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Animated Stroke Order of

Learn to write the Chinese character "" by watching the stroke order animation of "".

收 stroke order animation

Stroke by Stroke: Writing Order

Master the Chinese character '' stroke by stroke with visual step-by-step instructions.

收 step-by-step stroke order diagrams

Follow the Calligraphy Master: Writing '' Step-by-Step

Learn the proper way to write the Chinese character '' through a video tutorial with a calligraphy teacher. Follow the Calligraphy Master's Step-by-Step Guide to Write the Chinese Character ''. You can download the printable handwriting worksheets below and practice writing together with pen and paper.

Free Printable Handwriting Practice Worksheets

Printable Writing Practice Worksheet of ""
Printable Handwriting Practice Worksheet of the Chinese character 收
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Printable Stroke Order Practice Worksheet of ""
Printable Stroke Order Practice Worksheet of the Chinese character 收
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Meaning of

Pinyin shōu
to receive / to accept / to collect / in care of (used on address line after name)
收 shōu 动 1. 接到,接受: 例如 收发,收信,收支,收讫,收益。 (Receive, accept: e.g. receive messages, receive letters, account balance, receive completion, earn profit.) 2. 藏或放置妥当: 这是重要东西,要收好了。 (Store or place properly: This is an important item, it needs to be properly stored.) 3. 割断成熟的农作物: 收割,成熟,麦收。 (Cutting off mature crops: harvest, mature, wheat harvest.) 4. 招回: 收兵,收港。 (Call back: recall troops, return to port.) 5. 聚,合拢: 收容,收理,收集。 (Gather, collect: receive, organize, collect.) 6. 结束: 收尾,收煞,收盘。 (Conclude: finishing touches, end of a performance, close transactions.) 7. 逮捕,拘押: 收捕,收监,收押,收审。 (Arrest, detain: arrest, custody, detention, interrogation.) 8. 约束,控制(感情或行动): 收束,收心,收伏(亦作“收服”)。 (Restraining, controlling (emotions or actions): restrain, concentrate, subdue (also written as "subjugate").) 名 1. 收获; 收成: 例如 丰收,欠收,颗粒无收。 (Harvest; crop: e.g. bumper harvest, disappointing harvest, no yield.) 2. 收藏品: 例如 燕、赵之收藏。 (Collections: e.g. collections of Yan and Zhao.) 3. 收入: 例如 收支。 (Income: e.g. income and expenditure.) 4. 车箱底部四面的横木,即车轸。 (A log at the bottom of a car box on four sides, i.e., axle.) 5. 夏代冠名。 (Name of a crown from the Xia dynasty.)
shōu qǔ
to receive / to collect
shōu huí
to regain / to retake / to take back / to withdraw / to revoke
rén jūn shōu rù
per capita income / average per capita income
zēng shōu
increment / increase income
shōu fù
to recover (lost territory etc) / to recapture
shōu shī
bury the dead
shōu wěi
to wind up / to bring to an end / to finish
shōu lù
to include (in a collection) / to put together (stories, poems etc) / to record / to employ / to recruit
zhēng shōu
to levy (a fine) / to impose (a tariff)
shōu gē
to harvest / to reap / to gather in crops
shōu gē jī
harvester / harvesting implements
xī shōu
to absorb / to assimilate / to ingest / to recruit
zhēng shōu
to levy (a fine) / to impose (a tariff)
shōu xī
shōu shi
to put in order / to tidy up / to pack / to repair / (coll.) to sort sb out / to fix sb
chāo shōu
jù shōu
to reject / to refuse to accept
zhāo shōu
to hire / to recruit
shōu lǒng
to draw to oneself / to gather up / to collect / to fold up (an umbrella, wings etc) / to assemble (a party of persons) / to rope in (some people)
bù kě shōu shí
irremediable / unmanageable / out of hand / hopeless
yī fà ér bù kě shōu shí
shōu liǎn
to dwindle / to vanish / to make vanish / to exercise restraint / to curb (one's mirth, arrogance etc) / to astringe / (math.) to converge
shōu jù
receipt / CL:張|张[zhang1]
jiē shōu
reception (of transmitted signal) / to receive / to accept / to admit / to take over (e.g. a factory) / to expropriate
shōu lǎn
to win the support of / to get over to one's side / to keep control of
shōu duì
shōu rù
to take in / income / revenue / CL:筆|笔[bi3],個|个[ge4]
chún shōu rù
net income / net receipt
jiān shōu
shōu tān
Close up
chè shōu
shōu zhī
cash flow / financial balance / income and expenditure
shōu dào
to receive
shōu gòu
to purchase (from various places) / to acquire (a company)
shōu fèi
to charge a fee
shōu yì
earnings / profit
shōu jí
to gather / to collect
shōu cáng
to hoard / to collect / collection / to bookmark (Internet)
shuì shōu
shōu huò
to harvest / to reap / to gain / crop / harvest / profit / gain / bonus / reward
mò shōu
to confiscate / to seize
shōu suō
to pull back / to shrink / to contract / (physiology) systole
cuī shōu
qiàn shōu
crop failure / poor harvest
shōu liàn
lay a body in a coffin
hàn lào bǎo shōu
to provide a stable crop, regardless of drought or flood / to bring a stable income
shōu xiào shén wēi
produce very little effect / bring little effect
shōu yì lǜ
earnings rate / earnings yield (finance)
shōu pán
market close
Qiū shōu Qǐ yì
Autumn Harvest Uprising (1927), insurrection in Hunan and Jiangxi provinces led by Mao Zedong
shōu mǎi
to purchase / to bribe
shōu jiāng
shōu jiǎo
to recover (illegally obtained property) / to seize / to capture / to force sb to hand over sth / to levy
fēng shōu
bumper harvest
jiān shōu bìng xù
incorporating diverse things (idiom) / eclectic / all-embracing
jiān shōu bìng xù
shōu cáng jiā
a collector (e.g. of artworks)
shōu zhī píng héng
balance of payments / make both ends meet
shōu qì
received in full (goods, payment)
xī shōu guāng pǔ
absorption spectrum / absorption spectra
shōu zhù
shōu yīn jī
radio / CL:臺|台[tai2]
yàn shōu
to inspect and accept / acceptance

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Input Method for
Pinyin shou1
Four Corner
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