Learn to write the Chinese character "霍" by watching the stroke order animation of "霍".
Stroke by Stroke: 霍 Writing Order
Master the Chinese character '霍' stroke by stroke with visual step-by-step instructions.
Follow the Calligraphy Master: Writing '霍' Step-by-Step
Learn the proper way to write the Chinese character '霍' through a video tutorial with a
calligraphy teacher. Follow the Calligraphy Master's Step-by-Step Guide to Write the
Chinese Character '霍'. You can download the printable handwriting worksheets below and
practice writing together with pen and paper.
1. 快,迅速: quickly, rapid.
Example: ~闪 (闪电). Quickly flashing (lightning). ~地. Quickly. ~然. Suddenly.
2. 〔~~〕
a. 形容摩擦声、鸟翅振动声、笑声等;
a. Describes sounds of friction, bird wings flapping, laughter, etc.
b. 形容快速闪动.
b. Describes rapid flickering or motion.
3. 姓: surname.
1. 引申为疾速: extended meaning is quickness (quickly).
2. 大山围绕着小山之称: refers to a hill surrounding a mountain.
1. 霍乱,即中医上泛指具有剧烈吐泻、腹痛等症的急性胃肠病: cholera, in traditional Chinese medicine referring to acute gastroenteritis characterized by severe vomiting and diarrhea, abdominal pain, etc.
Example: 仲氏又发霍,洞下忽焉甚. (Zhong's disease is also cholera, sudden in the cave below.) — Poetry by Mei Yaochen.
2. 山名: name of a mountain. (Huo mountain).
3. 在河南省临汝县西南30公里: located 30 kilometers southwest of Linru County, Henan Province.
4. 在安徽省霍山县: located in Huo County, Anhui Province.
5. 即衡山,在湖南省衡山县西: refers to Heng Mountain, west of Hengshan County, Hunan Province.
6. 古国名: name of an ancient country (Huo state). The territory of the younger brother of King Wu of Zhou, the ruins of the old city are southwest of today's Huo County, Shanxi Province.
7. 通“藿”. 豆叶,嫩时可食: homophones with "藿". Bean leaf, edible when tender.
8. 姓: surname.
消除;消散: eliminate; dispel; dissipate.
Example: 霍索 (排遣) - to eliminate or dispel.
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