Learn to write the Chinese character "禄" by watching the stroke order animation of "禄".
Stroke by Stroke: 禄 Writing Order
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禄 [lù]
1. 古代官吏的俸给:historical salary of officials.
例:~米; ~位(借指官职); ~蠹(指追求官禄的人); ~食; 俸~; 无功受~.
2. 福:blessing.
3. 姓:a surname.
【本义】:福气、福运:original meaning: happiness, fortune.
【造字法】:形声。从示,录声:character formation: phonetic and semantic; composed of "示" and "录".
同本义(En. happiness)
《说文》:禄,福也。: "Records state that 禄 means happiness."
《诗·小雅·瞻彼洛矣》:福禄如茨。: "Blessings and fortune are abundant."
《仪礼·少牢馈食礼》:使女受禄如天。: "The maidservants receive their blessings as heaven provides."
《国语·晋语》:又重之以寡君之不禄。: "Also emphasizes carefulness in receiving provisions for the lord."
《仪礼·曲礼》:短折不禄。: "A shortfall results in no blessings."
《诗·大雅·既醉》:其胤维何?天被尔禄。: "What can you expect from your descendants? Heaven endows you with blessings."
《左传·襄公十一年》:而后可以殿邦国,同福禄,来远人。: "Then you can stabilize the states and share blessings with distant guests."
《玉台新咏·古诗为焦仲卿妻作》:儿已薄禄相。: "The son has thin blessings."
如: 禄祚(福分和寿命); 禄命(古代宿命论者认为人生的盛衰、祸福、寿天、贵贱等均由天定); 禄相(有禄的相的样子); 禄气(食禄之气运).
官吏的俸给(En. salary)
杨恽《报孙会宗书》:恽幸有余禄。: "Yun is fortunate to have additional salary."
《红楼梦》:你就起个名字,叫作禄蠹。: "You can name it 'salary pest'."
如: 高官厚禄; 爵禄(爵位和俸禄); 薄禄(薪水); 禄蠹(领取官俸的蛀虫); 禄仕(为食俸禄而居官); 禄糈(古代官吏的俸给).
禄位(En. salary and position)。
如: 禄利(爵禄之利); 禄饵(以禄位为诱饵); 禄荫(凭借先人余荫而取得的禄位).
赏赐物(En. reward)。
如: 禄料(料钱).
通“录”。册籍(En. record)
《周礼·天官下·职币》:皆辨其物而奠其禄。: "We distinguish their properties and establish their blessings."
1. 给予俸禄(En. give salary)
《荀子》:故,上贤,禄天下; 次贤,禄一国; 下贤,禄田邑。: "The wise receive provisions from the world; the moderately wise from a nation; the less wise from fields and towns."
如: 禄绝(死的讳辞); 禄亲(禄养); 禄使(给俸禄供使用); 禄勋(给予有功者以俸禄).
2. 通“录”。总领(En. lead; head)
《管子·大匡》:社稷不定,臣禄齐国之政。: "When the nation is unsettled, ministers oversee the politics of the country."
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