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獸 stroke order animation

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獸 step-by-step stroke order diagrams

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Printable Writing Practice Worksheet of ""
Printable Handwriting Practice Worksheet of the Chinese character 獸
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Printable Stroke Order Practice Worksheet of ""
Printable Stroke Order Practice Worksheet of the Chinese character 獸
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Meaning of

Pinyin shòu
beast / quadruped
獸 shòu [名] 1. 通“狩”。打獵。 [En.] 通 “Hunt”. Hunting. 2. 四足哺乳動物,多指野獸。 [En.] Quadrupedal mammals, mostly referring to wild beasts. 3. 泛指鳥獸。 [En.] Generally refers to birds and beasts. 4. 臘,乾肉。 [En.] Dried meat. 5. 獸形的。 [En.] Beast-like. 6. 如野獸般的。比喻野蠻、下流。 [En.] Beastly. Metaphorically refers to barbaric or immoral behavior. 7. 獸炭的省稱。 [En.] Abbreviation for "beast coal". 8. 通“嘼(xù)”。牲畜,家畜。 [En.] 通 “xù”. Livestock, domesticated animals. 獸 shòu [形] 1. 比喻野蠻、殘忍。 [En.] Beastly; metaphorically refers to barbaric or cruel. 2. 獸形的。 [En.] Beast-like. 引 1. 《說文》:獸,守備者。 [En.] "Shuowen": A guard or defender. 2. 《爾雅·釋鳥》:四足而毛謂之獸。 [En.] "Erya": Four-footed and hairy creatures are called beasts. 3. 《釋獸釋文》:獸毛蟲總號。 [En.] "Shishi Shuwen": All fibers from beasts. 4. 獸,狐狼之屬。 [En.] A classification that includes foxes and wolves. 5. 《周禮·獸人》:大獸公之。 [En.] "Zhouli": Referring to the lord of great beasts. 6. 《詩·小雅·車攻》:搏獸於敖。 [En.] "Shijing": To fight with beasts. 7. 曹操《卻東西門行》:猛獸步高崗。 [En.] Cao Cao: "Fierce beasts tread on high mounds." 8. 《戰國策·齊策》:獸同足者而俱行。 [En.] "Strategies of the Warring States": Beasts with the same feet walk together. 9. 《淮南子·說山訓》:山有猛獸。 [En.] "Huainanzi": There are fierce beasts in the mountains. 10. 《史記·貨殖列傳序》:山深而獸往之。 [En.] "Shiji": Beasts go deep into the mountains. 例 如: 獸目(野獸的眼睛); 獸工(殷制天子六工之一。即治皮革的工匠); 獸人(居心險惡、有如禽獸之人); 獸駭(獸類受驚時狂奔亂竄); 獸吻(門環上的裝飾物; 虎口); 獸臣(古官名。掌管山澤、田獵之事); 獸頭大門(豪門顯貴、宮殿寺觀之正門上的門環,一般用銅製或鎏金的獸頭鋪首,故稱); 獸鋌(獸疾走) [En.] For example: Beast eye (eyes of wild beasts); Beast craftsman (one of the six artisans in the Yin dynasty, specifically tanners); Beast man (a person with sinister thoughts, similar to a beast); Beast fright (the frantic running of animals when scared); Beast mouth (the decorative part on door knockers; tiger mouth); Beast minister (an ancient title responsible for managing hunting and mountains); Beast head gateway (a decorative feature on the gates of noble homes or palaces, typically made of bronze or gilded animal heads); Beast run (the swift running of a beast). 獸 shòu [形] 1. 比喻野蠻、殘忍。 [En.] Beastly; metaphor refers to extreme barbarism or cruelty. 引 1. 《周禮·夏官·大司馬》:外內亂,鳥獸行,則滅之。 [En.] "Zhouli": If there are disturbances within and without, and birds and beasts roam, they are to be destroyed. 例 如: 獸心; 獸慾; 獸行(比喻極端野蠻殘忍、喪失人性的行為) [En.] For example: Beastly heart; Beastly desire; Beastly conduct (refers to extremely barbaric, cruel, and inhumane behavior). 2. 獸形的。 [En.] Beast-like. 例 如: 獸材(雕繪獸形的柱子); 獸面(獸形的面具); 獸侯(畫有獸形的射靶); 獸鎧(飾有獸首之形的鎧甲); 獸艦(船體雕飾獸形的戰艦); 獸爐(獸形的香爐) [En.] For example: Beast material (columns carved with beast shapes); Beast face (beast-shaped masks); Beast target (targets drawn with beast shapes); Beast armor (armor adorned with beast heads); Beast ship (warships decorated with beast shapes); Beast censer (censers in the shape of beasts).

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Pinyin shou4
Four Corner
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