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霸 stroke order animation

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霸 step-by-step stroke order diagrams

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Printable Handwriting Practice Worksheet of the Chinese character 霸
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Printable Stroke Order Practice Worksheet of the Chinese character 霸
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Meaning of

feudal chief / rule by force / tyrant / lord / master / hegemon / usurp
霸 [bà] 1. An individual or group that oppresses others using power or military might. 说明:依杖权势或武力欺压他人的人或集团:霸王。称霸。恶霸。 2. To follow strong policies or implement forceful occupation. 说明:奉行强力政策,或实行强力占有:霸占。霸权。霸道。霸略。 3. In ancient times, it referred to the leader of the feudal lords. 说明:古代称诸侯的盟主:霸主(①中国春秋时势力最大并取得首领地位的诸侯;②在某一领域或地区称霸的人或集团)。霸业。春秋五霸。 霸 [bà] (noun) - Original meaning: The moonlight seen at the beginning of each lunar month, also written as "魄". - In ancient times, it indicated the leader of feudal princes. 1. A borrowed term for 伯 (patriarch). Referring to the leader of the alliance of feudal lords. 说明:假借为伯。指古代诸侯联盟的盟主 ([En.] chief of feudal princes) 引: 1. "霸者,伯也,行方伯之职。" (Baihu Tong) 2. "管仲以其君霸。" (Mengzi, Gongsun Chou I) 3. "霸者,长也。言为诸侯之长。" (Mengzi, Lilu, Dingyin) 4. "五霸不同法而霸。" (Shangjun Shu) 例: 如:春秋五霸; 霸王请客; 强留(歇后语) 2. Refers to an overlord who relies on power or strength to dominate. 说明:依仗权势或实力横行一方的人 ([En.] overlord; tyrant; bully; despot) 引: 1. "薛家系金陵一霸。" (Cao Xueqin, Honglou Meng) 例: 如:渔霸; 恶霸 霸 [bà] (verb) 1. To dominate or tyrannize. 说明:称霸 ([En.] dominate; tyrannize) 引: 1. "共工氏之霸九州也。" (Liji, Jifa) 2. "遂霸有天下。" (Shiji, Xiang Yu Benji) 例: 如:各霸一方; 独霸天下; 霸道(指行事蛮不讲理) 2. To seize by force. 说明:霸占 ([En.] seize by force) 引: 1. "硬把桦林山这座天生天化的东西霸成他自己的家产。" (Lüliang Yingxiong Zhuan) 3. To surpass (in talent, skills, etc.). 说明:([En.] 文采、才能等) 过人 ([En.] surpass) 引: 1. "主佐合德,文采必霸。" (Wenxin Diaolong) - (Note: Extracted from traditional dictionary definitions) 名 1. The moonlight or moon seen at the beginning of each lunar month. 说明:农历每月月初始见的月光或月亮。《说文解字·月部》:“霸,月始生魄然也,承大月二日,承小月三日。”《汉书·卷二一·律历志下》:“惟四月哉生霸。”
Bà wáng Bié Jī
The Conqueror Bids Farewell to His Favorite Concubine (tragic opera by Mei Lanfang 梅蘭芳|梅兰芳[Mei2 Lan2 fang1]) / Farewell My Concubine (1993 film by Chen Kaige)
bà zhàn
to occupy by force / to seize / to dominate
bà quán
hegemony / supremacy
bà wáng
hegemon / overlord / despot
bà zhǔ
a powerful chief of the princes of the Spring and Autumn Period (770-476 BC) / overlord / hegemon
bà dào
the Way of the Hegemon / abbr. for 霸王之道 / despotic rule / rule by might / evil as opposed to the Way of the King 王道 / overbearing / tyranny / (of liquor, medicine etc) strong / potent
bà quán zhǔ yì
chēng bà
lit. to proclaim oneself hegemon / to take a leading role / to build a personal fiefdom
è bà
evil tyrant
zhēng bà
to contend for hegemony / a power struggle
dú bà
to dominate (a market etc) / to monopolize
bà yè
the task of establishing and maintaining hegemony
bà qì
imperious / aggressive / assertive / dictatorial manner / boldness / CL:股[gu3]
Bà zhōu
Bazhou county level city in Langfang 廊坊[Lang2 fang2], Hebei
héng xíng bà dào
to oppress / to rule as a despot / to tyrannize
fǎn bà
oppose local despots / oppose hegemonism / anti-hegemonism / anti-hegemony
chēng wáng chēng bà
lord / queen it over
qī háng bà shì
dominate the market
bà wáng lóng
Tyrannosaurus rex
è bà dì zhǔ
despotic landlord

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Pinyin ba4
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