Learn to write the Chinese character "救" by watching the stroke order animation of "救".
Stroke by Stroke: 救 Writing Order
Master the Chinese character '救' stroke by stroke with visual step-by-step instructions.
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1. To provide help to escape danger or relieve difficulties.
Examples: 救济 (help), 救命 (save a life), 救护 (rescue), 救国 (save the nation), 救难 (provide relief), 救灾 (disaster relief), 救药 (medicinal rescue), 救正 (remedy and correct), 救死扶伤 (rescue the dying and heal the wounded), 救困扶危 (help those in distress and support those in danger).
2. To terminate.
Example: 濯以救热 (end the heat).
本义: Stop; prohibit; hinder.
造字法: Phonetic-ideographic, composed of the radical 攴 (pū), meaning to lightly tap for sound.
【造字法】:形声。从攴( pū),轻轻敲击,求声。
同本义 (prohibit; hinder).
1. 《说文》:救,止也。
2. 救,犹禁也。以礼防禁人之过者也。——《周礼·司救》注
3. 《周礼·大司徒》:使之相救。注:“救,救凶灾也。”
4. 《孟子·离娄下》:今有同室之人斗者,救之,虽被发缨冠而救之可也。
Examples: 救止 (to stop; to correct), 救祸 (to eliminate disasters), 救灭 (to extinguish), 救熄 (also written as 救息, to extinguish), 救扑 (to extinguish).
2. To rescue others.
援救别人 (rescue; bring off; save).
1. 《广雅》:救,助也。
2. 《礼记·檀弓》:扶服救之。
3. 《孔子闲居》:匍匐救之。
4. 明·刘基《卖柑者言》:民困而不知救。
5. 清·梁启超《谭嗣同传》:设法筹救。
6. 救我圣主。
7. 足下欲救。
Examples: 解救 (to help escape danger or difficulties), 救穷 (to relieve poverty), 救度 (to rescue from suffering, often referring to transcending misery, typically in a spiritual context), 救落 (to assist; to plead on behalf).
3. To treat.
治疗 (treat).
1. 《吕氏春秋·劝学》:是救病而饮之以堇也。
Examples: 急救 (emergency treatment), 救药 (medical aid; can also mean to remedy or salvage), 救病 (to treat illness), 救疾 (to heal patients), 救疗 (to treat; to cure).
4. To correct.
纠正 (correct).
1. 《礼记》:知其心,然后能救其失。
Examples: 救正 (to correct), 救弊 (to rectify and eliminate harm), 救奢 (to correct extravagance), 救过 (to rectify mistakes).
5. To seek help from others.
求助于人 (ask someone to come to the rescue).
1. 《战国策·赵策》:求救于齐。
2. 《史记·魏公子列传》:请救于魏。
3. 《资治通鉴》:奉命求救。
4. 《虞初新志·秋声诗自序》:百千求救声。
6. "捄".
另见 jū (see also jū).
earthquake relief work / combat the quake and carry out relief work / carry out (one's) antiquake struggle and relief work / combat the earthquake and do relief work
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