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Printable Handwriting Practice Worksheet of the Chinese character 舅
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Printable Stroke Order Practice Worksheet of the Chinese character 舅
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Meaning of

Pinyin jiù
maternal uncle
舅 [jiù] 名 1. 母亲的弟兄。 [En.] Mother's brother. 2. 妻的弟兄。 [En.] Wife's brother. 3. 古代称丈夫的父亲。 [En.] Ancient term for husband's father. 4. 古代帝王称异姓大邦诸侯为“伯舅”,异姓小邦诸侯为“叔舅”。诸侯亦称异姓大夫为“舅”。 [En.] In ancient times, emperors referred to the lords of large states with different surnames as "Uncle Bo" (伯舅), and lords of smaller states as "Uncle Shu" (叔舅). Dukes also referred to the ministers with different surnames as "Uncle". 引: 1. 《说文》:母之兄、弟。妻之父为外舅,从男,臼声。凡异姓之称,不得称父,则舅之。 [Reference] "Shuowen": Mother's brother, younger brother. Father-in-law is called external uncle. When called by a different surname, one cannot call father, hence uncle. 2. 《诗·大雅·崧高》:王之元舅。 [Reference] "Book of Songs": The king's maternal uncle. 3. 宋· 王安石《伤仲永》:于舅家见。 [Reference] Song Dynasty, Wang Anshi's "Sadness for Chong Yong": Seen at the uncle's house. 4. 复到舅家。 [Reference] Return to the uncle's house. 例: 又如:舅氏(对舅的尊称);舅公(父亲的舅父);舅弟(舅父的儿子,年纪小于自己的。即表弟);舅兄(舅父之子年长于己者)。 [Example] E.g., Uncle clan name (respectful term for uncle); Uncle Gong (father's uncle); Uncle's son (younger cousin); Uncle's son (older cousin). 3. 古代称丈夫的父亲。 [En.] Ancient term for husband's father. 引: 1. 朱骏声《说文通训定声》:舅在则君舅,舅没则曰先舅。 [Reference] Zhu Junsheng's "Shuowen Tongxun": When the uncle is alive, he is referred to as lord uncle; when deceased, it is called prior uncle. 2. 《礼记·檀弓》:吾舅死于虎。 [Reference] "Book of Rites": My uncle died from a tiger. 例: 又如:舅姑(公婆)。 [Example] E.g., Uncle and aunt (in-laws). 4. 称妻之父。 [En.] Father's wife. 引: 1. 《礼记·坊记》:婿亲迎,见于舅姑。 [Reference] "Book of Rites": The groom arrives and greets the in-laws. 5. 古时天子称异姓大邦诸侯为伯舅,异姓小邦诸侯为叔舅。又诸侯称异姓大夫为舅。 [En.] In ancient times, the emperor referred to the lords of large states with different surnames as "Uncle Bo", and small states as "Uncle Shu". Dukes also referred to ministers from different surnames as "uncle". 引: 1. 《仪礼·觐礼》:小邦则曰叔舅。 [Reference] "Book of Rites": For small states, referred to as Uncle Shu. 2. 《左传·僖公九年》:使孔赐伯舅胙。 [Reference] "Zuo Zhuan": Sending a gift to the lord uncle by Kong Ci.
jiù mā
(coll.) aunt / maternal uncle's wife
niáng jiù
uncle / brother of one's mother
jiù yé
father's maternal uncle / granduncle
jiù jiu
mother's brother / maternal uncle (informal) / CL:個|个[ge4]
dà jiù
elder uncle
jiù mǔ
wife of mother's brother / aunt / maternal uncle's wife
jiù fù
mother's brother / maternal uncle
xiǎo jiù zi
(coll.) wife's younger brother
guó jiù
the prince's maternal uncle
dà jiù zi
(coll.) wife's older brother
qī jiù
wife's brother
gū jiù
lǎo jiù
Old uncle
jiù zi
wife's brother / brother-in-law
biǎo jiù
xiǎo jiù
younger uncle
jiù gū

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Input Method for
Pinyin jiu4
Four Corner
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