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Animated Stroke Order of

Learn to write the Chinese character "" by watching the stroke order animation of "".

卵 stroke order animation

Stroke by Stroke: Writing Order

Master the Chinese character '' stroke by stroke with visual step-by-step instructions.

卵 step-by-step stroke order diagrams

Follow the Calligraphy Master: Writing '' Step-by-Step

Learn the proper way to write the Chinese character '' through a video tutorial with a calligraphy teacher. Follow the Calligraphy Master's Step-by-Step Guide to Write the Chinese Character ''. You can download the printable handwriting worksheets below and practice writing together with pen and paper.

Free Printable Handwriting Practice Worksheets

Printable Writing Practice Worksheet of ""
Printable Handwriting Practice Worksheet of the Chinese character 卵
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Printable Stroke Order Practice Worksheet of ""
Printable Stroke Order Practice Worksheet of the Chinese character 卵
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Meaning of

Pinyin luǎn
卵 [luǎn] 名词 1. 动植物的雌性生殖细胞。 ([En.] The female reproductive cell of animals and plants.) 2. 特指动物的蛋。 ([En.] Specifically refers to animal eggs.) 3. 昆虫学上特指受精卵,是动物发育的第一阶段。 ([En.] In entomology, it specifically refers to fertilized eggs, which is the first stage of animal development.) 4. 男子睾丸的俗称。 ([En.] Common term for male testicles.) 形容词 1. 大。 ([En.] Great.) 2. 青白色,俗称“蛋青”。 ([En.] Light greenish-white, commonly known as "egg white".) 例子: - 卵袋(指长圆形口上有绳可结扎的钱袋) ([En.] Egg pouch, refers to a money pouch with a long round opening that can be tied.) - 卵清(蛋白) ([En.] Egg white.) - 卵用鸡(以产蛋为主要目的而饲养的鸡种) ([En.] Laying hens, chicken breeds raised primarily for egg production.) 引文: 1. 《说文》:卵,凡物无乳者卵生。 ([En.] "Shuowen": Eggs are laid by all creatures that do not have milk.) 2. 《国语·鲁语》:鸟翼鷇卵。注:“未孚曰卵。” ([En.] "Guoyu Lu": Bird wings hatch eggs. Note: "Unborn is called an egg.") 3. 《史记·龟策传》:梁卵焍黄。索隐:“鸡子也。” ([En.] "Records of the Grand Historian": "Yang eggs are colored yellow." Note: "It refers to chicken eggs.") 4. 《礼记·内则》:濡鱼卵酱。 ([En.] "Liji": Wet fish roe sauce.) 5. 《论衡》:卵壳孕而雌雄生。 ([En.] "Lunheng": The eggshell carries life, producing both male and female.) 6. 《荀子·劝学》:风至苕折,卵破子死。 ([En.] "Xunzi": When the wind strikes, the eggs break and the young die.)
luǎn cháo
shòu jīng luǎn
fertilized ovum
luǎn xíng
oval / egg-shaped (leaves in botany)
shū luǎn guǎn
Fallopian tube / oviduct
luǎn zi
testicles / penis
chóng luǎn
egg / ovum
luǎn shēng
oviparity / ovipary
luǎn shí
cobble / pebble
pái luǎn
to ovulate
é luǎn shí
pebble / cobblestone
luǎn xì bāo
oocyte / ootid / egg cell
fū luǎn
to hatch / to brood
luǎn huáng
egg yolk
luǎn pào
luǎn cháo ái
oophoroma / ovarian cancer / carcinoma of ovary
dào luǎn xíng
luǎn ké
egg-shell / egg shell / ovi testa
luǎn lín zhī
lecithin (phospholipid found in egg yolk)
yú luǎn
fish egg / roe / spawn / fish roe / fish spawn
chǎn luǎn
to lay eggs
cán luǎn
graine / silkworm egg

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Input Method for
Pinyin luan3
Four Corner
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