Learn to write the Chinese character "敘" by watching the stroke order animation of "敘".
Stroke by Stroke: 敘 Writing Order
Master the Chinese character '敘' stroke by stroke with visual step-by-step instructions.
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敘 xù
1. 同“ 敍 ”。(With the same meaning as "敍".)
敘 xù
名 (Noun)
【本义】: 秩序,次序 (Original meaning: order, sequence)
【造字法】: 形聲。从攴( pū),余聲 (Character formation: phonetic component, sound from 攴 (pū))
1. 同本義 (強調一個挨一個的序列) ([En.] order)
2. 同「序」。書籍的序言(早期寫作「敘」,後多寫作「序」) ([En.] preface).
- 【引】
1. 《說文》:敘,次弟也。經傳亦以序爲之。 (In "Shuowen", it states: 敘 means sequence.)
2. 《虞書》:百揆時敘。 (In "Yu Shu": The arrangement of the hundred officials.)
3. 《周禮·宮伯》:行其秩敘。 (In "Zhou Li": Conduct in order.)
4. 《周禮·天官》:以官府之六敘正羣吏。 (In "Zhou Li": Correcting officials based on rank.)
5. 《淮南子·本經訓》:四時不失其敘。 (In "Huainanzi": The four seasons do not lose their order.)
- 【例】
- 敘齒 (Order of age); 敘齒而坐 (Sit according to age order).
敘 xù
動 (Verb)
1. 依次序排列 ([En.] order)
- 【引】
1. 《書·皋陶謨》:惇敘九族。 (In "Shu": To warmly arrange the nine clans.)
2. 《周禮·司書》:以敘其財。(In "Zhou Li": To arrange his wealth.)
2. 敘述,述說 ([En.] tell; narrate)
- 【引】
1. 《國語·晉語》:紀言以敘之。 (In "Guoyu": To record words to narrate.)
2. 唐·白居易《琵琶行(並序)》:自敘少小時歡樂事。 (In "Pipa Xing": To recount childhood joys.)
3. 《世說新語·尤悔》:王乃具敘宣王創業之始。 (In "Shishuo Xinyu": Wang detailed the beginnings of Xuanzhuang's reign.)
4. 王羲之《蘭亭集序》:暢敘幽情。 (In "Lantingji Xu": To express quiet feelings.)
- 【例】
- 自敘; 追敘; 倒敘; 插敘; 鋪敘; 補敘; 敘事; 敘心 (Self-narrate; retrospective narration; intrusions in narration).
3. 談話 ([En.] talk)
- 【引】
1. 《紅樓夢》:大家散了,王夫人姊妹不免又敘了半夜的話兒。 (In "Dream of the Red Chamber": The ladies spoke late into the night.)
- 【例】
- 敘意 (Expressing sentiments); 敘覯 (Meeting and discussing); 敘會 (Meeting and talk).
4. 記述,著述 ([En.] narrate)
- 【引】
1. 《舊唐書·柳宗元傳》:寫情敘事。 (In "Old Book of Tang": Writing emotions and narratives.)
2. 唐·李朝威《柳毅傳》:幸君子書敘之外。 (In "Liu Yi Chuan": Fortunately, the gentleman wrote narratives beyond.)
5. 評定等級、次第,按功提升 ([En.] assess)
- 【引】
1. 《儒林外史》:閻王敘功,從地獄裏把你提上第十七層來。 (In "The Scholars": The King of Hell assesses merits and raises you to the seventeenth level.)
- 【例】
- 敘用 (Categorizing ranks for official appointments).
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