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Learn to write the Chinese character "" by watching the stroke order animation of "".

敌 stroke order animation

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敌 step-by-step stroke order diagrams

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Printable Writing Practice Worksheet of ""
Printable Handwriting Practice Worksheet of the Chinese character 敌
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Printable Stroke Order Practice Worksheet of ""
Printable Stroke Order Practice Worksheet of the Chinese character 敌
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Meaning of

enemy / match
敌: dí 1. 有利害冲突不能相容的。 (Conflicting interests that cannot coexist.) 2. 指敌人。 (Refers to the enemy.) 3. 抵挡。 (To resist.) 4. 相当。 (To be equivalent.) 5. 仇视。 (To harbor animosity.) ——— 敌: dí 1. 有利害冲突不能相容的:~人。~方。~寇。 (Conflicting interests that cannot coexist: enemy; opposing party; enemy bandit.) 2. 指敌人:~后。~情。~酋。~特。轻~。克~制胜。 (Refers to the enemy: enemy rear; enemy situation; enemy leader; enemy agent; light enemy; overcoming the enemy to achieve victory.) 3. 抵挡:寡不~众。 (To resist: the few cannot withstand the many.) 4. 相当:势均力~。匹~。~手(能力相等的对手)。 (To be equivalent: equally matched forces; match; adversary (opponents of equal ability).) 5. 仇视:~意。“诸侯~王所忾”。 (To harbor animosity: enemy intent. "The vassals resent the king.") ——— 敌: dí <动> 【本义】: 匹敌;对等 (Base meaning: to match; to be equal.) 【造字法】: 形声。从攴( pū),啇( dí )声。 (Construction: phonetic/ideographic, consisting of the components for 'to strike' and 'to fight'.) 1. 同本义 ([En.] match) 2. 抵抗;抵挡 ([En.] fight; resist; withstand) 3. 攻击 ([En.] attack) ——— 敌: dí <名> 1. 仇敌;敌人 ([En.] enemy) ——— 敌: dí <动> 【本义】: 匹敌;对等 (Base meaning: to match; to be equal.) 1. 同本义 ([En.] match) 【引】 1 《说文》:敌,仇也。 (From "Shuowen Jiezi": enemy, bitter rival.) 2 《尔雅》:敌,匹也。 (From "Erya": to match.) 3 《战国策·秦策》:四国之兵敌。 注:“强弱等也。” (From "Strategies of the Warring States - Qin Strategies": The armies of the four states are matched. Note: "Strong and weak are equal.") 4 《国语·楚语》:且夫自敌以下。 (From "Guoyu - Chuyuyu": and those below the enemy.) 5 《国语·周语》:敌国宾至。 (From "Guoyu - Zhouyu": The enemy state receives guests.) 6 《孙子·谋攻》:敌则能战之。 (From "The Art of War - On Planning Attacks": The enemy can be attacked.) 【例】 又如:试看天下谁能敌;敌体(彼此地位相等,不分上下);敌礼(平等的礼节);匹敌(谓才艺相当);势均力敌 (Examples: "Let’s see who in the world can match"; "match in status (equal standing)"; "equality in etiquette (equal respect)"; "to be on par (to have similar talents)"; "to be evenly matched.") 2. 抵抗;抵挡 ([En.] fight; resist; withstand) 【引】 1 《三国演义》:(司马懿)乃 魏之名将,恐汝不能敌之。 (From "Romance of the Three Kingdoms": (Sima Yi) is a famous general of Wei, fearful that you cannot match him.) 【例】 又如:敌不住;寡不敌众 (Examples: "cannot withstand the foe"; "the few cannot withstand the many.") 3. 攻击 ([En.] attack) 【引】 1 《聊斋志异·狼三则》:屠大窘,恐前后受其敌。 (From "Strange Stories from a Chinese Studio: The Wolf": The butcher was caught in a bind, fearing he would be attacked from front and back.) ——— 敌: dí <名> 1. 仇敌;敌人 ([En.] enemy) 【引】 1 汉· 贾谊《过秦论》:秦人开关延敌。 (From "On the Fall of the Qin": The Qin opened its gates and invited the enemy.) 【例】 又如:政敌;天敌;敌不可假(不可宽容敌人);敌垒(敌人的营垒);敌特;敌探 (Examples: "political enemy"; "natural enemy"; "the enemy cannot be lenient"; "enemy fortress"; "enemy agent"; "enemy scout.")
shì jūn lì dí
evenly matched (idiom)
pǐ dí
to be equal to / to be well-matched / rival
dí kòu
guǎ bù dí zhòng
the few are no match for the many / heavily outnumbered / facing impossible odds (idiom)
dí zhòng wǒ guǎ
multitude of enemies, few friends (idiom from Mencius) / heavily outnumbered / beaten by the weight of numbers
jìng dí
formidable opponent
dí kài tóng chóu
fight against the common enemy / fight with a common hatred for the enemy / treat sb. as a public enemy / wreak vengeance upon the same enemy
dí wǒ
the enemy and us
kàng dí
to resist the enemy
qín dí
Capture the enemy
dí jūn
enemy troops / hostile forces / CL:股[gu3]
dí hòu
enemy's rear area
dí shǒu
opponent / substantial adversary / worthy match / antagonist / in the enemy's hands
jiān dí
Wipe out the enemy
dí fāng
duì dí
to confront / to face the enemy
dí duì
hostile / enemy (factions) / combative
dí jī
enemy plane
wú dí
unequalled / without rival / a paragon
qiáng dí
powerful enemy
dí guó
enemy country
dí yì
enmity / hostility
qīng dí
to underestimate the enemy
shā dí
to attack the enemy
dí shì
hostile / malevolence / antagonism / to view as enemy / to stand against
dí wěi
the enemy and the puppet regime
dí dí wèi
dichlorvos C4H7Cl2PO4, organic phosphate used as insecticide (loanword) / also called dimethyl dichloro-vinyl phosphate DDVP
dí wǒ máo dùn
contradictions between ourselves and the enemy / Either you are for us or against us.
dí rén
enemy / CL:個|个[ge4]
chóu dí
tóng chóu dí kài
anger against a common enemy (idiom); joined in opposition to the same adversary
dí jiàn
enemy warship
yòu dí
lure the enemy / draw the enemy into an ambush / trap the enemy / diversion
yòu dí shēn rù
lure the enemy in deep
dí qiú
Enemy chief
wán dí
stubborn enemy / inveterate foe

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Pinyin di2
Four Corner
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