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Animated Stroke Order of

Learn to write the Chinese character "" by watching the stroke order animation of "".

良 stroke order animation

Stroke by Stroke: Writing Order

Master the Chinese character '' stroke by stroke with visual step-by-step instructions.

良 step-by-step stroke order diagrams

Follow the Calligraphy Master: Writing '' Step-by-Step

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Free Printable Handwriting Practice Worksheets

Printable Writing Practice Worksheet of ""
Printable Handwriting Practice Worksheet of the Chinese character 良
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Printable Stroke Order Practice Worksheet of ""
Printable Stroke Order Practice Worksheet of the Chinese character 良
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Meaning of

Pinyin liáng
good / very / very much
良 [liáng] 1. Good. - Example: 好 (good), 善良 (good-hearted), 良辰美景 (good time and beautiful scenery), 消化不良 (indigestion), 良莠不齐 (mixed quality). 2. Good person. - Example: 除暴安良 (eliminate violence and ensure peace). 3. Very. - Example: 良久 (for a long time), 获益良多 (benefit greatly), 用心良苦 (careful and painstaking). 4. Surname. - Example: 作为姓氏使用 (used as a surname). Definitions: 1. Same as the original meaning (En. good and honest; kindhearted). 2. Good; fine; nice (En. good; fine; nice). 3. Excellent (En. excellent). 4. Amiable; amicable; genial (En. amiable; amicable; genial). 5. Big; great (En. big; great). 6. Lucky (En. lucky). 7. Happy (En. happy). 8. Long; deep (En. long; deep). 9. Honest (En. honest). As an adverb: 1. Truly; very (En. truly; very). 2. Certainly (En. certainly). As a noun: 1. Head (En. head). 2. Boss; chief; chieftain (En. boss; chief; chieftain). 3. Law-abiding people (En. law-abiding people). 4. Grave (En. grave). As a verb: 1. Have a high opinion of; think highly of (En. have a high opinion of; think highly of). 2. Can (En. can). 3. Be good at (En. be good at).
shàn liáng
good and honest / kindhearted
liáng hǎo
good / favorable / well / fine
Nài liáng
Nara, an old capital of Japan
Nài liáng xiàn
Nara prefecture in central Japan
Xīn ào ěr liáng
New Orleans, Louisiana
bī liáng wéi chāng
to force an honest girl into prostitution (idiom) / to debauch
Mèng liáng gù
Mt Mengliang in Mengyin county 蒙陰縣|蒙阴县[Meng2 yin1 xian4], Linyi 臨沂|临沂[Lin2 yi2], Shandong
liáng xiāo
Good night
gǎi liáng
to improve (sth) / to reform (a system)
wēn liáng gōng jiǎn ràng
kindhearted and moderate (idiom); temperate and gentle
Liáng zhǔ
Liangzhu (c. 3400-2250 BC), neolithic culture of Changjiang delta
liáng zhǔ wén huà yí zhǐ
Liangzhu Cultural Site
yōu liáng
fine / good / first-rate
liáng xìng zhǒng liú
benign tumor
liáng cè
good plan / good idea
liáng jiǔ
a good while / a long time
liáng yǒu bù qí
good and bad people intermingled
xián liáng
(of a man) able and virtuous
liáng xīn
bù liáng
bad / harmful / unhealthy
liáng yào
good medicine / panacea / fig. a good solution / a good remedy (e.g. to a social problem)
liáng jī
a good chance / a golden opportunity
liáng xìng
positive (in its effect) / leading to good consequences / virtuous / (medicine) benign (tumor etc)
jīng liáng
excellent / of superior quality
liáng zhī
innate sense of right and wrong / conscience / bosom friend
liáng mín
good people / ordinary people (i.e. not the lowest class)
liáng jiàng
Good general
liáng tián
good agricultural land / fertile land
liáng zhǒng
improved type / good breed / pedigree
gǎi liáng zhǔ yì
reformism (i.e. favoring gradual change as opposed to revolution)
liáng jiā
good family / innocent people
liáng yǒu
Good and bad
liáng chén
auspicious day / propitious time
liáng chén měi jǐng
fine time, beautiful scenery (idiom); everything lovely
xùn liáng
docile / tame

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Input Method for
Pinyin liang2
Four Corner
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