disorderly. 2. 社会动荡,战争,武装骚扰: social unrest, war, armed disturbances. 3. 混淆: confusion. 4. 任意随便: arbitrary; at will. 5. 男女关系不正当: improper relations between men and women; promiscuity. 6. 横渡: to ferry across. 7. 治理: to administer; to govern. 8. 古代乐曲的最后一章或辞赋末尾总括全篇要旨的部分: in ancient music, the final chapter or the concluding part summarizing the main ideas of the text. 1. 没有秩序: lack of order; disorderly. Example: ~套; 紊~; 凌~. 2. 社会动荡,战争,武装骚扰: social unrest, war, armed disturbances. Example: ~世; 政~; 平~; ~邦不居. 3. 混淆: confusion. Example: ~伦; 败常~俗. 4. 任意随便: arbitrary; at will. Example: ~吃; ~跑. 5. 男女关系不正当: improper relations between men and women; promiscuity. Example: 淫~. 6. 横渡: to ferry across Example: ~流. 7. 治理: to administer; to govern Example: ~臣. 8. 古代乐曲的最后一章或辞赋末尾总括全篇要旨的部分: in ancient music, the final chapter or the concluding part summarizing the main ideas of the text Example: ~曰. 乱 (luàn) 【动】 1. 同本义: same original meaning; to put silk in order. 2. 治理: to administer. 3. 扰乱;打乱;使乱: to disturb; to trouble. 4. 淫乱,玩弄: to be sexually promiscuous with; to dally with. 5. 敗壞;破壞: to ruin; to corrupt; to undermine. 6. 違反: to violate. 7. 混淆: to confuse. 8. 为丧事奔忙: to be busy rushing about for funeral matters. 9. 煩亂: to be annoyed; vexed. 10. 橫渡: to ferry across. 11. 昏亂;迷亂: to lose consciousness. 【形】 1. 混亂;無秩序: disorderly; in confusion; confused. 2. 混雜,雜: mixed. 【副】 1. 隨意,隨便;任意: arbitrarily. 2. 很,非常: very. 【名】 1. 叛亂;動亂;不安定: an armed rebellion; unrest. 2. 淫亂的事,男女胡亂的性交: promiscuity. 3. 危害;禍亂: calamity. 4. 樂章的尾聲叫做亂: the coda of a movement; in literary works, the words summarizing the main ideas at the end of the text are also called 亂.

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Pinyin luan4
Four Corner
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